Saturday, January 23, 2021

Still Lies Every Single Day!

I wake up today to MSNBC telling me the big difference between this Senate impeachment trial and the last one is that democrats have majority.

That is not the big difference. The big difference is the decrease in our population. 400,000 DEAD of us. Obviously not to them, the apparatus has a different focus.

The sober way to describe the first Senate trial, is there was no trial. A trial is a review of fact and law, and we did not get that, they excluded the facts. The Senators in the senate refused to look at the evidence. Schiff explicitly warned them that Trump could cause a tremendous amount of damage in the time he had left.

Schiff asked them:
'Is there one among you who will say, Enough!'?

The answer was "Yes" for some but "NO" for the majority of Senators. They took a gamble, and lost. I feel bad for them, they really hoped it would work out. Unfortunately for the Senators, it didn't work out for them. A half million of their constituents will be dead soon because Trump was able to throw this virus from day 1. I am sure they have suffered greater than we know.

They shook it off already so at least all the senators are ok now. It would be awful if the consequences of their lying and cheating and violating their oaths and denying us a review of fact and law, were to interfere with their nice lives. So, I am relieved there are no long term effects for these brave, gambling, risk taking senators. Just so glad they are ok now and not suffering at all.

We all know how difficult it is to impeach a president. It takes weeks and months of planning and preparation. It is not like you can just have one in days for any old reason. I mean there has to be a reason to have urgency. Like when the capitol building got invaded and not one legislator got hurt, well, now we gotta move mountains.

So l think we should give our legislators a break. After all they really lost on their gamble to ignore the law and facts and their oaths, that we can prove and charge them with.  But lets not, they really lost their gamble of our lives, and they lost bad.  Their illegal immoral gamble in the first senate trial cost them the lives of half a million Americans, it must be a weight on their minds every second.  For at least an hour or two, after all they shook it off already.  They could not even wait for all those who will covid die, to die before they shook it off..

Those poor senators, got it so wrong and paid such a nothing price. It's ok, we paid for them. With half a million of our lives we saw coming on the day they let him go the first time.

Schiff's powerful closing speech: 'Is there one among you who will say, Enough!'?
Guess not.

If it's 100 years from now, I am real sorry for how bloody it is then. Also, I am sorry for being part of the dumbest, stupidest, most brain dead people in history. We really fucked you over by not looking at what our government is doing AT us. I am so so so sorry. We suck.

For the record, we did not get a review of fact and law in the first trial. That was one way to stop him but instead it caused Trump to be able to roam free in the halls of our government. We saw death and damage coming, but they decided our lives were worth the risk and boy were they right. We do not give two fucks about our own lives.

We let them kill half a million of us, make tens of millions ill and transfer over $10 trillion dollars from us to them and we dont give two fucks. Nancy got a second term. 100,000 of us will die in her second that they killed in her first term. France can see us, we look like morons. In France once, the bees were dying, they marched and made government do something about bees. Yes fucking bee lives matter in France and our lives don't here. We dont give two fucks if they lie and cheat and kill us.

Denmark can hear our press ignore our dead and say "The big difference this time, is not the decrease in our population size, it's that democrats have the majority" How do the rest of you see this? I do not get it. This is one of many straight lines where our government could have saved us and protected us and they chose not to. It was a choice.

Not one mountain moved one centimeter, until their stupid building got invaded and not one hair on their heads was hurt. We were 400,000 dead and every mountain was in its original place. For why? To save the wealth of a wealthy class of only 80,000 people.  400,000 lives for the cash of a group 5 times smaller than our dead.  That tells me everything I need to know about this government. They simply do not care about us.

I know what it is like to be treated like someone cares about me, this aint that. Why didn't they save us the first time? Why cant we make them pay for their gambling mistakes with our lives. If we don't hold them accountable for the biggest crime in our political history, they will do it again. Stealing is one thing, if we are simply going to let them mass kill us, we are the stupidest people ever. We look like idiots.  we could let every single future government know, they better not kill us.  NOPE, not us.  It's embarrassing.

500,000 die
25,000,000 ill
$10,000,000,000 gone

and we are not done counting yet.

No crimes?  Biggest failure in American governmental history, it is nothing but crimes.  Oh look, over there, a Kardashian.  We look like morons, for a very good reason.  :)

Friday, January 22, 2021

Let's Unify!

They want us to unify.  I think that would be awesome, common ground.  Maybe?  Can we unify this way?  Since there is no way to unify about stable, genius, deeply religious, wonderful businessperson, can't we all pretty much agree on the following?

1) I don't want this gun system
2) I don't want this abortion system
3) I don't want this education system
4) I don't want this money system (I want real capitalism)
5) I don't want this food system
6) I don't want this healthcare system
7) I for sure don't want this virus system

etc, all the systems pretty much.

Does any of the groups want these systems? Neutral - Left - Right - Way Left - Way Right? None of us want them, is that right? We have that in common right? To unify with?

Almost as if, if we don't talk about what we do want, between groups, and only what we don't want, then wouldn't we pretty much agree on every system we have? Right Now look at the 535 of them who made our systems for us? For us? Look at them, they knew they were doing this.

Looks like a publishing house when you look at it this way.  The writers are not corporations but the industries themselves. What they wrote are not laws but entire systems.  Then, "our" 535 representatives publish these systems at us, and none of us want them.  They got paid by the writers and they took more money from us.  We got systems forced at us, that none of us want, by "our" government?  That would make us subjects.

So, the facts seem to be, we don't want the systems and they are quite candid that they will take money from the writers?  These are facts, and the 330 million of you think they are getting paid by the writers to write systems for the people?  Why?  Seriously, why would you think that?  You do know France can see us right?  We look like morons.

For example:

If you want to be free in your own land and that means to you, you live under a gun system with the ability to buy 1000 rounds and bump-stock today, you can't. I know how to read, you ought to be able to do that, and you can't.  Under your own self governed system the 535 of them got paid to publish at you.

On the other hand, If you want to be free in your own land and that means to you, you have the ability to live under a gun system where most days no one got shot, you can't. I know how to count, you ought to be able to do that, and you can't.  Under your own self governed system the 535 of them got paid to publish at you.

We are not self governed.  If you you were self governed, your self, would be in that capitol building, governing yourself, your gun system.  They tell us how they are going to govern us and also, they govern us.  We were meant to tell them how.

If that half the country don't want this stupid gun system and that other half the country don't want this stupid gun system.  Then it is not our stupid gun system.  How is that rocket science?  Look at ALL the systems.  WTF?  If they ain't our systems what the fuck are they doing ruling our land for? 
Because the 535 of them and the rest of the publishing house got paid to publish these systems AT us, not for us. No whodunnits here, only 535 people are in charge of our stuff, our health, our money, the words and our systems. 

Look at our virus system.  Does it make sense that 600,000 die to save the wealth of a subset 80,000 super-wealthy?

If we got more stuff than any other people, should we not have the most health and safety, because we can afford more than any other people?

The government's job: "The allocation of resources, to govern for the public hea;lth, safety and morals"

Oooops, they missed.  By a lot.  The took the stuff, we didn't get the health and safety, the count is short.  Not hypothetically, it is actually short.  where is all our health and safety stuff at?

Their is to use the stuff at us to provide us, health and safety. Instead they are using our health and safety to save the(ier) stuff. It's immoral.  Trading 600,000 lives for stuff owned by like 5000 people?  The 535 of them were fine with this.  It's seems like it's always hypocrisy what kills us.

We didn't need to, the money is there. Sure the super wealthy would have less reserves. But, there's only 80,000 super wealthy, and only a subset of them what "own" industries, in America last time I looked. So more of us died so far, 500,000, protecting the money, for a group 5 times smaller than our dead group.  That makes sense?

We seem like a bunch of suckers, that's what.

I will not unify about stable, genius, deeply religious, wonderful businessperson, Period, full stop.  Free country, think what you want.

I can unify at "I dont want these systems, the 535 of them force us to live under".  We should have systems what match us.  There is no whodunnit here, if the count is short, the 535 of them did it.

Anyways, what are we supposed to unify under if not this?  I am open to suggestions?

Biden is in day 2, he is filling holes that never should have been dug.  That is not accomplishing anything.  I feel like I just got shot at, and they missed, not like I won something.  I have no doubt he fills in these holes.  After that, forward to history, get robbed in a more civilized manner. All of us think he did great.  What a con job.  We got played.

May I remind you, in the last two elections, we had one indictable felon, vs. another indictable felon.  And you guys can't figure out we're getting robbed!?  Biden takes perks, lots and ots of them.  We got played.  Denmark can see us ya know, we look like idiots.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

70% of Republicans would vote for Trump in 2024

It is starting to look like the democrats have decide it is ok to force republicans to think and live in ways they do not want to.  There are a lot of them. This is America, we can not force one side to live a way they do not want to.  Everyone has the right to pursue happiness.

If these people want to live with those truths and that philosophy, it is no one's place to tell them they can't.  How would the left feel if the right forced them to have guns and shoot them, to read the bible no matter what, took away all abortion rights etc.

This is not a few people, 70% of Trump supporters would vote for him again in 2024.  They would be the 15th largest country on earth.  They are a "People" who deserve a place.  What you see out your window is how they want to live.  They want this.  So, ok, they should have it.  No one is listening to them.

Whatever the answer is, I am an American, I have no interest in forcing 100,000,000 people to live in a way they do not want to.  They are morally and politically different and they deserve to be able to live as they want.  Just like I do.  We are simply politically different.  Politically they want things like to speak one language, have god in school and everywhere, no abortions, no environments, guns everywhere, god in govt etc.  Those are very different political beliefs, different political bands than democrats.

If only that founding fathers and left instructions, on what to do, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

This is a tough one?  When people are politically different? It says to separate. Right there! In English! I read English, so I can guarantee that.  It dont say force the smaller team to live how they dont want to.  It says to bust up into our different political groups.  It's the first step they wrote down!

How to build America, Step1, By the Founding Fathers, Do This First, Before the other stuff, ready: Everyone bust up into your separate political groups.  Step two: Each group gets a copy of the constitution.  Step three: Go! Make a gun system, takes two seconds.  Same with your school system, banks, health all of it.  That's why they wrote the instructions down!

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Do Hoyer, Pelosi and Schumer have more wealth now than before Trump came to office?

No idea of any of this means anything, it just doesn't look like they are trying to help us. Shouldn't it look like they are trying to help us?

We elected Steny, Nancy and Chuck, to do one job: OUR HEALTH & SAFETY. 

They seem to act more quickly when it's their health & safety. Not very public servant-ie. Actually it's more what cowards do, than leaders? Right? Leaders take care of their people first. Right? Look how worried about themselves they are, the 535 of them.

Seems off right?

Here, by the numbers, are the results, of these people governing for our health & safety. A half a million Americans will be dead, tens of millions diseased and over $10 trillion dollars transferred from us to them

Do Hoyer, Pelosi and Schumer have more wealth now than before Trump came to office? How did Trump do for them personally? He's done making them money now? So now they really want him gone? Is that possible?

Our health & safety, but instead we got the most dead and ill Americans ever, who do we call? Nancy, Chuck and Steny?  We tried that, we died. They conned us into their jobs back. How? I dont get that? How do they get votes?

We are not done dying for their fist term, they didn't get hurt the other day, we are still dying. They gave you $600 and told you to shut up and go away. Now I am supposed to care about them hiding in bunkers? I don't. Where is all our health and safety at? Why do other counties with less stuff have more? What have the 535 of you done with all our stuff?

Lets see how fast you move to protect the 535 of you, who didn't get hurt, to the 330 million of us you cant stop from dying and getting disease, while other country's governments are be able to do so, with less stuff.

Steny, Chcuk, Nancy and the rest did their job, worse than any other humans in American history, why did they get their jobs back?

If I told you a two years ago, a half million Americans will die, tens of millions more diseased, trillions of dollars will move from us to them, and there were no crimes? It was all an accident? oooops.? Would you believe that? Is that even possible? res ipsa loquitor. Where is all our stuff at, the stuff to use to keep us healthy and safe. They took the stuff we did not get the health and safety, the count is short. There are only 535 suspects. The count is short.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Maybe they simply can't keep us safe?

Their actual job description is our health and safety.  "The allocation of resources to govern for the public health safety and morals."  Take the stuff use it at us, for our health and safety.  Results: Most dead and ill in American history. 

They cant keep us safe
They cant keep our stuff safe
They cant keep our money safe
They cant keep our jobs safe
They cant keep our data safe
They cant even keep themselves safe

It's like the time they spend governing for us, the people, is a side gig for them.  Like we are a nuisance.

Most dead and ill in American history. So of course, naturally, Nancy just got her job back.  What? Our health and safety is not her job? It is literally all of their jobs.  We are not done dying from their first term.   Today, they want to 25th him.
Why didn't he get 25th the day he could not count ventilators. Before all the dead. Remember back in March, he literally could not do 6th grade math on tv. Is he meaningfully less crazy or less fit now? Nope? What changed? 
Was this not foreseeable? Schiff, in English, on tv, foretold of destruction. So by definition, we foresaw it. Why were those Senators allowed to violate their oaths? Why weren't we ready? What did they do with all our health and safety stuff? 
Look at the 535 of them, they are failing worse than any other group in our history. The leader got her job back.  Where is all our stuff at? Other countries with less stuff, got more health and safety. They took the stuff, we didn't get the health and safety, the count is short.