Wednesday, September 22, 2021

How do animals know what group of animlas they belong to?

Dog's do not see themself and recognize themself, or see what they look like.  So, how would a dog know, when it encounters another animal, which animals are the same as them and which are not dogs?

Plus, there are so many breeds of dogs, that look nothing like the same species, a chihuahua and Saint Bernard?  But they are the same species, in they can mate and produce offspring.

How do they know not to pack with deer and cats and rats?

So, do dogs know when another animal is dog vs a cat or deer?  Or, just the difference between, "dog" and "not dog".  How would a dog know who "we" is? If they don't more significantly know who "me" is?  

Well, look at that.  "Me" comes first.  It's like "Park", in order to move, you have allow and effect a change in gears.  Change from "me" to "we".

Saturday, September 18, 2021

How to find out what's important

Elimination.  Think of all the lies and mis-truths we tell ourselves, and each other every day.  Capers, everything is a caper.  It's not "You're pretty would you go on a date with me?"  It's 'i'll b @ bar if u wanna'.  That's a caper? I just happen to be here?  Yeah right? Nothing to do with this text or wanting to spend time with you?  Just random?  See a caper.  That's one tiny thing.

That is a caper at our-self and her (or him or they).  Capers all day, every day.  Well not all day.  So, make list, each item is likely a caper or not, eliminate the capers in context, and what's left, that's what's important.

samakjo, how do we get rid of the capers?

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

How about this? Does this explain it right?

I have a question. Doesn't this disprove our entire government? I know, just read it. Look at all that corn? In America, we are overweight and malnourished because of the choices that we have (re-arranged corn).

There are only 535 people in charge of that.
Overweight and also malnourished? Eating too much food, while not eating enough food? Is that possible? What could a human eat that makes them both overweight and also malnourished? Chicken-Salad? Blueberries? Cucumbers maybe?

How about, re-arranged corn? You can gullet it, digest it, it wont nourish you, it makes you fat, and when you're done eating it, you wouldn't think you were hungry anymore. Is that right?

In N Korea there's 1 fat guy and 22 million malnourished people. Any of them overweight and also malnourished? We find a lot fat people lost at sea for a year, do we? How about Auschwitz, lots fat people come running out of there? They skipped them in Schindler's list, I didn't see one. What is "overweight and also malnourished"?

I'm guessing it's re-arranged corn. Why?

Tobacco was a nicotine delivery device, the nicotine is the product not the cigarette

Maybe our hamburgers are really re-arranged corn delivery devices, the corn is the product not the meat part.

Because that's where their more money comes from? In both cases, bye bye health for 330,000,000 people, hello wealth for 535 and 80,000 buddies.

That is the opposite of their job.
Which is: "The allocation of resources to govern for the public health, safety and morals." Oooops, they missed. Intentional or not, isn't that how it worked out? It's a question, what makes more sense? What? We have too much food the 535 of them cant nourish us, that's stupid.

An 8 year old could design a proper food system, again we are loaded it would be easy. It's not the 330 million of us we can't afford. If they are stealing it all, it's the 535 of them and their 80,000 buddies we cant afford. I'm tired of getting robbed.

Overweight and also malnourished, Eating too much food, while also eating a bunch of not-food, aka re-arranged corn? That makes sense right?

This is how they allocated our food resources for our health and safety. Literally. On the wealthiest land ever. They did this, at us. Right? Would you? What? We have too much food they can't feed us all. Apparently we have too much wood thy can't house us all either.

A democratic, republic practicing capitalism, on the wealthiest land ever? Either Plato's a moron, or we're getting robbed. Right? That's my question, Where is all the food at? Where is all of it at? What did Mitch and Nancy do with our food?

Imagine the variety and health we got robbed of? Look at all that corn. Their scientists made science and "this will keep them alive enough to dig it up for us"? Right? Why else wouldn't we have real food?

It's as if they "sold" the food system to the food industry, and the industry designed our food system!  That was ours. Would you design our food system this way?  Me neither, not self-governed, industry-governed, right?

The 535 of them sold it all? Right?

Japan has real food, we got literally 26 times more food per person, and they are more nourished than we are? HOW? These are numbers, the count is short. Only 535 people are in charge of the count, right?

So, where is all our food at Mitch and Nancy?
Most of 535 people, they did this at us.

France can see us, we look like idiots. All this food and we are fat dumb and slow. For the benefit 535 people.

Seems the 535 of them sold our food system to the food industry, and they made a killing. If they did, they sold all our systems.   I'd rather be self governed than industry governed, this sucks.

Soon corporations will be making our space policy or vaccinations policy, not Mitch and Nancy. Industry-governed.

The Police Unions!  Mitch & Nancy sold to them too.  That's the executive branch purchasing the rights to write the words from the legislative branch.  Consolidating both branches under the one, disproving the republic.  The didn't protect it, they sold it, for money you can find in their accounts.

My question is, are the bulk of the 535 of them literally stealing our stuff?  Would we know? Where is all our stuff? How do other nations with less have more? What am I not seeing here? Why does it look all backwards. Where is all our stuff at? Our government is the Jeff Bezos of countries and always broke?  Well we are? Not them, us. HOW?