Thursday, January 30, 2020

The fix was in from the start, on both sides

I sent this to Nancy Pelosi's daughter


I mean if this man can’t get impeached, that’s it.  I still think McConnel Nunes, Graham etc, not protecting the president, but themselves, from prison, from us.  Why didn’t Schiff bring up the million dollars, I mean it was reported on MSNBC that’s not fringe?  

BIden’s, if it’s true that the son said he went to a few board meetings, then that’s a problem.  I mean if that’s true and he got millions, that is a big problem.  In organized crime that is called a “No show” job, it’s a payoff, it’s a crime and if Hunter had a no show job for millions, then we have to ask why Burisma would do that?  Not for no reason, must have got something in return, Biden sold our stuff.  Unless he didn’t do anything wrong, then why isn’t speaking.  Any parent with a globetrotting millionaire son would be bragging about it, not remain silent.  So that makes sense, but we’ll never know because somehow this man did not get impeached, very suspicious, just on the facts, and for some reason it is not that important for us, the people to know true things.  I mean why fight them on the Bidens let them testify, their name is all over this, I know it’s not relevant, to motive maybe, but so what, we need to know why this kid has a million dollar no show job?  Don’t we have the right to  know what Burisma got in return for their money, it wasn’t work if he went to a couple of board meetings.  Very suspicious.  Again, this is all from tv, if it’s something else and the kid did provide work or a service then they should speak up.  If not they should be investigated to see what of our stuff the Biden’s gave Burisma for all this cash.  Someone is going to figure this out.  See how confusing that is?  I seem to remember the government has to make things understandable.  Yeah right.  Again I have no idea because no one in my government seems to think us knowing the truth is important.  We have no idea what’s going on.  No one is looking out for us (again, academically speaking,  “us” is not really your family).

Anyway, I think I mentioned McConnell is named by Parnas and confessed, so nothing anyone said would matter, staying out of prison would matter.  If tomorrow is it, and the democrats do nothing, it’ll look like a fix on both sides.  So, if I were a dem and I was facing this situation and I meant to help the 330,000,000 people I’d say this.

Dear Republicans,

The truth will come out.  If you vote for no witnesses you will be forcing our hand to immediately begin new impeachment proceedings.  If you vote for a trial with no evidence it is a clear fix, and not a real trial and we will be forced to proceed accordingly.  New impeachment, looking into every named accomplice by Parnas, and this million dollars.  Then we can get the OMB emails, Bolton and any other evidence in front of the American people.  Imagine Bolton on tv next week.  You will force us to go through this again, and we will go through this again, you will not hide the truth from America and if you try, we will expose you.

Something Like that…I have not called anything wrong yet…this is exactly what it looks like.  What I’d do actually, is as soon as they acquit, I’d call out Nunes and Graham and McConnell and Barr as named accomplices.  Then do the whole thing over, I mean if it were me and all I wanted to do is fix the broken thing.  If I were covering something up and decided that was more important than having the President follow the rule of law, then I’d let the vote happen tomorrow and then shrug and move on, as long as the money keeps coming.  Not sure what to say, they lied and lied and lied and the dems let them.  Not a motion for gag order on “No evidence”, no motion for retractions any media promulgating “No evidence”, and because no one did that Fox viewers did not see the evidence.  Just making the motion, regardless if outcome.  Fox viewers simply did not see any evidence, they think there is no evidence.  Fox did that on purpose.  My government completely failed to inform the public, complete failure, great job.  No one is looking out for us,.

I have not called one thig wrong about this process in 8 weeks….is anybody going to look out for truth, for Americans, the people…does anyone care about us at all?

Anyway, one American’s thoughts.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Facts! Facts! and No Facts!

Facts!  Facts! and No Facts!    

Sekulow started talking at 1:08pm.  He was adamant they were going to be thorough and also focus only on only the facts in evidence.  It is now 1:14 he has not stated one fact, actually, he has just, for the second time declared he will summarize today's remarks, still no facts.   Oh, also, a moment ago he changed his mind and declared they will be brief today, I guess thorough is out.

Ken Starr starts speaking at 1:15 so far, no facts, just process  wonder when they are going to express facts?  1:19pm Starr still speaking, not one fact yet.  It's almost like they have no facts.  Isn't there a judge in the room?  If they say they are going to address facts, don't they kind of have to address facts?  Boy it sure does work differently every time one of them is facing some tribunal, man how can we get treated like this?  All the people are created equal???????  Welp, maybe they have a better definition of "equal". 

And it's 1:21pm and Starr in lieu of facts has brought us back 40 years, to provide some non facts to this incomprehensible nothingness he is spewing.  Man, is it going to be easy to tell the Fox viewers anything now, smart people barley know what Starr is saying.  lol.  Hard to imagine how things that happened 40 years ago were proximiate to these actons here today.  Man these republicans are smart!

1:23 no facts, not one.  Not a single fact.  No judge to stop them, yes, I wanna rob banks and be judges like this, fair is fair, equal is equal, wow!

1:25 no facts, didn't Sekulow say he was going to focus only on the facts already in evidence?  I wonder when that will start?   

1:28, 20 full minutes of nothing but speaking and no facts.  Seems they might have been mistaken.  Unless, did they know they had no facts.

Look the Democrats letting these go means all Fox viewers hear a clip of their guy whoever, what said nothing, not a thing, and all Tucker has to do us say "Listen to this" [play clip], then say "See what we have been telling you all along is true, Trump is the greatest!"

See that's all they do.  The dems never looked in this aspect, the information that is getting to the people when provably false should be banned.  Isn't that what gag orders do in part?  I mean just making the motion now moves the conversation to fox and retractions and declarations that there is evidence and here it is.  Even if the motion fails, that video (fictitious here, but one made of a catalogue of all the evidence, numbered, dated, examples etc) will be seen by most interested people including those on the false side.  

1:33 Not a single fact yet, and the Dems can hears this, but one smart enough to realize this is the issue.  Them promulgating that there is no evidence Trump dd anything and there is evidence that he did not.  Well, that is all fox viewers hear, that was the solution here, to gag these false things and move for retractions

Seems the Dems felt just promoting the facts was enough, it wasn't, might work, but they needed to attack the lies. Not only defend the truth.  Feckless.

1:35 not a single fact
1:40 not a single fact

Maybe I misunderstood Sekulow, it sounded like all they were going to talk about was facts already entered into evidence.  That speculation was specifically invalid for them.  Yet, no facts, no objections, no progress, only sliding backwards.  This is the trial to impeach the President of the United States and these guys do not seem to be able to do that.  No one is looking out for us.

Facts!  Finally!  Ok Kind of 

1:54 Starr has a list of facts, finally, remember this is about did the President try to exchange aid and a meeting for fake investigations, so facts about how he did not do that, here they are according to Starr

1) No crime is charged in the articles of Impeachment
2) There is no Bipartisanship as discussed in the Federalist Papers
3) Process

Well, I mean I don't know.  How are these "facts", maybe Trump's lawyers went to the Trump school of Law, that would make sense.  Not a single fucking fact, assholes!

2:11 pm, by my count: Facts Zero, yet Sekulow just declared Starr has laid out "the solemn nature of these proceedings", whatever that means, he first said there would be facts, now he seems to be interested in the "solemn nature" of things.   Hard to follow.

Sekulow is showing the pen signing of the impeachment now, in slow motion!  I mean slow motion, these are some mad facts!  Slow motion!  wait he literally saying they are about to express more facts "Trump School of Law" has an interesting interpretation of facts! 

well this new asshole is showing clips of Volker and Yavonavitch and Taylor, out of context.  I guess in the land of equality that "whole truth" part only applies to us.  Man, if this is the new defense, I wanna rob banks and show my Discrete Mathematics professor from 30 years ago, tell how I never cheated on a test.  That should get me home with the loot!  America!  Fuck Yeah!! This idiot says the evidence the house has brought exonerates the president.  Wow!  That Trump school of Law has some sharp legal minds.

You know, what about us?  Americans who live in reality, and hear them saying there is no evidence, maybe we should all believe this lie that is provably false and not one democrat has seen fit to make the issue about, this is the issue, the lies are the issue now.  Fuck these dems are really weak and stupid.  I even got this idea to Nancy Pelosi's daughter and heard back nothing.  

If the dems are not hiding anything, they sure are unlucky, because it looks like they are hiding something.  I mean if your son had a globetrotting job worth millions wouldn't you be bragging?  Why is Biden not bragging about his kid, I know it's not relevant here, but if it comes up, maybe that hurts a dem or two or a bunch and it's better for them personally to eat this impeachment trial and save their secrets, for themselves.  Maybe, if so, I say these 535 people, fuck them and fuck their rights.

 If Biden's testifying gets the facts in, let them swear and oath and testify. 

No one is looking out for us!


Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Fox News Hid All The Evidence Today, Blood on the Street Should Follow (Too much?) :)

Fox News Hid All The Evidence

There would be blood on the street if this turns out as the evidence proves. Imagine he's kicked out of office, and millions and millions of Fox viewers think there is no evidence, at all, zero, zip, none. We see this coming and it is Fox's fault along with the incompetence of the media and dems to not see this coming. This is obvious.

This was Fox, this was intentional, they had to have meetings, and technical concerns, they had to think about this. They did this on purpose. MAGA! Fox has all their eyes as they do every night, millions and millions of people, and that is what fox calls truth, for half of all America. Lies.

Fox keeps showing a few minutes then switching content. I was curious as to why they switched with no rhythm. Welp, EVERY time there is evidence, a video, or email or anything: they switch!! Literally whenever evidence is reviewed. So I started switching to CSPN2, CNN, MSNBC too see if they cut away also. None of them do.

If evidence is being played via video or screen they show it, Fox hides it. None of them are switching they are showing it all. There is an actual review of some of the evidence, actual entered into the congressional hearing evidence. If I were Fox and I had been lying that there was no evidence, and there is all this evidence on tv, I’d hide that I lied also.

This is the trial, this is the only opportunity for Fox viewers to hear about and see this evidence, there is no other time.  Imagine if Trump gets convicted, and half of us, 160,000,000 people think there is no evidence.  and Fox is telling them there is no evidence and this is a coup. 

They have half the people and most of the guns.  We see that coming.  No one is looking out for us.  If he gets convicted and these people think it was a cheat, after all the words they have been hearing on Fox these past few years (New civil war, gun grabbing, coup) they are going to be furious that the greatest president ever got falsely impeached.  See, they think there is no evidence.  The news tells them fucking Senators tell them this, it's on video.   We know this.  No one is looking out for us.  Truth Justice and the American way my ass.  These 535 people in the  capitol building suck, all of them, no one is looking out for us. 

They are all trapped in that room, all 100. Show a clip of Jordan saying there is no evidence, then a montage with Sodnland saying that famous quid quo pro line, Vndman, saying stuff, whats app messages,a list of all the articles of evidence, tell them how many pieces of evidence there are, ask if they can hear, can everyone see the screen.  Then ask Jordan, as a courtesy, can he see the evidence now.  Then do that for everyone who ever went of Fox and ask them if they are comfortable, can they see, can they hear?  The show it again, and ask, did you see the evidence now?  Wait, I'll show it again?

There is a judge there, make two motions, that no one in the room may go on tv and say there is no evidence.  Gag orders happen all the time, the people need to know the truth.  Then a motion that all media who have been promulgating there is no evidence must promulgate a retraction and show the evidence they have been  hiding.

Even if the motions fail, call out fox and the Senators by name, shame the other republicans into wondering if they want to be on tv, seeing all this evidence then ignoring it.  wow, why is the truth so hard for these people in the capitol building, if they wont be truthful, we are supposed to be and smarter.  Show the facts, but if you don't attack the lies, then all Fox has to do is hide the evidence and say there is one, or if there is some it means the opposite.  Call that out.  Offense not just defense.

Nothing could be more impactful than McConnell on tv saying there is no evidence, then on tv seeing the evidence, then on tv being asked if could see and hear ok?  And make sung sure he saw the evidence.  He will look like the double dealer he is, because it's true.  Put a few of them doing that in tv, and the rest just might see how corrupt they are being.  Do something that acknowledges half the country is not seeing this evidence.

No other channel is doing this. Not one. ON EARTH. So CSPAN2, is showing this documentary style, live as is, they are not spinning they are simply showing this history as it’s happening. There can be no possible relevant bias on CSPAN2, watch that if you need to see the real information. Do not ever say again there is no evidence.

Try it for yourself when it resumes, watch fox and when they switch away mid sentence, go watch CSPAN2, and wallah, the truth magically appears. Lol

1. CNN Evidence, Fox nonsense, same time, switching channels, these images will line up to the second or two.

2.  Next time there was evidence, Fox seems busy with more important things

3.  Some time later, hmmm

4. Again

5. And again

#??? Who knows, every single time there was evidence, Fox hid it.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Change is Coming, Definitly

Change is Coming

Impeachment, I just heard on CNN from Iowa, everyone is paying attention to this impeachment, but they do not feel it will change anything.  So far, this trial is about should we have a trial, not about having the trial.  Yup, that is our legislature at work, should we have a trial instead of having a trial.  

As I listen to Schiff, I think of my thoughts from just last week.  Go on tv and declare we will not hand over these articles without a guarantee of a trial about the facts and not a trial about the trial.  If not, we will take our new evidence and make more articles of impeachment immediately. Then more after that, then more after that.  

America is not late for anything, we needed to take the time it requires to fix the broke thing. These democrats are not understanding, the republicans are trying to win the whole game, not just this trial.  These democrats are stupid.  It cost nothing to show strength, and everything to do it this way.  Feckless. 

Well, one way to look at this is we are either going to reign in our government or the broke thing is going to get worse.  Change will be one of those, for sure.  Change is coming.  I would like to write about worse.

The word Republic is not just a word.  Here is the definition, please read it:

A form of government where the executive is not responsible to the legislature. 

If the executive and the legislature are working together, as one unit, they can write laws and pass them at us.  We have placed our bankers and lawyers and business people in charge of the banks and laws and businesses, so they already do that.  Historically this corruption has been about money.  They always seem to survive that.  This time, they are working together, and yes there's more money floating around this impeachment thing and it's tentacles, but, this is about our system itself.  Machiavelli wrote about power as the lowest common denominator, our instincts, to motivate us.  

For some, sure, mob bosses, Putin, Corporate CEO's, Financial CEO's,Senators, Congresspeople, hmmm, bankers, lawyers and business people.  Weird coincidence.  For most there is some range of balance between these motivation types.  Makes sense, that when we see the political/super wealthy class on tv, we are seeing the extreme.  Not a good example, we follow that, like artificial selection, selecting things like greed, consumerism, political conclusions etc, into the species.  By limiting our index of suspicion.

So, this corruption is about the system.  That's the change we must stop.  We cannot continue to have executive branch take hostage, more and more, of our legislative branch.  This happened in Russia recently in fact.  After Putin's first terms as President, his terms were up.  He was no longer president.  But, by this time he accumulated more money and power.  He was already willing to kill you, that's the mob boss, the guy with the money and power and willing to kill you.

So, there he was, not President, but the mob boss, in control if it all, the new president and the legislature, they work for him.  Like today, I assumed he gave up his title as President, because it's too small, when he can just regally control things from a higher place.  The legislature and executive in Russia, together, as one, harmoniousness, wrote and passed new laws, to replace the old ones.  Now Putin can "run" for President as many times as he wants for life, or not.  

He controls it all either way.  He couldn't be in this position if the legislature and the executive were not responsible to each other, if there were a....we need a phrase, a key element to protect us from this, what shall we call it?  I know, a separation of powers, as in discrete, separate and apart from, also, not together, also, not one unit, however the fuck you wanna word it.  These words are in English, they have meanings, none are too subtle or complicated, all you gotta do is read them in 3 seconds and not a 100000th of a second.

President Trump floats ideas that he needs more terms, then his one kid should take over, then another.  I once read someone concluded that Trump's main hope is to make the Trump name the most opulent name ever, more than the Rothschild's or anyone.  well, getting to be president and in charge of the legislature, having unfettered access to Putin's needs for money laundering, yup that would do it. 

I have no idea how many ways our lives, and the lives of others around the world might change if we do nothing.  Putin at some point might see a green light, the US ain't looking.  There goes all the Stans; Kazakh, Uzbeki, Krygyz, Turkmeni and Tajik, also Georgia, well Ukrainian and Crimea already gone, Azerbaijan etc.  I think the interesting place is Belarus.  from there, Germany, Poland, France equals the Atlantic Ocean.  One could move a lot of stuff.  Not even an original plan, these world domination nut jobs don't seem to be too imaginative.

Ok that's what Putin gets,  What does Trump get?  He has no idea, it is some vague notion that he is Santa Clause, Jesus, Mother Theresa and Einstein all rolled up into one as his nurse porn stars service him.  What he actually gets is nothing, more money and a promise of more land to rule maybe.  Like what land?  In the end, if Trump complains too much, he'll get dead.

Yes, it's a movie, made up, but if Putin gets a little more of America, it's sure likely that he could do it or try to anyway.

They Are Winning 

McConnell is speaking, first day of trial, it is a desperate but viable attempt to not protect the President, but himself.  He is a named co-conspirator, he is lying now, making fun of the use of the phrase "overwhelming evidence" the democrats claim to have.  well, they do in fact have a ton of evidence, not many people and no president has ever been this caught for this much.

So how can McConnell go on tv and lie so fluidly?  I think his motivations are varied.  One self preservation, if what Parnas said and had evidence for, that was substantially affirmed by the testimony of Ambassadors, Lt Colonels, Putin security apparatus experts, emails, audio recordings, text messages, tweets, phone records, bank records..on and on.

If you are a normal person and hear his words, it's offensive.  McConnell is not speaking to normal people or is even cognizant that they are listening, we are irrelevant.  He is talking to them, Trumpsters only. The democrats do the same things, it;s stupid really, they yell on CNN about some clear fact as if yelling will allow people who watch Fox to hear him.  They wont, fox wont play that.  so why yell, the people who are listening already agree with them.  Fox viewers hear false.  This is mostly what they hear, all day 24 hours a day and to them this is reality, so even though there is actual articles, sworn to by an affiant, and many at that, even though there is in fact a ton of evidence, to Fox viewers there is no evidence, and you can't change their minds.. 

What does Schiff say? "We have this evidence, and that evidence and so on".  we already know that, them thinks he's stupid.  What he does not do is directly address how they are lying, never calls them liars, never has visual context to display truth and lies together.  He only contradicts, never attacks.  Never makes the conversation about truth and lies.  His conversations yield little, everyone already believes what they believe.  Anything would be better than these words.  After all, his words yield same outcome in the individuals of America, the conclusion each individual already has.

We are not having a difference of opinion.  Because we are not divided on policy issues, we are divided on the system each side wants to live in.

Them Other
More Guns Less shot people
No idea Clean Air
White Supremacy End Hopelessness
Might makes right All the people are created equal
Less workers rights More financial and legal equality
Less protections CPS, EPA Climate and financial solutions
Less Reproductive Rights Please lol

We are two different people living in the same land.  (<---That needs its own post).  Anyone see a compromise that makes a better country?  No?  me neither, too bad we can't make one set of federal laws on one part of the country and normal people federal laws on the other.  Both sides can not win, neither side can win, there is no way out of this.   Now, one side is wrong.  Flat out.  This is not a difference of opinion.  Might makes right?  Win at all costs? The ends justify the means?  This is unAmerican.  This is how you make Russia or Nazi Germany or Somalia.  That is how you get an executive branch that's just a bunch of militias running around shooting everyone.

That is Somalia: Might makes right: CHECK!  Win at all costs: CHECK! The ends justify the means: CHECK! Militias: CHECK!  If that's not how you make Somalia, then why is it exactly how you make Somalia?  I mean might makes right literally means the biggest and the strongest are more equal.  These people with large amygdalas have more capacity for fear, and it all starts at "me", gotta protect "me".  The correct starting place is "we".  The math and politics seem to back that up.

Them, have no idea what the end results of their political desires bring.  I don't tell them how to fix my Harley, man, Socrates might have been correct technically, about this democracy thing. 

So because of them, we might be changing to not a Republic even more than we were.  If we can reel this in, maybe we can stop letting them campaign for each other and endorse each other, maybe we could get rid of the useless, country crushing campaigns finally, no more polls to see if we represent them, all of it that breaks our country.

Change will happen this month, the democrats are so weak and stupid, it'll take some magic.  But change will happen.  One way or the other.  This is a moment.


Monday, January 20, 2020

Trump is NOT Impeached right now, Leagally

So this is a long long shot.   Pelosi's office is not interested in going back and having the Congressional Impeachment process again, from scratch.  I pointed out that Trump is using the same corruption as his defense that we are supposed to fighting in Ukriane.  Nunes voted NO on impeachment, and since Parnas has Nunes and McConnell as co-conspirators in the proceedings we are now having in the Congress, and now the Senate, this makes the Congressional Impeachment invalid.  Trump is not Impeached, right now.  Nunes vote tainted the whole thing, and his words he yelled.

I was as concise as possible, in the Senate trial about corruption, Trump will use the exact same corruption during the Senate Trial where McConnell (co-conspiritor) made the rules we will all watch starting tomorrow.  That is like the Juror/Prosecutor as a co-conspirator in this exact same corruption, being the exact same corrupt as the corruption we are fighting in Ukraine, while that Ukrainian corruption is going on during this live tv show trial, and also being used as the defense.  This is nuts!

Well, Pelosi's office does not seem to care. I pointed out we are not late, we are not trying to get anywhere, that we have no idea what we all would know now had they not been caught cheating by Parnas.  Also, since Nunes was protecting himself during the hearings, all the arguments he made might be invalid in a do-over.  Meaning that no one else can make those arguments, which means none of those loud mouths on the Rep side will have much of anything to actually say.  How much truth could come out then?

Anyway, I guess rules are rules for us, but this is them so fuck the rules.  The guy who voted no for all time, on the record, and that vote is now part of history and Nunes is implicated, so is McConnell.  Really I think Nancy does not want to have to extremely vett every single congressperson on either side, in a do-over, to make sure they are not co-conspiritors.  I can not think of why this complete farce is going on.  Some are red, some blue, but Putin's money is green, they all love green.

No Judge anywhere would allow the Juror/Prosecutor do this and not declare a mistrial, this is not complicated.  Parnas fingered Nunes, McConnell as well as others like Graham and Barr.

I do not think there is any court anywhere that would allow this farce.  So I made a a fake email address buckbfd@[nottelling].com

I googled Trumps impeachment team's email addresses, not sure if any were right or if they'll get it.  But I go all Trump supporter blaming Nunes, Mitch and Graham.

I was trying to see if they tell trump that by blaming those three, it would invalidate the Impeachment and he is now de impeached,  I mean that's all he would hear, he's not impeached if he does this thing and blames these three and throws them under the bus.  Like anything to get the truth from our government.  Now I have emails, Pelosi can not claim she was unaware that Nunes was dirty in the congress and that impeachment needs to be re-done, Nancy is in a rush I guess.  No one is looking our for us at all, we are on our own.  Literally, so I am trying, for my kids and yours, to make our government to fix the broken thing, that they broke, yup, they donlt wanna do that.  Also, I guess now, our representatives, who are there to protect us, in the land of truth, justice and the American way, it makes more sense as Americans for them (our government) to try to minimize this to save the rest of the 535 people in the Capitol Building, at us.  Fuck them and fuck their rights.

Also laying it on thick how lots of people dont like those guys, even saying it would be an honor to fall on a sword for trump.  Let's see if any of these get accused by trump.  Probably no one.  Worth a shot, if Nancy doesn't care about us Americans, maybe Trumps idiocy, I mean this is a terrible idea for trump, but maybe if he gets it in his head this is a way to get um Impeached, that's all he'd see, and not be aware of the consequences and he'd just yell and scream and make them throw these three under the bus, or go behind his teams back and have rudy do it, so he is not an Impeached President. Clean record, like it never happened. Long shot.

OK Here is the email I sent.

To whom it may concern, 

The fellas and I been wondering, if something did happen, we think them other three fellas must of done it.  Like the Russian said last week on the tv.  That moscow mitch, nunes (sounds Mexican or Cuban) and that graham.  That russian said they done it.  
If that Mexican/Cuban guy done it and he voted in the congress pre-impeachment thing couple of weeks ago, then isn’t that whole preceeding contrary and invalid.  Like it never even happened.  Then President Trump is not impeached right?  All legal and proper, de impeached!  We reckon any evidence would be like the fruit of poison apple tree with the snake that got eve, if they keep going. 

Then with that moscow mitch cheating on the rules in the real impeachment, well that can’t be right neither.  So the fellas was thinking that them three don’t seem to welcome even in their own parts.  So that makes the most sense that it’s them.  People be glad to move on and be rid of them, lots of folks.
Always something off bout them three, don’t seem people care too much for them.  I mean moscow is in the name, every knows he done whatever this mess is.  

Some day it’ll be such an honor to fall on such an important sword for God and Country.  We sacrifice for our lord and our country.  We want the president un impeached and the other three impeached, thank you.   All I know is my President is innocent, and everyone been saying it’s the other three.  Lord, moscow is in the name, what kind of American allows that.

God bless you all

B. Beauford
Jan 20, 2020

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Groups, Groups and More Groups This is How They Do It

It's All Just High School Math 

By "ALL" I mean like how they get us to buy more burgers, watch this channel, vote this way, on an on.  I think this is how they separate us from our money and win elections.  

All the clicking and watching, putting us in groups.  So, I'm from nyc, ride a Harley, love baseball and play drums, I am in those 4 groups.

I am also in a 5th group, the group of people in those 4 groups.  We have stuff in common.

Lately, 8% of the people in the 5th group have been clicking on this sneaker.  The rest of us have never seen this sneaker anywhere online.  I did see someone wearing at the gym, but never mentioned it or gave it a second thought.

Well, now the marketers need a 6th group.  The 92% of people in the 5th group who have never seen this ad.  They know what we see, when, how often.  The data.  

They are now ready to sell to the 6th group.  Before they spend a dime, they know how much the campaign will cost, how many eyes will see it, how many fingers will click on it, how many will buy it, how many will return it, and pretty much exactly how much profit they are going to make, almost to the penny.  They know this before they do it.  They are not guessing.

Raise your hand if you ever wondered if it were mind reading.  Now take your hand and smack yourself on the back of the head, there is no mind reading gene.  They are counting.  Discrete objects, using discrete mathematics.  We can know what will happen a group.  That's what the math is for.  They use this in business, you can do it for a living.  Politics though?  Are we going to the polls as individuals or in groups, where the best math and science wins?

What's so special, we are in groups, so what?  Ok here it is, humans figured out the math for managing groups a while back.  That math is over 100 years old I think, stuff like the law of large numbers, the  wisdom of the crowd theory and stuff like that.

With this math humans can predict group behaviors.  With certainty.  We can affect steps in the process a group might go through like a political campaign.  We can do things in the process to affect the outcome and get the desired outcome.  In campaigns both sides do it, the side who spends more doing the same things, wins.  Easy, the one with the most money wins.  This is how Fox got all it's viewers and McDonald's sells us extra food and magic mind reading ads appear on screen.

I think it is simply artificial selection.  Like Darwin's Finches, but on purpose.  I think using the dat and cognitive science, it is now a process of artificial selection.  They are selection what ideas, would or would not, likely enter the index of suspicion of the group.  It works.

Like Pascal and Fermat staring at a cube of coin flips when suddenly, naturally, it occurs to Fermat' brain to ask "Can we use the maths to know what will happen next?", Like how?  How did that occur, just chance, like genes making "random" edits.  But the dat and cognitive science let us organize the process.

So, if you were born in Cabrini Greene, and the idea that a person in your group can get out of Cabrini Greene never occurs to you, you ain't getting out.  It has to occur to you.  since we can manage this at the group level, what occurs to the group, should we not set the cognitive scientists to do their magic with colors and vibrations and sound etc to see how to do that?  See how it has nothing to do with melanin? 

It's index of suspicion.  That could be an answer, at the group.  Selecting racism out of the species, the large amygdala, hate, greed, lying, hurting out of the species. 

Selection is going to happen.  If we don't manage it, nature will do it.  If we have a purpose we wont ever find it and nature will kill us off and use dolphins or something.

That's Natural Selection.  It's artificial when we humans or any creature I suppose (beaver dams) do it on purpose.  We did that with dogs, and from one wolf, we have all these types of dogs.  Shouldn't we like get a say as to first of all, do we even want to?  I mean what's the case for natural vs artificial selection.  I'm pretty sure we are supposed to manage this, but some smart people ought to look into this, no?

So, if we chose artificial selection, should we do it like this.  The super wealthy and the political class managing it for us, kind of in secret.  I mean they are using it at us, with math.  It's working.  Shit, Putin used our system at us in the very last election and got his very own US President.  It really works.  This technology is dope. 

Let's pretend that instead of the apparatus using this technology at us, for money and power causing our poverty in America.  Let's see what might be if mathematicians and scientists were in charge.