Monday, June 29, 2020

The Lies Man...Why Do We Pretend?

Let's look at just a couple of ways we PRETEND, literally play make believe.  Our systems, political and economic, that make up our country, have never been designed.  How could they, the founding fathers wrote this stuff down in the 1770's and 1780's.  Many, the farmers for sure, probably would not have understood what a negative number is?  What are minus five chickens?  They would literally have had no idea what that meant.  Think about that.  Humans were not real big on system designs yet.  Beyond Franklin, who was even interested in proof, True and false repeatably?  Notice, humans didn't have much yet, not a flip phone nor a moped, hundreds of thousands of years of virtually no proof, and no stuff.  You have to prove it, with math or science. 

You have to prove any system, we've never done that with our political and economic systems.  This is a technical matter, literally, requiring technical people, with math, not laws or banks, math.  Our systems got designed naturally, organically.  Like the difference between natural selection and artificial selection, just like that.  Naturally selected systems would be based on the nature and instincts of the people funding and running it all these years.  We keep hiring people who want more, power money etc, so they take the stuff.  No one is counting the stuff.  Still, no one counts about America, where are the people at MIT and CalTech? Why wont they count?  It's their turn to run this for a while.  So like with dogs, artificial selection, organizing whats around us on purpose (That's what government does).  Yet we never did this with our actual systems, it is forced onto us by the 535 people in the capitol building, who can't design shit.

If we are self governed, why can't we select our own version of capitalism?  Why is our economic system forced on us by the laws 535 people made?  We should have a few versions presented to us, and by referendum, we the people select the one that we want?  We would all be what most would consider, at least middle class, if not higher.  So? How self governed do you feel now?  More PRETENDING!  Why are we pretending all over?  We know how to prove things?!?  This is not fair!!

So if you were designing a system, any system and you had to chose blind from the following groups who would you pick?  Could be any system flight system, education system, gun system, bank system, audio system...just to design the system itself:  A group of bankers? No.  A group of lawyers? Nope.  How about a bunch of sleazy business-people? Nah.  Probability theorists? Hell Yeah!  You see a whole bunch of system designers, in the capitol building?  Me neither.

Bankers, lawyers and business people use systems, they do not design them.

If we designed the systems, on purpose, like a flight system or an audio system, our systems would be different.  Look at any system designed to manage us people.  When it's you against me, and we got a beef nd we use the systems we have.  Well if it's us, the system and the people funding and running the system do not care who wins, so long as the rest of us don't start questioning the system.  So long as it kind of works, the money being transferred is all on our side, and has nothing to do with them.  They don't care which one of us has it.

But, when it's one of us, against the system itself, something funny happens.  The systems wins!  Almost every time.  Until it becomes so preposterous, the people make too much noise, then cosmetic changes, as the system must stay intact.  That is not a good system at all.

NFL, they spent hundreds of millions of dollars on the best law firms, to design the best system to get the best outcome.  Yet somehow the NFL got Kaepernick wrong from day 1.  They should have supported him and our cause but fought him and kicked him out.  Then this goes through their system.  This fairly obvious issue, and somehow, their system, even though the NFL was wrong, they won. They were able to get rid of Kaepernick and they won. That system is a lie, how could they be wrong and also win? That is a terrible system.

Now the cops, same thing, but longer and worse.  Brutalizing all of us but in particular black and brown etc.  We pretend it's a few bad apples.  Well, it's a few bad apples at the extreme like with every group.  But the mass, is also no good.  I saw a test in Fl. and Ca. all they did was walk into the stations and ask how to file a complaint against a cop.  There was no complaint, no one was angry this was just a question.  80% of time they were unable to do so, they were threatened and harassed, physically touched.  That's 80 fucking percent!  By the way, the answer is by phone or form, in whatever language you want, anonymously or not.  That's the answer, everywhere in the US.  So, what the fuck?

The Democrats: All women will be believed. When we don't know, from now on we believe the woman, is Biden a woman? NOPE! PSYCH! Nancy and Joe dont give two fucks about women being believed and have emboldened more men to do this violence in the same way the other side embolden racists these past few years, they caused more rapes and murders. They lie!  And now the phrase "All women should be believed" literally means nothing.  I mean if Nancy and Joe will do this the very first time, they will do this every time their guy gets accused and we simply do not know.  So will the other team on the right.  See, mathematically, no one gives two fucks if women are believed.  I do.  Gas lighting changes the meaning of the word, like "women" means "women" and men on their team.  See, nothing, means nothing, and we pretend.  This was particularly disgusting.  Hundreds of thousands of years, we believe the men, even with winks at times, robbing all women of the last shred of dignity they had.  Then these two come along, Pelosi and Joe, and we are going to change all that.  PSYCH!  Losers.  Could have raised hundreds of millions of dollars and saved women, nope not them, instead, they lie and gaslight and embolden just as the other side embolden racists and that violence increased.  They literally cause more rapes and beatings and murders, using lies and gas lighting to get what they want, to keep the system pretending for the people who benefit from this system.  This is our next leadership, losers.  And we all PRETEND. When can we stop pretending?

Biden's kid dont get into Delaware but graduates Yale? You got the grades Yale yoy got the grades for Delaware, whats up? Did Joe steal another kids Yale education?  Felicity Huffman and Lori Laughlin are getting locked up just for that. Joe never spoke to Hunter about what he was doing at Burisma? why not, he has a duty to avoid the appearance impropriety? also, bullshit, Hunter wasn't doing anything, it was a no-show job and Joe knew that. I mean what is guilty of that he is so dumb he would admit on tv he gives no fucks about the appearance of impropriety?  Little lie, big lie!  Somewhere.  How many lies, these corrupt people! Ok so we know they are lying, why are we playing with them? Like wtf?

See, they dont care, they just say stuff, they were wrong, we can see them lie, we can see it, but we wont see it!?!?!?!?!  When are we going to stop pretending?

Why are we seeing out of the corner of our eyes, lets look at the whole thing! They keep lying, they keep deceiving us. If we were smart we'd get rid of Biden, anyone is going to or lose, wont matter who. Joe is a lying, corrupt racist, corporate dem. Anyone we put in will win or lose, does not matter, just pick someone who dont want to rob us. And who has not lied so blatantly, been so publicly corrupt. #JoeGottaGo How many more decades of lies do we have to go through? I want to know, why do you people ignore their lies when they are so obvious? It's not fair to the rest of us? Why? Look at the lies, sad.

The Confederate States of America

The Confederate States of America had it's own borders, it had a Constitution and Laws.  They had Executive, Judicial and Legislative branches of government.  I think they had an Administrative branch too.  They had their own laws, defense and military.  They had their own soldiers and generals.  They even had their own banks and currency, they had contracts and debt with other nations.  You have to be a nation to do that. They were another country.  Not our country.

If the south had won, up here it would go: Mexico, the Confederate States, The Untied states then Canada.  Another country.  Their leaders are no more part of my county's history than Hitler was.  Even if they were American at one point in their past, they ain't now.  They are the dead enemy.  They think different and are the lesser humans for doing so.

If the civil war were still going on. And someone was rep'ing that flag in our land they would be hung. That is the flag of the enemy. The people wearing it are the enemy of freedom and democracy. It stands for an economic system based on slavery, nothing else. Over thinking, black people are less than. This is the flag of the enemy and for slavery. It has always been the icon of our enemy.

We need to diminish American Slave owners, all the founding fathers who participated in slavery etc.  They are American and part of our history, but they need to be diminished when they are presented.  Smaller, or a like a yellow border around them, something.  As for the confederates, some museum to show what happens when your brain goes bad with racism.

Instead we allow the celebration of the enemy's flag.  Not really, it's just a way for them to celebrate being white and not being black, with an open secret, pretending it's something else, to do with Dixie, the south, from places like Idaho and Michigan, lol.  Pretending.  So these museum pieces, akin to swastikas, are on the outside proudly.

We need Mr Wutabi, we have these museum pieces on the outside and the brown people locked up on the inside. The outside of the club is the inside of the club, and the inside of the club is the outside of the club!  Yeah, we got this racism thing surrounded.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Indict Them All!

So raise your hands if you were protesting to end the shut down and not to wear masks?  Anyone?  Where are they now?  So, they were wrong? Again? Totally wrong? Not like a rounding error? Not a little off? But totally 100% the opposite way, wrong?  Both morally and factually?  Really? Again? Total incorrectness.  Huh.  Where are they now?

Some pundit was arguing that the next administration needs to set the justice dept on the entire current administration, and indict.  As for Trump, we can, but dont indict former presidents, but they might. They might indict him for his crimes form before office those are fair game, and he signs things, they will RICO him in NY.  They could indict for what he did in office.  If they do, what we need is for them to make him take a 12th grade reading test, a mental health exam, IQ test and physiological exam.  We need to smash this into the ground.  Stable genius, they still think this?!?!?  What will they say when he cant pass any of these cognitive or mental exams, not a one of them?  Some will continue to believe, but we need these truths public.  They were completely 100% wrong, they could not have misjudged anyone any worse.  This was not a rounding error, the man is literally stupid and can barely read and look at us! Locked inside and sick and dying and it's ALL THEIR FAULT because they thought and some still think he is a stable genius.  That pisses me the fuck off.  They should have to pay triple taxes till we're even and never be allowed to vote again, thanks a lot! MAGA!

So we blame him for our covid situation, but we have a 25th amendment. On Mar 28 I was in contact with Nancy Pelosi's people again (she is the worst speaker in history), so she knows.  I was informing them that he could not count 6th grade math on tv and because of that he wont send ventilators to NYC where my mom and 9 million other people were.  I explained that the his lack of Jr. High math skills will kill tens of thousands, and I'm not guessing.  That if the 25th does not protect our actual lives form this, the entire constitution and purpose of our government is useless.  All she did was send Biden on tv to say that Nancy said Trump is killing people, that is not exactly what I said.  I said if she dont stop this, she would be killing people too, and if anyone ever asked me, I'd tell the truth and show all the emails and text messages between us, and please help us and do something.  She did nothing.  They are just as guilty for our deaths in the capitol building. 

So of the 535 Congresspeople and Senators in the capitol building, those who did not vote to impeach, then not vote to remove, aren't they guilty of about the worst episode of gross dereliction of duty ever?  Resulting in the most American deaths in American history? They knew he was guilty.  Shit at least two are caught as being involved in those activities.  They knew.  Everyone who saw the evidence knows. Those who deny the evidence are guilty, those fooled are just dupes. We need to protect ourselves from the guilty ones now.  Man, We are on our own.  They were even warned, by Schiff, in English, loud and clear, that Trump could do a ton of damage in the months he has left, and here we are.  The worst damage in history.  How do we ignore their culpability here.  They knew, and we are going to ignore it?  Why?  Tens of thousands of dead Americans, trillions robbed from us, for what?  Why would we ignore this?  They knew. 

Anyone who thinks these people are going to fix the cops is nuts.  These people own us, they can kill us, tens of thousands at a time, do nothing about it.  Use no tool to save us, right no wrong, they dont give two fucks about us, we are on our own.  Its the capitol building, 535 people, as one discrete group making these results, right in front of our faces.  Where are the results?  We are getting duped and fucked again.

Saturday, June 20, 2020


I never say "I told you so".  I am listening to the Sen from NJ, the black guy who reminds you of if a Jewish guy were born Black?  Yeah him.  He is a democrat and very upset that McConnell thinks the democrat bill is too left and a non-starter.  The bill? stuff like ban police from choke holds, ban racial profiling etc.  There is no opportunity to talk about the system.  How big a role "police" have? 

I told you, if you do not fix the broken thing in the legislature first, you can't fix the broken thing.  We do not need to be policed, we need to be protected.  This is NOT allowed, we are NOT allowed to look at the system itself.  WE WILL BE POLICED BY THEM, PERIOD!  They are going to police us, they have no interest in protecting us, just protecting the words written the their criminal law books.  They can not hear us, they do not care, they are not us, we have no one looking out for us, they simply do not represent us, we have no government.

Of course they are not policed.  I was half watching cnn and msnbc this morning.  Someone pointed out that to indict President Trump for any crimes would be improbable.  We simply do not indict Presidents for their crimes, and they pointed to Bush and all those war crimes and other crimes.  However, before President Trump was president, he was simply Mr. Trump and those crimes are fair game.

Now, ask yourself, yes you, reading this, why the fuck does this make any sense to you?  Why the fuck does this not infuriate you? These are the THE BIGGEST CRIMES OF HUMANITY, why the fuck are we not indicting our officials for lying us into war and or financial ruin?  Why just accept we cant apply the laws equally?  I mean it is the land of equality?  It should be a crime for the justice department to ignore any reasonable suspicion from the previous administration.  That should the fucking crime.  They are hundreds of them and 330,00,000 of us, we come first!

Johnson August 9, 1964 lied us early into war, 93 the Clinton's lied about the Glass-Steagall act lying us into the 08 crash; 30 trillion dollars, Bush 02 and 03 all those lies cost a million lives and 20 something trillion dollars, 2020 imminent threats, wwiii and nuclear realities.

We do nothing, they lie us into war and financial ruin and we do nothing.  We are the stupidest generation ever. 535 people.  That's it, ban the choke hold.  If we could take our building back, we could fix it.  Never gonna happen.  We would have to judge them as one discrete object, a group, not a bunch of individuals, but judge the group.  Never gonna happen.

They say this is capitalism, I don't think so.  I think this is an economic system for buildings.  If the building does well the leader of industry does well?  I thought it was meant to be an economic system for people?  So, how come, if this is our nation, and we are self governed, we do not get to select our own version of capitalism?  How come we can't look at the system itself?  How come, we can't have a few responsible versions of capitalism that would work dope here in this land, and we the people, by referendum, get to select the version we want?  How come this stupid version is forced on us by the 535 people in the capitol building?  Of we don't fix it in the capitol building first, we ain't fixing dick.  They can't hear us, and they are expert at changing the meaning of the words. 

Is Joe Biden a woman? No he is not!  All WOMEN should be believed, and all his supporters bought it, that woman also includes man, and none of them get, that when him and Pelsoi said "from now on all women should be believed" they were lying and give zero fucks about women or their vaginas, or them being believed.  But his supporters now think both are true.  They think Joe believes the woman and also Joe is woman and man and believe Joe.  Something like that.  The words mean what they tell us now.  That is why this is so dangerous.  When they convince some of us that up really includes down.  So, the democrats were "Change now yeah"...and in no time, all they offer is no choke holds, these people suck.  And their supporters now think they did something.  Up is down.

Anyway, we see the broken thing, in the cops only.  We do not see it else where yet.  It's the same fucking broken thing.  Like the blind man and the elephant.  Since we didn't look at the boss, the legislature, we were unable to do much.  Gotta fix it there first, or it wont fix.   Told ya so.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Defund The Police

Defund The Police

We should be guarded. All week people keep saying we ought to de-fund the police in this country. It sounded ridiculous to me. Get rid of police? I can't imagine how foriegn and stupid that must sound to more than half of us. Not just the usual closed minded half, but even to open minded people. It turns out only 5% of arrests are for violent crime. We do not need police with guns for the rest.

We are the most precious resource of our country. In fact the resources are the country. If you have an allegiance to us people and this land you are a patriot, that is a good thing. If you have an allegiance to the apparatus, you are a nationalist, that's un-American and a bad thing. Americans are not more equal than others, and there's no separate but equal, they tried that already.

So, as the most precious resource, we should have a system of guards to guard us. City Guards, County Guards, Federal Guards...and a small police force for the times when we need tough guys or gals. Which is hardly ever.

Why wouldn't the government want us protected? Why do they feel the need to "police" us, when for the most part, we are law abiding? A guard would protect and serve, that would be the job description, to protect us. Today that is a marketing slogan, police have no legal obligation to protect and serve. A police protects words written down in criminal codes, guards would protect us, the humans. I think that might be better.