Friday, February 26, 2021

15$ Sorry, in capitalism, the system does not allow for a living wage

15$ Sorry, in capitalism, the economic system designed by geniuses to make a nation go, does not allow for a living wage. The designers of this economic system, designed a couple of thousand years ago, did not understand people need to eat.
Neither side wanted this.
So democrats and republicans agree, capitalism on the wealthiest land per person, in the history of land or people, can't work. The geniuses were wrong, and this lot nailed it. The only way is to have the poorest of us not earn enough to live.
There simply is not enough on this land. So, the 535 of them guys want us to believe we have too much wood the can't house us all, we have too much food they cant nourish us all. That's stupid. I know how to count.
Thee systems would work in Moldova, they certainly would work here. It's not us we can't afford, it's the 535 of them, and their 80,000 buddies, they fit on one football stadium. The count is off.

Either Plato is a moron, or we are getting robbed. We got loads of stuff. Someone is lying to us.  No one knows how to count?  Where is all our stuff at?  

Who of the 535 of you has more wealth the day Trump leaves office than when he came.  They did it!  

We're out half million dead, tens of millions made ill and over ten trillion governed from us to the 80,000 super wealthy.  What?  Ooops?  We accidentally governed ourselves more stuff?  You intended to use our stuff for our health and safety, but you accidently ended up with it in your accounts, by mistake?  

So, there's probable cause our stuff was stolen, res ipsa loquitor, where is it?  So, I'd like to know, who got more now?

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Today 2/16/21 we see the virus changing, this is a date to remember. We saw this coming.

 Today 2/16/21 we see the virus changing, this is a date to remember.  We saw this coming.  The wrong people were in the capitol building.

Monday, February 15, 2021

If we do not want these systems, why are they on our land?

Subject: one who lives in the territory of, enjoys the protection of, and owes allegiance to a sovereign power or state.

I just heard they want a formal investigation into what happened Jan 6th. The 535 want to know what happened. Now?
Dozens of them pretended to not understand how our voting works, they lied about a stolen election. The 1st amendment is regarding a "redress of grievances", to redress is to set right, a grievance is a wrong. To redress a grievance, is to set right, some wrong.

Lying about an election being stolen is not a wrong. It is an intentional act and it turned into a crime, many. By dozens of the 535 of them, still in that building. Deciding what happens to us, our stuff and how bloody it will be when our grandkids are war age. Choices requiring morality, conscience, empathy for today and the future. Dozens of immoral humans, who have already forgotten, the names of the dead on Jan 6th, as if it had nothing to do with them neither, I suppose, are still in charge of us and our stuff. I wonder if they took some of that stuff. Lack of morality and all, liars have been known to steal. (Liars on both sides about all issues.) These were not people down the bar spouting shit about elections being stolen These are the apparatus itself. What might be foreseeable from those particular people going all over media and lying about a stolen election? Maybe, those dead bodies.

I think I heard in the impeachment, the charge read Trump was "solely" responsible for what happened Jan, 6th. I do not agree to that, that is immoral. That was to cover themselves, if I heard that right.

So, we have a list of those responsible
The 535 of them not doing anything to stop it, #1, our legislature Trump
Facebook, Fox and Other media
the No voters who are guilty by conspiracy or deed

Mostly: Us!

We let them do this at us. I just heard they want a formal investigation into what happened Jan 6th. The 535 want to know what happened. Now? After the lost impeachment trial. I think it all will fall on the 535 of them. We let them tell us how they were going to govern us. And also, they governed us. In the way they just told us they were going to.

Making us subjects, not citizens. And look at the results. Subjects, like lower than a vassal. Technically speaking as a matter of political science. We have not been self governed. Look: I don't want this gun system. It's almost as if it was not made for me. But my brother also does not want this gun system? Like it was not made for him either? This gun system seems more like it was designed by the gun industry and published at us, not for us. If no one on this land wants that system, why is it on our land? If no one on this land wants that system, why is it on our land? If no one on this land wants that system, why is it on our land? Do that with all the systems. This is messed up. I don't want this food system, nor this education system, not the criminal justice system or the health system. None of them. If no one on this land wants that system, why is it on our land? If no one on this land wants that system, why is it on our land? Let that sink in, the 535 of them are in charge of the words, and the checks. So, wouldn't that mean, they did this? Is there anyone else in charge of the words? Yeah, sure big question, like a conspiracy, except, what conspiracy? This is what the words mean. We are subjects. Not citizens. Weird to type. But, these are technical terms with technical definitions. This is what the words mean: Subject: one who lives in the territory of, enjoys the protection of, and owes allegiance to a sovereign power or state. That is Nationalism. See, it all comes together, an allegiance to the state, not the country, but the apparatus. Bad. We find ourselves here now. We are subjects to systems published at us by the 535 of them for industry. Subjects. It's supposed to piss you off. But, we let them do this at us. I want my systems. Don't you? I sometimes wonder why we all aren't like "If these 535 can't figure out to get the different groups, what we want, lets hire 535 who will. And find out what they have done with all our stuff? Where is it?". I would prefer to live under systems that make me free, why doesn't everyone. Always asking the 535 for a compromise. Well I don't to want to compromise. I want my brother to live free as they see fit, and those people how they see fit and my group how we see fit. Self governed. I mean if you want a pool full of bullets go for it, legally. With 535 of them also letting us live where no people get shot most days. We can do both. Why wont we demand both? I never get that part.

So, this is where we are, Nationalism. An allegiance to the apparatus, the state, not the country. The country is us people and this land, if you have an allegiance to us people and this land, you are a Patriot. If you have an allegiance to Nancy or Chuck or Mitch or Trump, or the military or any part of the apparatus, you are a Nationalist. That is bad an un American.

Us people, this land. That is the United States of America. The 535 of them are not. They are in charge of what happens to us people and this and and the stuff in it. No one else. Just the 535 of them. Nothing happens to our stuff that is not traced back to them. That is our system.

They were supposed to represent us, write laws, make an economy and use use our stuff at us for our health and safety. That's it. Oooops, they missed. Something a computer would do if you owned a hot dog stand.

Americans are not more equal than others, all the people are created equal. America is #1, as is Botswana and Denmark. I don't want to be a Nationalist, the Naca Party has to go (Nazi was National Socialist, I say Naca is National Capitalist, the Naca Party). We are the wealthiest, so where is it all? Can we find out who has more wealth now? Of the the 535 of them, who is doing better while we die and have food lines. They did not accidentally publish words to make themselves accidentally millions more accidental dollars. That's stupid. France can see us, this is embarrassing sometimes, as obvious as it all seems. Can we find out what they are doing? Where all the stuff is? Why other countries with less have more? Why is the count so short? These are numbers, why cant we know what is happening at our stuff? Maybe because we are subjects, their subjects. Subject to the words the 535 of them publish at us for industry. #NotMySystems. Replace the 535 of them, fix the hole (our rights come before their one person individual rights, they can have them once we are protected from them), we tell them how to govern, then they govern, does that fix it? Does following the instructions fix our main issues, the 535 of them? That is my question. Is it time to count and re-boot, all 535? Maybe that would get our stuff pointed at us.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

How many Senators voted know under threat of violence or death? Isn't Nationalist violence at the government, why they were in the room?

How many Senators voted know under threat of violence or death? Isn't Nationalist violence at the government, why they were in the room?  So, if more than 10 voted 'No' under duress, Nationalist violence won, right?  

(Um, Naca Party, National Capitalism, the Naca party.  Not Nazi, that's National Socialist.  Here they are Naca's)

Why not find out which republican senators voted under duress? Who's own constituents threatened them with violence or death if they convicted? Don't they call that tampering? Is that not a mistrial? For this very reason? So, this literally doesn't happen? The thing that is happening at us right now?

If you think about it, that is why they were in the room in the first place. Nationalism, that violence. What was the rush? That could have been enough republican votes there? Protect those who are in danger, in public, out in the open, find the Nationalists, threats via Phone records, emails etc. They call those investigations.  Tampering laws protect us.  What would the truth have done?
Look, if enough senators voted 'No' under Nationalist duress, the Nationalists won. Period. It worked, their violence worked and they won. What was the rush? That would be sad, a group of Nationalist beat our Senate. Great system. If the reports of threats are true. Seems kind of important to me. Threats or no threats, that is the question.

What if they are in on it together? Democrat and republican?

See the question marks in the title? That makes this a question, not an assertion. No conspiracy theories allowed here. Everything, all the ideas have to be measurable. Everyone keeps blaming the republicans for the verdict. What if, the democrat's are involved as well? What if the democrats, as a group, wanted this outcome also? What if they always want this outcome? We always get it, no denying that. So, if the results fit, that would make sense right? Not that it's true, just maybe it's time to ask. Are we getting this played? Would that explain our current situation, better than pretending they are trying to help us but can't? Who benefits? Are we getting played again, who of the 535 of them got more now?
Just as a homework assignment, if they are stealing our stuff and not helping us, what would fix it, without messing up anything else? (Another ignored email to another media person, Fareed Zakaria) You asked what the fix is. I'd like to ask; what would happen if equally, everyone in the country, before any human can assert any individual right, the system counts the number of constituents who are dependent, and the group rights come before the individual rights?

That fixes everything right? As a matter of political science and systems design. A sheriff might have 10,000 or 4,000,000 rights on their back. Each congressperson has two groups, all of us and their district. I have zero groups. Is there anything unfair about that? Picture a congressperson as a peacock, with 330,000,0001 feathers on their back. Now picture the 330 million of us, each with only one feather on our backs. We can do nothing at the group with our one stupid feather. We can't sell our stuff, hide behind the feathers, get caught and still not get in trouble. If you had all them feathers, you could use "pour judgement" too. The money come pouring in. That would our stuff, if they are stealing. We need to take that advantage away from them, they rule us and we are subject to the systems, industry designs and they publish at us. Making us subjects, not citizens, living under these systems, no one in the country (aside from the 535 of them) wants. So, if the 535 of them has been stealing our stuff, I mean the count is short, literally. Then this would fix it. Who of the 535 has more the day trump leaves office compared to when he came. They voted that money there, into their own accounts then. No one else is in charge of our stuff. They govern themselves more, as we die and go broke and have food lines? They voted themselves more or our stuff. We needed that stuff this time, health and safety wise, the count was short, did they continue to rob us as we die? 100,000 dead not a mountain moved 200,000 dead not a mountain moved 300,000 dead not a mountain moved 400,000 dead not a mountain moved Their building got messed up, hair messed up, all scared, no none of the 535 dead, ALL THE MOUNTAINS MOVED. They used our stuff at themselves again, because they got scard. Wanna see scared? Youtube people in hospital finding out covid is not a hoax and they are going to die. Actually die, from the thing they are scared if. Correct me if I'm wrong, the 646 got scared, but no one got hurt or died. MOUNTAONS MOVED, there is no moral explanation for this. Pointing the broken windows policy at the window before it broke, and not at the shards of glass on 110th street, that would would work. Our rights come first, not an individual, that lacks structural soundness form the system level. If you have no constituents, this is not a big issue, but those who do, this is the issue. Our rights come first, 535 people or 330,000,000 people? Who should the system protect? This is unsound. One fix, simple, our rights come first, fixes the banks, the wars, all of it. Right? As a system issues in political science that is the bug, correct? We could design how they get elected, govern and retire. For the good of all of us, right? If there is nothing to steal, no way to steal it, then we have more stuff, right? It's counting! Every little white lie they tell, they tell for one reason. If they didn't lie, you would know explicitly, they do not represent you, so they lie and pretend they do. Now we have too many who don't represent us. I would like to point out, the super wealthy class, last time I looked was 300,000 Americans with 50 mil and up. Noe, 80,000 with 30 mil and up. This virus of group is eating itself, like the Greeks and Marx and Engle wrote. No one is saying anythi9ng as this happens in front of our eye, the proletariat of the word uniting on American capitol buildings as the super-wealthy dwindle in impossible ways. 460,000 dead, saving the stuff of a subset of 80,000 people. That is immoral. The 535 of them have a job description: The allocation of resources to govern for the public health safety and morals. 80,000 super wealthy--------- 470,000 us dead from covid--------------------------------------------------------- OOOOOOOPS! They missed. Who got more now, they did it, right? Of the 535, who governed themselves more wealth as we have food lines? res ipsa loquitor. They can not govern half million dead, tens of millions made ill and during trump, a transfer of wealth over ten trillion plus dollars, and they got some of it? What? Rounding error? Mistake? "My bad bruh", no crimes? They intended to use our stuff for our health and safety? It mistakenly ended up in their accounts? Maybe, we are getting robbed form the capitol building. So, our rights come first. That fixes it, right? And we got alt right marching with "Right to Work" signs, in America! The alt right are Marxist, calling capitalists, socialists, it's bizarre! How does, "our rights come first" not fix the banks, the wars, the money, the resource distribution, all of it? This is my question, as a matter of math and system design and political science how does this not fix the whole thing? This does not touch the system just how it is deployed. This does not touch the first, or second or any Amendment. Just no more cheating. who is against that? The 535 of them. My question is if our rights came first, we could tell them how to govern us, then they govern, right? Self-governed. As it is now, they do both and we are subjects not citizens? Is that right? Would that fix anything?

Friday, February 12, 2021

Redress of grievances, I googled the words, with reading and stuff

 "Redress of grievances"
I googled the words, because I can read and count and stuff:

Redress: remedy or set right (an undesirable or unfair situation). [verb]
Grievance: a real or imagined wrong or other cause for complaint or protest, especially unfair treatment.

Well, does promulgating a fake election scam qualify in any sense?  Let's count:

If there was no stolen election, and no reason to think there was, there was nothing to set right.  So, no redressing was happening in this case.  Next.

A false wrong is not real or imagined, it is proven false.  A version of true, in that: not true.
So, in this case there was neither redressing, nor a grievance.  

We dont need no rules

 "And because the usual rules and procedures of an American trial do not apply to the Senate's impeachment proceedings, it stands to reason that there will be dramatic differences in how senators approach their responsibilities. But by any sensible measure, it's tough to defend tactics like these."

Why, lets not do that. I mean what are the rules for, that they throw away? These 535 have superpowers, the rules don't apply to them? These superpowers, the 535 are able to put bias and their own wants aside and do what's best for the America? Why isnt this the story? No they can not.

What is the history of the rules you speak of? Were they made for show? Or perhaps they serve things like equity, fairness, truth, justice, honor, what, these 535 just throw all that out and we have to live with it?

Why do they get to cheat us? In the last "trial", these same ones cheated and as a direct result, someone who cant read or count was in charge of our virus and half million of us are dead.

The 535 see no connection. None. The consequences of them cheating last year are all this dead, ill and money gone. And they are about to cheat again. How many of us die this time? Will you go broke? Your kid catch a nasty covid variant and be dead in an hour, as they cheat? Who of them has more wealth now, they did it.

Let it sink in, the 535 of them see no connection from half million dead Americans and all the damage their cheating is still costing us. Let that sink in. They consider their last vote a "WIN"! Let that sink in. They are about to repeat it. Let that sink in. They govern at us like they hate us. Like we are an inconvenience to suffer on the way to the bank, off our 450,000 so far dead bodies.

So, I call out the press, you were written into the constitution to be a conduit, in between us and the apparatus. So you could stop this, them cheating. We let you sell the information, now you are part of the apparatus and we are surrounded. You simply accept them cheating?

Why is it ok to throw out the rules put? The rules what make this proceeding fair, for America. Forget these 535 people in my capitol, what about us? Maybe 535 of should hear this case? We are still broke hungry sick tired and dying for the last time they cheated us like this. So, what is the press gonna do about it? Get paid I suppose. Screw us. We are surrounded. No one is coming to help us.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Trial #2, they cheat, we pay, no one is counting anything.

Trial 1, they cheated, almost half million of us dead, not one word about cheating and how we pay.  We don't even occur to them.
So republican senators conclude that Trump's actions for the years prior, and the days leading up to, and on the day of this insurrection, had nothing to do with the insurrection. Trump was home, not involved, watching it on tv. Bystander.

I was home, watching it on tv. You were too maybe. All of us, you and me and Trump are equally responsible for this disgusting criminal insurrection. Equally, you, me and Trump, in the eyes of republican senators. Cool!
Nah, they're lying, no one could actually think that. 😀 Just like last trial. Cheaters, both sides. Imagine if they did not cheat the last time.
Imagine, someone who could count and read was in charge during a serious virus. Someone who could both say and spell "epidemiologist", let alone describe one. Have you lost anyone to covid? Imagine a day we make them stop cheating. Nah, never gonna happen.


I wonder if they think the first responders who saved some of their lives, were bystanders also?

Remember the last trial? Schiff warned the senators how much damage Trump could do if they cheated back then? Then they cheated anyway, half million dead is the result, warned about in advance. Have you lost anyone to covid?

But that was a long time ago, they wont connect the dots. Well, they don't need food lines either. They have more wealth now. The 535 of them. As a group. We don't. As a group.

Cognitively, the last impeachment, was a discrete event. They do not consider half million dead Americans, a consequence of their action in the last trial. Let that sink in.

That was then, history, nothing to do with today. There were no consequences for their actions, according to them. Yes there was, we died. We continue to die.

Never do we make them stop lying at us. They know they are free to lie and cheat and take and get caught and nothing happens.

Both sides.

Add all the lies, cheats and mental disease up and wallah: Trump is a bystander, like everyone else. How many of us on both sides will have to pay for these cheats, done by our same cheaters. Will you die? Go broke? Your kid gets some new variant? If you care about others, will others suffer? For their cheating? Awesome. We literally just did this, and die. Lying is bad. we can't learn this? Every white lie they tell, they tell because if they didn't, you would know explicitly, they do NOT represent you. It's been 250 years, it's time to catch on. France can see us, we look like morons. So, let's count:

So, next month, will Nancy have more wealth as a result of this acquittal? How many democrats and republicans in the capitol building had more wealth the day Trump left office, from the day he took office? I think we are getting played, is there no way to count this stuff, it's just adding, then we would know. No guessing needed. So, who of the 535 of them, got more now? While we got no vaccines, no tests, and food lines? Start with Mitch and Nancy, even steven, who governed themselves more now, while we died?

Look at them, playing games as we die. Nearly half million dead already and they clearly do not give a fuck. Not paying attention, leaving early, cheaters, that's why we don't get to see the gallery, so they can cheat. That's all they do now, cheat after cheat. These same people are going to make themselves accomplices in this insurrection. We will pay. Just a guess, but in four years, if there is still a dollar, they will have more of them, we will have less of them. If not, they will still be rich and in charge. We keep getting played. Why can't we make them stop pretending? Trial Two: Trump's team were bungling idiots with nothing to say. The peoples team proved their case. result: Trump's team wins. Pretend government, pretend system, pretend process. We got played again. If we don't stop them cheating, we will always lose.

Friday, February 5, 2021

I was in direct communication with Nancy Pelosi's daughter last march, sample text message inside, if anyone cares

I was in direct communication with Nancy Pelosi's daughter last march.  I was afraid they were not going to move any mountains to save us from certain death, which we got instead.  We got what I was afraid of, and Nancy Pelosi ignored.  I can think of 450,000 people's loved one's who wish Nancy, Mitch and the rest governed for them. 

Last March, I noticed Trump was making all his choices off the "do not do this in a virus" list.  He does not do consistency.  It was like he was following instructions I said, like maybe is he paying off debt and throwing the virus (since then add in hack access to our systems maybe, maybe more), not saying he is, but after the Lev Parnas/Fraud Guarantee fiasco, I mean 1 plus 1 equals two right?

Nancy was busy, no mountains could be moved before we died.  No mountains could be moved after we died. 

100,000 of us, the governed, dead, no mountains moved

200,000 of us, the governed, dead, no mountains moved
300,000 of us, the governed, dead, no mountains moved
400,000 of us, the governed, dead, no mountains moved

Mountains may only be moved when their office building is messed up. Not one of them got hurt right? Just scared?  Wanna see scared?  Go on youtube search for videos of people in hospital, about to be ventilated as they are finding out covid is not a hoax and they are going to die now.  They look really scared and betrayed and angry and then they actually died.  From the thing they were scared of.  That can not happen in this case now, can it?  But mountains moved.  For the 535 of them.

How many dead so far 450,000?  How many super-wealthy have we got? Like 80,000? The count is off.  400,000 dead to save the stuff of like 10% of them matter, like 8,000 people?  Self governed? 

There is no whodunnit here, if the count is short, the 535 of them done it.  They are in charge of our systems and our stuff, via controlling the words and the checks.  They are the boss, period, nothing happens to our stuff they did not do it, period.

Ok, their job description: The allocation of resources to govern for the public health safety and morals.  

Oooooops, they  missed.  They used our health and safety for the stuff instead.  That is backwards.  We got half million dead, tens of millions made ill and in the  Trump years a transfer of wealth of over $10Trillion dollars.  That is our health and safety stuff going from us to like 80,000 Americans.  Well, we did not get the health and safety and the count is short.

The 535 of them et al, published words, allocated money, and these were the results.  Now if any of them $10 Trillion dollars ended up in their accounts personally, well then they killed us and robbed us for money.

No one can accidentally publish words, allocate stuffs and accidentally end up with millions  more, while we have food lines.  That is stupid.  If it were an accident it would have ended up in your account.  That is an accident, this is getting exposed by a natural disaster and getting caught stealing our stuff, causing us to die.  So, of the 535 in that building who got more now? Who has more wealth as Trump is done than we he began.  Start with Mitch and Nancy and go look for how much each really has, then move on from there.  Whoever got more, they did it, res ipsa loquitor. 

We should ask MIT to count how unlikely it would be, out of 330,000,000 people, for multiple people in a group of 535 to have more, while the money is gone, the jobs are gone, illness, death, food lines, chaos for the rest.  That is an answerable math problem.  Simply ask them to count for their country.

So, are any of the 535 wealthier now?  If multiple people of the 535 of them got more now, they did it.  These are numbers.  This is not poetry class.  

Here is part a text from March 28, 2020, between Nancy Pelosi's daughter and myself, before we died, I have more emails and text's. I really tried to get them to understand the dead were coming.  I was the wrong person for the task clearly.

Sample from 3/28/20 before we died:

No one is coming to help us, this is ending, this empire America

 The political class, the super-wealthy class, the university class, the media class.  That is our apparatus here in America.  The intelligentsia and the media were supposed to be neutral, a conduit between us and them.  Nope, we let them sell the information, now we are surrounded.  No one is coming to help us.

They took it all I think.  Except some social freedoms.  We can marry who we want, study whatever, travel, religious or not, Yankees or Red Sox (Yankees ovi).  Social stuff mostly they don't care.

The systems, the stuff and the money they took.  The systems were robbed.  So my brother Austin would like to buy a machine gun, a bumpstock and a thousand round mag today but can't.  He wants to protect his family in his house as he wants and that 2nd Amendment is in English and I know how to read and I want him to be able to be free, like we were promised.  So why isn't he free?

On the other hand, I also know how to count.  I would like to live under a gun system, where most days, no one got shot.  Why am I not free?

My brother don't want this gun system, I also do not want this gun system.  We agree on the gun system.  So long as no one tries to tell the other what they do want.  So, if no one in that half the country wants this gun system, and no one in that half wats this gun system, why the fuck is it on my land?!!!!

Why do we all not look at the 535 of them knowing they did this, and ask that question, we gotta be morons.  I want my fucking freedom I was promised by being born on the island of Manhattan.

First things first, get any system off this land that has nothing to do with us or this land.  This is ridiculous.  We are subjects of the gun system, and all the other systems.  How? Our government is a publishing house.  535 editors a publisher and 5 print shops.  Corporations do not write laws, industries design our systems and pay the publishing house to publish them at us.  Food system brought to you by food industry, gun system by gub industry and so on.

 Add it all up and  we are not self governed, that makes us subjects, not citizens, like literally.  They governed at us, not for us. I want my fucking systems to match my people.  Well, that would include pretty much all the systems under which we are subjects, they do not govern for us.

They are a publishing, house.  Companies do not write laws I think.  It looks more like industry, designs our systems, and pay the publishers to edit and publish, at us, for them.  Where is the stuff at?