Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Captin Brett Crozier has a ship full of our children on board a ship

To The Captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who remains at sea with our children:

Captain Crozier, go back to work and follow the orders of your president. He is knows what he is doing. When you put on that uniform you knew the risks. We need to work together. He is a unifying force.

If you need ventilators, I'd sail to Guatemala, you got no chance here, he is hoarding them. I think he might be saving them for foriegn aid. I hear Russia needs some. We've done some recent work with panel of nations including the Guatemalans, a wall project. They may not be receptive. They speak another language. But if you break their laws and get the kids off there, you will have your rights protected. 

He works hard, we now have done over a million tests, and we will soon get to our normal emergency limit of 150,000 per day. Don't you see, we've completed 6.5 days worth of testing in only 2 plus months! Also, since we are a large country we have done more actual individual tests than anyone. That virus' contaminates a population and not the individual, does not matter, he and he alone, accomplished that!

Now is sometimes the best teacher's aid. Did any of those American kids on board vote for Trump? These things of the future are best handled in the voting booths of the past.
I'm sure this will provide great solace. His daily press briefing ratings are through the roof. 8.5 million. That beat out the season finale of "The bachelor", which means it also beat out reruns of "Gilligan's Island" and "Bozo the Clown". He sent out a well researched tweet during the night. Data and everything. Must have taken some time last evening, he works hard!  How was the sea air last night? 

Hey, are you anywhere near Gilligan's Island, maybe the professor can make some ventilators out of bamboo and coconuts, they already have the bike for power. You did notice the Bachelor, that was not a regular episode, it was the season finale! That seemed especially important.

Good Luck sir., to you and our children on board.

Seems Trump and Pelosi do have something in common, they have a hard time counting

I was in contact with Nancy Pelosi's people, I was disappointed.  You can't make this stuff up.  It's hysterical.

Donald Trump, a few years ago, declared himself a Nationalist, on tv, and asked what's wrong with that? First off, I spit up my drink, Americans are not more equal than others, that's stupid.  He's the President, you can not make this up.   And there's no separate but equal, they tried that already.  Nationalism is an allegiance to the apparatus, the super-wealthy class and the political class.  The country is us people and this land, not the apparatus.  If you got an allegiance to us people and this land you are a patriot and that's a good thing.

a Nationalist? A National Capitalist, that's the Naca Party, not National Socialism, not a Nazi, a Naca ("c" like in ice).  We have a Naca Party, neat!  Naca-Maga, sounds like babies pre-speech, having an adult conversation.  It sounds just like that.

Next, Nancy Pelosi declared him racist, she tried to prove it and failed because she is stupid and killed us today.  He's racist.  What's a racist?  Something to do with superiority.  So if we can find a way to see if Trump, in his being, feels superior to another race.  Him & Tucker Carlson: "Why do we give attorneys to brown people at the border."  That is literally asking why do the brown people have the same rights as me?  You can't make this stuff up!  I mean they got the right to a fair trial, the right to an attorney, that's another.  So we have two rights these racists think they have but the brown people don't.  Racists, easy.

So, in America today, the anchor on planet earth for Freedom and Human Rights, Fair Trade and Equality we have a President who is a Racist Nationalist.  We look like fucking Morons.  You can't make this up, I mean this in particular.

You can not make this stuff up. It's hysterical. When she declared him racist I thought she was going to impeach him for that.  I thought that because unlike her I believe in America, and I believe black people deserve a president every day.  What is this 1820 where there's a President, just not for black people?  It's hysterical.  Apparently Nancy was fine this way.  I pick on her because she is literally the only person on earth who could have gone to a microphone and uttered the word impeachment and it would have mattered.

This is all connected.  Yesterday I wake up, and Trump is explaining why he wont send 30,000 ventilators to NY, where my 82 year old mom is.  His reason was that he could not understand how hospitals usually need one ventilator,  so how could they need 30,000?  And he was legit dumbfounded, not even a guess.  I'm sitting there mouth agape, that takes a couple of few weeks just doubling and they will be doing more than that.  So he did not send them, that has killed people we just wont know when or exactly who.  He cant count!   Americans are going to die because the President of the united states could not count!   Nor sort out how numbers grow, which is the most important part of his job now. 

Had he any counting skills, (The Wharton school claims this guy), he would have sent those ventilators, and American lives would have been saved, instead of killed.  I mean this guy thought the Global, World Wide, All Brought Together, International, Involving Every Single Country and Person on Earth Pandemic is a State issue.  Governors aren't even allowed to make foriegn policy.  Fortunately we have mechanism for dealing with global issues, the federal fucking government.  You can not make this up!  Hysterical. Understanding this virus to make choices to save us is his only job now and he cant do it, are there any words or ideas that supersedes this?  He has to go asap right?  (We are doomed).

See, the epidemiologist has to tell him the story of the epidemic, which is math and how numbers grow.  A bit more complicated than from 1 to 30,000, but same type stuff.

The video is distressing, he is completely stumped, "look at this number "1" I got here, it's perfect...Not many people know about "1"...I know "1" better than anyone, trust me...except how to count with it...but CHY-NA did it!  It's tremendous and beautiful..tremendously perfectly beautiful,...how could it be that it grows like that?  I can't imagine this unknowable, 6th grade math, it's amazing, and powerful and strong and wrong, my math is better, I know better, that can't be, I have the best maths, no ventilators!."  Today was brought to you by the number "1".

What are we going to tell their loved ones?  They died of "Long Division".  This is insane.

The president cant count and has no idea what the words and numbers the epidemiologist told him mean, and he is in charge of this virus. 

I noticed a concerning pattern.  Each choice Trump made came off the "do not do this list", I think every single one, in the series, all consistent like that.  I'm from the upper west side, I've known about trump my whole life, I don't remember seeing him complete a series.  If he tried to fail a test he'd get a "D".  Why does the list of things he did, look like they came from the "do not do these things" list?  What is going on here?

All I'm saying is, why does it look like our government is following instructions and also killing us?  I know it's not an Amendment or anything, but I kinda feel like we have a right to know?  Every single time, Trump got the consistent answer in a series, that's weird right?

First him and somehow Putin rig the election, then he nickels and dimes us 200K at a time for money.  WTF, 200 thousand at a time for plane gas?  Hotel rooms?  I mean 200K is how uncle Kevin robs some little old lady out of her Florida condo.  This is the white house, we need a law, you can't be robbing less than like 7 million at a time from the white house, what a chump!, Queens!.  Then Nunes, Parnas, Rudy phone calls with Putin's million dollars floating around, there goes checks and balances and the word Republic specifically.

So he stole the power, stole the money, broke the system and now finally he is fucking killing us!  MAGA-NACA! What is going on here? 

You know, for the next president, can we have like an open safe we keep filled, they can just take it.  That would have been better than all this.
This is hysterical, you can not make this all up. hahah.  I am an American I have a right to know if my President can count on a normal day, but in the virus? (omg, read that sentence again, this is America?) 

I actually suggested a one question type deal where the gaggle had only this to ask.  Desperate times and measures and all.  You see, if she keeps asking for stuff like PPE she ain't getting it and time wastes.  Get rid of him quickly then you will get stuff for us, the humans here. “HELLO, DOWN HERE!”  “ALMOST, A LITTLE FARTHER DOWN,  LITTLE MORE, JUST...OK GOOD", Can we get some help?

Can they even 25th him?  I mean he has to cooperate and draft a written declaration, and well, he can barely read, can't count, how do we know he can write?  Has anyone ever seen him write? I'm thinking crayons, from CHY-NA!

I wanted someone to say something like:

Mr. President, it has come to our attention you can not count...I'm not finished Mr President, as this virus requires the ability to see how this virus will grow...I'm not finished Mr President, if you can't count you can not do this job.  So we need to know the following: 

I'm not finished Mr President...

1) What is a virologist?

2) What is an epidemiologist?
3) Say "epidemiologist"
4) What is your best data about this virus right now, as the president of the united states, from that epidemiologist, now, from your own mouth, we need to know that you know this now?  Data, facts, present state.

Mr President, if you can not answer these questions you must step down, if not, we will gather congress.  How can 1 grow to 30,000?  America deserves a President who can answer that question, not ask it.  (I even gave her that line and told her to take it, shit I told her to leave me out of it and take the whole idea as hers).

Don't we have a right to know if he can answer these questions?  Even Trump supporters want to live.  If he cant count he can not discharge his duty.  He would not know what questions to ask,  Period.  He can not do this job and proved it on tv babbling like an idiot about how 2^15 is some mystery.  For minutes, he was on tv, completely dumbfounded, going on and on, like zippy-the-pin-head, about not only can't he count, he cant even imagine this stupid thing.

This man is inept, what was that “A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”.   That’s the problem, Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, they keep adding tomorrow’s.  (That worked out swell, music & art baby!)  This is how they protect our health and safety?  

Look at all the failures, they all failed us and now we are dying.  Mueller failed us, SDNY could pick a tax doc and a loan doc right now, with no place in precedent and make one charge, fuck the OLC, that is not a law, we are dying, what is going on here???  Congress failed us and the senate. 

Then finally, I looked up the word "trial" in Black's Law Dictionary, "A review of fact and law".  Not an exclusion of Fact and Law, that's stupid.  No review of fact and law, no trial.  And chief Justice moron don't know what a trial is.  They all failed us.  We are on our own, and they fucking stole 500 B from us, what the fuck do buildings need with all our money?  Oh! maybe to replenish the bank accounts and call the economy ok, and some of us less thinking types will be impressed.

Ladies and gentleman, that is a clean sweep.  The Executive Branch,  The Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch all working together at the people.  Republic my ass. Oh, and all this with, according to MSNBC, a million of Russian money have still waiting for pick up.  CHY-NA! NACA-MAGA!  Look at the numbers, oooo.

Joe Biden, man I do not know.  He seems maybe just regular usual and customary corruption, like Hunter don't get into Delaware Law School, but graduates Yale.  Could be a reason but most likely his grades were not there.  Felicity Huffman and Lori Laughlin are going to Prison for this.  There is more, but that is enough for this, it would mean jail time, if it were legal to prosecute them, but alas, no reasonable prosecutor would bring these charges.  So there is Trump caught, no one ever been this caught, and remember just like the corruption in Ukraine, Nunes and McConnell for sure, if the stories are true, are in on this caper and are voting on shit.  

You can not make this up.  I mean if true I would have been watching these two fake proceedings, where the defendant is in congress and the apparatus is on his panel, in the form of Devin Nunes, who likes to talk to Ukrainian Russian gangsters when they are handing out Putin's money, on his actual phone with phone records, what a dope.  Also, they want to use, as a defense, the corruption in Ukraine where the apparatus was in on the corruption also, no imagination I guess.  While being charged with that same corruption, and trying to make more if it in Ukraine.  All of this very same corruption is on display on my tv, in the form of the corruption happening now for all to see and pretend.  McConnell  confessed, "I am Trump, he is me, we are the same", you got it.  McConnell and Nunes voted.  wow. (If the MSNBC stories are accurate)

Why can't they just rob us like normal politicians?  I'm sitting here wondering what Trump is doing, what if he is doing his version of thinking?  He's going to kill us all.   we are #1 in infections, so much winning, he was finally right, this is what he meant when he said we’d be sick winning, bet you thought he said sick of winning?   What is going on here? 

Nancy Pelosi should have immediately done something, every second counts.  She didn't.  She had something better to do, than watch our health and safety.  Americans will die because of it.

Ok, so I watch this train wreck and people die and no one looks up and we are on our own.  I am just some dumb stupid idiot moron and I could have protected us better than this.  the allocation of resources to govern for the public health, safety and morals my ass.  If anyone anywhere has any access can you please ask our government to stop killing us, thanks, don't ask Nancy Pelosi, she doesn't want to.   I hear MIT has really good maths dudes, they could have counted, can we get the best this time?  Please.  Asking for a friend, all of them.

Monday, March 9, 2020

"Consumer Confidence is the lifeblood of our Economy" What does that mean?

She might have said: "Consumer Confidence is the backbone of our Economy", Nancy Pelosi just said that.  I heard it for the first time the opposite.

We are the consumers, us, 330,000,000 million human people, who just got grouped as a group, called "consumers", that's the "us" in this equation.

So, who is the "them", well, she used the word "our", the apparatus, the political class and the super-wealthy class.  That's them.  In the "our", them.  In "Our economy", see the economy is theirs, they own it.  And the lifeblood of it is "us", the consumers, without "us" there is no "them" and "their economy" will go away.  If we were smart we would do that, lol.

It's funny, before Lev Parnas went on tv, I was emailing with Nancy Pelosi's people.  I have met one her daughters about 15 years ago maybe not even dozen times.  They said I helped get Parnas on tv, that's kind of cool.  But twice, in my emails I had to type:  "academically, "us" does not refer to you and your kids".  She is Nancy Pelosi's daughter, that's "them".  I was not trying to be mean, I qualified both times "academically" etc...We need a better understanding of "us" and "them".

Anyway, once you see it upside down, you can't un-see it.   Just imagine you're making America from scratch, for all of us, your cabinet would be there to make less war (Mr. Miaggi), education department would make more intelligent people, food department would make healthier people, health dept would make less sick people, transportation less potholes...on and on.

Why does no one notice all of the departments literally go backwards?  More war, more homeless, more fat people, more sick people, more poor people...every cycle, every 4 years, no matter who wins what, it's always a little worse.  Every single time.  How does not everyone see this?  I do not get that part.  It's like right there, we are looking at it.  Look up!!  They don't do anything?!?!?!?  The system is designed to make those potholes, that's how "their" economy works.   It always has to get a little worse every cycle, or else they would not get more.  That's where the "more" comes from, the health and food and education al of it.  That is them taking our stuff and selling it to us.  Whatever, keep doing your way.  lol

We are supposed to be a Democratic Republic practicing Capitalism, where's the party for that?  How come "we the people" do not get to select the version of capitalism we want to practice, who gave those 535 people in the capitol building the right?  We should chose. The people do well, then the leaders do well.  Not the building does well the leaders do well.  That's stupid, it's an economic system for human people, not buildings.

That said Trump has to go, this time it is not about the money, yes, there's lots of Putin's money around.  This time the corruption is about the system itself, go back to when it was just about the money.  Or fix it.

Anyway, I know what the economy looks like when I think of it as America's economy, that it belongs to us.  Now, I can also see as "their" economy, isn't that funny, the same words in the same sentence:

Consumer Confidence is the lifeblood of our Economy  -----> Our economy
Consumer Confidence is the lifeblood of our Economy  -----> Their economy

Makes you wonder why bother getting out of bed. lol.  Imagine you're a 12 year old autistic kid, painting a picture in the living room, mom and walks in and says four words: "did you do that".  You're autistic so facial expression means nothing, tone of voice not helpful, just 4 words "did you do that".

Was this a brand new ruined couch or is the painting going on the fridge?

Did you do that ----------> Fridge
Did you do that ----------> Waste

Same words.  How is that fair, they can say "Consumer Confidence is the lifeblood of our Economy" and they mean it's theirs, but they know we think of those same words the opposite.  Like they are laughing at us.  Consumer Confidence is the lifeblood of our Economy.  Holy shit! lol. 

As always I could be wrong about all this, all I can type is what it looks like to me.  It does look like this, that I can tell you, what I see could be wrong.  If anyone reads this, comments like "suck a dick" get deleted, I am not trying to convince anyone to think anything, you think your stupid words, I'll think my stupid words.  But, the math flaws, quantifiable, spatial, temporal, new information or context or cognition like this, type away.  I dont care which answer is the right answer.  I just wanna know, which answer is the right answer.