Thursday, October 19, 2023

"Belief" is the opposite of "Knowledge".

 A "belief" is a strong conviction in an idea absent proof.

"Proof", the essence of proof is repeatability.  When humans can measure an idea for how likely it is to repeat itself, to re-occur next time, that is no longer a "belief" idea.  It is a "Knowledge" idea.

The only being that have knowledge ideas are humans.  That is why we got wheels.  If you could "instinct" a wheel, elephants would have wheels.

About 4000 years ago, the Sumerians learned how to count.  Immediately we got a wheel.  Now we don't gotta walk no more.

The maths repeat themselves.  Nothing else does that.  Not lawyer words, not prayer words, not humming or deep breathing.  Just the maths.

So, using the maths, and only the maths, humans and only humans so far, can point the maths at an idea.  We can measure if the idea repeats itself.  If it does, you can make circle system, a flight system, a political system or a virus system.

If the idea does not repeat, it falls into what Aristotle called the exclusionary middle, in his third law of logic.

If something isn't measurable, it doesn't exist.  

Belief                     Knowldge

Static                    Dynamic

Proprietary           Universal

Not Measurable  Measurable

Not Repeatable   Repeatable

Belief is the opposite of knowledge in every way ideas can be oppsitte.   Now look at belief political systems compared to discrete ones.

Christian             American 

Nationalism      Republic

My Race             All Races

My Religion      All Religions

My Language  All Languages

My Gun             All Guns

My Mask          All Masks

My Books        All Books  

Singular          Plural

Immoral          Moral

Those describe two different countries.  Nationalism the other a Republic.  One has book bans the other has freedom.

Book bans is freedom to speech, not freedom of speech

Abortion bans is freedom to religion, not freedom of religion

FL for example has the safest police in America.  He protected the police from the people, and the people from nothing.  Look at the health and safety index of his reign.

Desantis is an actual NAZI:

That's Nationalism, a singular system.  America was supposed to be a republic.

No one seems to know what the words mean, no one seems to know how to count.