Saturday, June 27, 2020

Indict Them All!

So raise your hands if you were protesting to end the shut down and not to wear masks?  Anyone?  Where are they now?  So, they were wrong? Again? Totally wrong? Not like a rounding error? Not a little off? But totally 100% the opposite way, wrong?  Both morally and factually?  Really? Again? Total incorrectness.  Huh.  Where are they now?

Some pundit was arguing that the next administration needs to set the justice dept on the entire current administration, and indict.  As for Trump, we can, but dont indict former presidents, but they might. They might indict him for his crimes form before office those are fair game, and he signs things, they will RICO him in NY.  They could indict for what he did in office.  If they do, what we need is for them to make him take a 12th grade reading test, a mental health exam, IQ test and physiological exam.  We need to smash this into the ground.  Stable genius, they still think this?!?!?  What will they say when he cant pass any of these cognitive or mental exams, not a one of them?  Some will continue to believe, but we need these truths public.  They were completely 100% wrong, they could not have misjudged anyone any worse.  This was not a rounding error, the man is literally stupid and can barely read and look at us! Locked inside and sick and dying and it's ALL THEIR FAULT because they thought and some still think he is a stable genius.  That pisses me the fuck off.  They should have to pay triple taxes till we're even and never be allowed to vote again, thanks a lot! MAGA!

So we blame him for our covid situation, but we have a 25th amendment. On Mar 28 I was in contact with Nancy Pelosi's people again (she is the worst speaker in history), so she knows.  I was informing them that he could not count 6th grade math on tv and because of that he wont send ventilators to NYC where my mom and 9 million other people were.  I explained that the his lack of Jr. High math skills will kill tens of thousands, and I'm not guessing.  That if the 25th does not protect our actual lives form this, the entire constitution and purpose of our government is useless.  All she did was send Biden on tv to say that Nancy said Trump is killing people, that is not exactly what I said.  I said if she dont stop this, she would be killing people too, and if anyone ever asked me, I'd tell the truth and show all the emails and text messages between us, and please help us and do something.  She did nothing.  They are just as guilty for our deaths in the capitol building. 

So of the 535 Congresspeople and Senators in the capitol building, those who did not vote to impeach, then not vote to remove, aren't they guilty of about the worst episode of gross dereliction of duty ever?  Resulting in the most American deaths in American history? They knew he was guilty.  Shit at least two are caught as being involved in those activities.  They knew.  Everyone who saw the evidence knows. Those who deny the evidence are guilty, those fooled are just dupes. We need to protect ourselves from the guilty ones now.  Man, We are on our own.  They were even warned, by Schiff, in English, loud and clear, that Trump could do a ton of damage in the months he has left, and here we are.  The worst damage in history.  How do we ignore their culpability here.  They knew, and we are going to ignore it?  Why?  Tens of thousands of dead Americans, trillions robbed from us, for what?  Why would we ignore this?  They knew. 

Anyone who thinks these people are going to fix the cops is nuts.  These people own us, they can kill us, tens of thousands at a time, do nothing about it.  Use no tool to save us, right no wrong, they dont give two fucks about us, we are on our own.  Its the capitol building, 535 people, as one discrete group making these results, right in front of our faces.  Where are the results?  We are getting duped and fucked again.

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