Sunday, January 15, 2023

Systemic Racism Seems Like a System Desing Issue Called Probability-Hacking.

Systemic Racism is a system design issue called Probability Hacking, aka p-hacking.  When designing any system, the designer brings themself with them.   The designers get into the system they design, p-hacking.

It is supposed to happen incidentally and counted at and handled.  The founding fathers were our system designers.  They got into the words they wrote too.

"All men are created equal".  In 1787 America, the "ALL" group, was a discrete object in mathematics.  With an entity-type, with a definition close to; male, land owning, non-land owning, over the majority age and white.  Plus, two sub-groups of white women and white children.

If you are in the [ALL] group in 1787, or today you are in luck.  Every syllable that describes every system we live under, it's foundation, structure and how all our stuff moves, was written exclusively by male white members of the "All" group.  Intentionally p-hacked in their favor.  We still live under those words today. 

In the words we still live under, the "ALL" group pointed all the stuff under their feet, right at the "ALL" group.  Even excluding their own two sub-groups, as they had no rights to the stuff either.

Had they left the other groups alone, they could make a case for incidental p-hacking.  But they didn't.  Indigenous people, people who are black etc., they pointed all the stuff under their feet at the "ALL" group too.

Then they took the stuff around their feet, and the very words we still live under pointed all that at the "ALL" group too.

Then, in the very words we still live under today, the founding fathers took their feet, their children's feet, their loved one's feet, their dignity, humanity, labor, lives, homes, food, clothes, names, bodily integrity and everything else, and pointed all that at the "ALL" group too.

Some will say they did all this with no systemic racism whatsoever.  Those people don't know how to count.

So, for racial progress all we have to do is find the "ALL" group today.  Easy, Black Lives Matter / "ALL" lives Matter.  That's the "ALL" group.  Male, land-owning, non-land owning, over the majority age and white.  Plus, two sub-groups; white women and white children, plus a few tokens.

Thats our racial progress.  Someone wrote that its as if it were minus 50 degrees outside, and we gave someone a hoodie and said, "we're even".

We've done nothing.  Yet, Comrade Desantis and Jordan and Abbot and Trump are certain, there is no systemic racism.  They are making laws about it and are not confused.

Ask Comrade Ronald "Let me be clear JOBS!" Desantis, if we could update the words of the constitution.  To allow for light bulbs and computers.  Using the exact same process, he loves so much.  Just a more varied group writing the words this time.

Do you think he'd go for it?  A group made of less farmers.  Some farmers, but less.  Math people in charge as these are systems.  More scientists etc.  All male black members of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Not a chance.

Comrade Desantis and Trump and Jordan and them see systemic racism just fine now.  That is how black people exist here today.  Systemic Racism is a system design issue, it's in the words.  We need new words.

Hypocrisy truly is the lowest form of knowledge.  Nature does not make a being with any less information than "ME".  Nature does not make a being with any less morality than "ME".  "ME" is the least amount of information a being can have and still be a being.

They have reached the bottom of knowledge.

Look at their faces as they yell "THERE IS NO SYSTEMIC RACISM!".   None of them have ever designed a system in their life.  Remove the word "Systemic", it's just a bunch of white boys yelling "THERE IS NO RACISM! THERE IS NO RACISM! THERE IS NO RACISM"

What do you expect?  Comrade Desantis usurped the American right to life for the socialist right to "Let me be clear JOBS!".  They are all still dead Floridians.  He did it on tv, he did that in print.  He did that in all caps, for all history to know. 

(Is he even allowed to make Florida's economy Socialist and give the right to work?  Can't we kick them out for that of America for that?  It's not capitalism?  A right to work, in a free market economy, he's an actual governor in America??  Where did he go to school?  Are they proud of him?  Did you ask?)

These people had "Right to Work" signs in one hand, and virtual "I hate socialism" signs in the other.  AND: They think there is no racism, (when it's not their group getting racism'ed).

France can see, we look like idiots.

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