Tuesday, February 18, 2020

$50 Trillion dollars in lies

Ok follow me here.  In 1993 the Clinton's repealed the Glass-Steagall act.  They told me that this law prevented the investment banks, like Bear Stearns, from walking across the street to our commercial banks, where your paycheck is, and robbing the money from there and using it to gamble with.  I wonder what they promised us for this bit of executive authority?  Whatever it was they lied.  Here's what we got:

In the 80's this guy named Goodfriend invented these things called mortgage bonds at Solomon Brothers (the cool bank for sure).  It kinda seems like Bear-Stearns et al, took that to the equity side and robbed our money.  By going into the commercial banks and taking our money to buy those AIG credit default swaps, or derivatives, which itself is stealing. (The earth has a quadrillion and half dollars of derivatives debt, we, us the little people owe this, they, the super-wealthy got the 600 million dollar yachts (a qudrillion is a million billion), why didn't our caring leaders stop this when it was like half a trillion?  They want the money!!).  So the result of the 08 housing bubble was 30 Trillion dollars, we owe, them, we still owe 17+ trillion.

The Chaney Bush experience:  Lied us into war, lies:
1) Thousand of emails they knew and later proved were forged, reading that Saddam was looking to purchase yellow cake uranium

2) Non-existing Yellowcake Uranium

3) 60,000 aluminum tubes they knew were not for nukes but communicated were, lie.

4) Photos of Mohammad Attah (one of the hijackers) was not him and they knew that but told it was him anyway.

5) Photos of places: Powell on tv at the UN at planet earth with a fake photo, he knew was fake (he told a colleague: Powell- "I wonder what will happen when we comb that country (Iraq), ebd to end and find no WMD", he knew.  Half remorseful or not he lied at planet earth in our name. 

6) Two witnesses they knew were fabricators, and relied n that.

7) Lied about WMD

8) Lied about ties to 911

Ok so Cheney commanding Bush II, had the Bush's lie us into war.  Hey do you think Cheney ever floated a fake war bond for this fake war, had his blind trust buy into the fake war bond, have the loan itself go to Haliburton?  Did he ever print one batch of money and give it to himself twice?  Or am I an idiot and they all do this 50 times recursively every time they print the stuff?

So, two presidents, two major lies and this bill?  30 trillion for the Glass-Steagal lie and over 20 trillion for this fake war, where a million people died.

50 Trillion stolen dollars is what I see, trillion with a "T"!!

Where is that money, the Clinton's got hundreds of millions at least, that we know of.  The Bushes already had that.  How are we all not furious, we could be debt a free as a nation and still have 30 Trillion left for education, health, business development, roads, hospitals, schools.  They keep stealing it all!

Unless I have these news stories all wrong, then someone needs to a much better job explaining these things.

There 535 people in the capitol building and a few more in the white house, they each have 330,000,001 people rights on their backs, all they wanna talk about is that one person them.  Fuck them.  we each have one person's rights on our back.  It is not the same, fuck them and fuck their rights.  Why would they have the presumption of innocence, fuck that, if they come near probable cause they ought to have to prove their innocence.  And we always let them go!

If we had arrested Johnson for lying us into Vietnam on Aug 9, 1969, maybe Cheney doesn't have Bush lie us into this current war.  Maybe we don't start 2020 with "Imminent Threats" more lies that almost started WWIII or a nuclear war!  Lies lies and more lies.  Look at all these war crimes they committed in our name!!  Fuck these people, fuck their rights, our rights, that ought to be the main ficus, the rights of 330,000,000 people, not 535 people.  I want my money back!! lol

Prove It

I Typed this next stuff and dont know where to put it

Humans walked across planet earth for 300,000 years, because we didn't know how to count.  The somehow, like 4,000 years ago, the Sumerians learned how to count and now we don't gotta walk no more if we don't wanna.  If we don;t count, we do not get, anything.

Hawking wrote "If something is not measurable, it doesn't exist".  So, to exist is: "I am countable therefore I am".  Aristotle called the set of ideas we can't measure part if the third law of logic, The Exclusionary Middle.  Why do we believe them or not believe?  Because we do not know what it means to "Know" a thing.  That proof itself means "repeatability", and to know that we need to either science at the idea or math at it.  Period. Every even number is divisible by 2, for everyone, everywhere, at all times.  There is no your truth and their truth.  We would not have planes or phones.  Repeatability. If the idea is repeatable it is knowledge.  Knowledge is dynamic, it changes over time as we become more moral and open to new ways of knowing things.

If the idea is not repeatable, do not use it.  Put it down, and don't make us use it.  Go over there and make your own country and use it at yourself, please.

Ok about 2,500 years ago we stopped “believing” answers and started proving them in earnest.  Galileo gets born, Newton, later Pascal and Fermat, and from that math and science in 2,500 years we got everything we have.  Belief did not really make anything, in 300,000 years, we had like catapults and swords, they had towns but no sewers, people died of typhoid it stunk and was disgusting.  That’s what “believing” things made in 300,000 years.  Turns out proof is required to make whatever system you are trying to make.  It’s an option, but when we opt not to, we tend not get anything useful.

We learned how to prove things by asking one question “Is it?” with two possible answers, yes/no, on/off, 1/0, innocent/guilty.  We went from no proof or belief in 300,000 years, to our first way proving things for the past 2,500 years and now we are entering a new way to know things.  It turns out two possible answers is not the best way to prove a thing.  We are stuck in binary, literally, two: yes or no.  A couple of decades ago I read a book buy a mathematician Lofti Zedah called Fuzzy Logic.  That is a good place to start.   This is not a binary math, it is a multi-valued math.  So binary is going away, and fuzzy math will take over, for technical and moral reasons.  So today you can ask a binary computer “Is this thing a cup?” and you will get a “yes” or “no” answer.

The new way is to ask two questions, not one question, but two.  “How likely is it, that this is a cup?” and “What is the significance, in context, of that answer”, so a thimble might be 0.000003% a cup.  The certainty is gone, as you ask these new machines questions and it gives answers, it learns from each experience. So the next time you ask it that question it will be better at answering it.  Whew I was wondering how I was going to express that, that machines get better.   It “learns” as if cognitively.  It’s three dimensional, so today data is carried on a bit, on or off.  These new machines have cubits, not binary bits, multi valued bits.

All that matters when you’re trying to make a systemic pathogen cure or a new conveyance system is “how likely is it” and “what does that mean”, the answers to those two questions is how we prove things better.

So why am I typing this, these quantum machines will boot up and they will learn.   So imagine someone smart at Yale, made a plan with smart people at MIT and made the first fuzzy judicial system (hmm, FJS fuzzy Judicial Systems).   Here is what I think this thing could do.

The result, it’s February, how many court cases had their final appeal, final bit of process so far this year?  How many started 5 years ago, or 10 or 20?  How many got reversed?   I am pretty sure these new machines would get it right the first time more often with the same contemporaneously available law and facts.  So the little girl gets her $2million for that car accident when she is 5 not 17, when she needs it most.  Less people would get wrongly locked up for 18 years things like that.  

And at trillions of operations per clock tick, these answers would be immediate maybe.  And the more they are asked for answers the better they get at it.  If there was a box that did this and without using it officially, but some smart person, mirrored the current system at some point the machine would outperform what a human judge, jury and attorneys could.  A lawyer with this technology could do very well in court maybe?  But more important, at some point 100 years form now, people would start to ask “why are we doing this the old way?”.  

The Old Way:  Two people arguing and a third person adjudicating?  Cave people did this.  Two younger ones' grunting and gesticulating about who's sticks is who's and the elder grunting 'you' and one of them to shut them up.  I went to college, they were in groups, they had social order.   So, we walk into a court room to prove things, in a system designed before humans knew how to speak, let alone prove things.  and no one in the court room is taught, ya know, how to prove things.  Considering ll that, they done pretty good. 

But in the end , a case by case basis is the opposite of how we prove things.  It is singular, and proof is part of discrete mathematics.  That is all the maths, except non-linear varying quantities.  There is no individual.  Always the conflict between the "me" and the "we" in math and in politics.  That is how we are divided.  Those who's group begins at the singular, like Jefferson.  and those from the plural, like Hamilton.  Like the deal they made to move the capitol ti Washington.  "me" vs "we".

Eveey idea has to be measurable, we have to count.  It is time to put down the stupid lawyer words, and count for our country and design these systems.  If it was me, and I wanted my systems sorted out, I'd hire people who, ya know, design systems.  But hey, that's just me.  I like democracy, we can do this your stupid way.  Not bankers and lawyers and business people.  We got robbed.  Big deal, shit happens, let's rid ourselves of this lot, 535 people hold u sup?  Let's replace them, voluntarily, with bug fixed.  Well, it's a nice idea anyway.  What an eye opening movie that would be. 

Imagine forensic accountants looking for, and then looking at, the financial data of the last 4,000 occupants of our capitol building.  Like back to Kennedy maybe? Whatever, a bunch of them going back.  I mean that is data, we would know for a fact it they have been trying to help or have they been governing themselves our stuff? Exactly how bad and who.  Nope not gonna happen, 535 people, strangling 330,000,000, for a super wealthy class of only 80,000.  We got robbed, lol.  This system has a bug. 

The rights are mis-counted.  Groups, they dont have one persons rights on their backs, they are groups, we are not.  We have one person's rights on our backs.  Like a bird with only 1 stupid feather.  They each got 330 million feathers, plus their district, plus their 1 feather.  That is a lot of rights.  To hide behind, to sell our stuff.  We cant ever use our one stupid feather at the group.  That imbalance needs fixing, so there is nothing to steal.  Counting, everything is countable.  If an idea isn't countable, don't use it.

If someone lawyers you a flight system do not get on the plane, you will die.  If you could dopamine a wheel.  If you could gut or common sense or instinct a wheel, elephants would have wheels.  The counting is optional, but required to not kill the other people.  So stop making us live in political and economic systems they are guessing at, these 535 morons.

So, these quantum boxes, if the boxes do what they promise, seem to be able to fix earth.  'Project  Sum' 

If one tried to do this today the most likely thing would be fear the machines take over.  So from here to there, is a journey, and I think some smart lawyer doing this privately might  be a decent road map.  I can tell you this, whoever gets here first wins.  I mean it could perform tasks regarding business or trading.  It could be come the best resource allocation system ever, replacing the need for government as it is today, entirely for the mathematical benefit of all the resources. 

That should be 'Project Sum' a resource allocation system that could be pointed at any jurisdiction.  Wow, political nirvana, the cheaters gone.  Not getting robbed, not one penny getting robbed.  Imagine that, plus the system itself, all the ability it has to allocate resources we never could.  I was born too soon.  We are not good yet.  The right holds us back more than the left does.

Getting humans to accept that certainty is not needed is not going to be easy.  The idea that we are NOT trying to find out if this guy did this bad thing, but rather how likely it is, is contrary to the human need for certainty;  Yeah, math doesn’t care about any of that.  If we want the correct answer, to actually make a teleportation system or cure disease systemically, we will do it this new way, or it won’t happen.  Look, too many things are counter-intuitive, that is why we have to use proof.  Instinct had 300,000 years, it does not work.

We had catapults and swords, towns but no sewers, people died of typhoid it stuck and it was disgusting.  Hundreds of thousands of years of "Belief Time", belief sucks. It is time to count.  2,500 years of counting, we can remnant of a fifth dimension in the cern collider, and have a couple of working space/time wobble measuring devices.  Counting is dope.  You have to count, everything.  Teach that to 3 day olds and things would be better.

At some point the machine would reach it’s potential then make a new system from scratch, “don’t get too close to the other fish”, “don’t hurt the other people”.  So, by asking “how likely is it that the defendant did it” and “what is the significance of that answer”, instead of asking “Did he do it?”, would be better, for the system itself.

So, I’d teach one machine back to front, like social groups, magna carta, bill of rights, the court cases to today.  And another back to front.  And third to take the context of both and have the logical third box mirror what is happening in the judicial system today.  And compare the results.

Um, I Think We Can Fix Earth, Really. I think It's A Problem.

This goes back to Plato, and the idea that the widget is not the important part, that we have the widget, the idea of it, is the important part.  He was right it seems.  Certainty is the enemy of truth.    

We protect speech.  What we should be protecting is ideas and the expression of those ideas.  Speech was not the goal, not the thing we set out to protect.  The ideas is, and the expression of it.  Plato was right about all of this.   

Some ideas are True
Some ideas are False
Some ideas are neither (beliefs)

We protect the expression of all these types of ideas.  as an American, you probably read that last sentence and saw nothing wrong.  Read it again.  "We protect the expression of all these types of ideas."   See it yet?  You can't do that, the universe does not allow that, a thing can not be both true and false (for the most part, no word games allowed here).  Look, water freezes at 32 degrees here on earth and everywhere else in the universe.  That is true, it is not true and false.  It can't be.  Mathematically.  we can not protect both true ideas and false ideas, but we can protect true speech and false speech.  And that is what we do, protect false speech.

So we have all these falsehoods leading the way.  In fictional America one could still be racist, and say things like "I don't like that Black people are not inferior to white people".  But they would not be allowed publicly to say say it's not true and make a political group about it, that is not freedom for black people or anyone else.  It's backwards.

Before we go further, I'd like to ask, what harm would come if we protected true speech and belief speech but not false speech (because you can't, once the false is protected, you just destroyed the true idea, you must pick which to protect, not picking is picking to protect the false and thereby destroying the true).

It's an AND not an OR or XOR, The false anywhere, it makes it false, you have to exclude the false.

T & T = T

F & T = F
T & F = F
F & F = F

False destroys the true.  The universe does not allow true and false.

What would be the harm?  There would be no Climate Change Denier Groups, they can say they don't like that climate change is real, they can avail themselves of the scientific method and prove it, they could use math and prove it, just like everyone else did.  I mean this is the land of equality, why can one person do all this work and her opposite just feels shit and they both have an equal voice?  It should be equal in the land of equality.  So what bad happens?   Worst case, they were wrong it was hoax, so what?  Cleaner air, better economy, cleaner grass, less illness etc.  If they are wrong, wow, how do you spell corona virus?

Can anyone think of public bad outcomes from protecting true ideas by restricting false speech?  I mean other than having to listen to dummies yell "You can't do that, 1st amendment, this is America, you are a communist".  I am pretty sure that is the worst thing that happens.  Everything else is good.

TV commercials tell and imply the truth.  Politicians say, write and imply the truth.  Fast food restaurants don't use colors to make us buy and eat more burgers.  The food industry has to make food and only food it can't make not food. 

Joe Biden Summarized

Corruption: The act of an official or fiduciary person who unlawfully and wrongfully uses his station or character to procure some benefit for himself or for another person, contrary to duty and the rights of others.

Ok this is fucked up.  I didn't know anything about Biden or his son hunter.  So, I read up a little, and I'll type what I found and you guys tell me if he's corrupt.  And if he is, remember, this as ALL vanilla bean corruption.  Stuff wehre like, no one cares, it's a ll petty!  I can't believe this is why he went on tv to defend the Biden name, what a dope.  I was wondering, could not imagine what he did??  He seems too stupid and afraid to do real stuff like the sell the glass-steagall act or start war in the middle east.  (Looking back, can you believe Cheney made that seem logical at the time, "Lets start a war in the middle east", wow.)  Nope, this is all using his name and office for petty, personal, run of the mill, boring politician stuff.  What a dopey guy he is.

1) Arrest:  Joe Biden’s son Hunter was arrested on Jersey Shore drug charges in 1988 and had his record expunged at a time when his father was pushing for prison for drug users, minority drug users mostly, and definitely not Biden drug users, fucking hypocrite.

A year after the arrest, Joe Biden gave a speech in which he said the federal government needed to “hold every drug user accountable" because, "If there were no drug users, there would be no appetite for drugs, there would be no market for them." He neglected to mention the drug use in his own family.  How are black and brown people fooled?  This man put people of color in prison for something he got his white kid off for, treating white as superior, what do we call that?  wow, it's baffling?  Plus he is wring about drugs, so dumb and racist, great!

*** (What an idiot, turns out it's the opposite, 40 years ago before the drug war started 1.3% of Americans were on drugs, today, after ruining millions of lives, 1.3% of Americans are on drugs.  We have proven drug use and incarceration have nothing to do with each other, like taking apart the tv to fix the fridge.  If drug use was a criminal issue, criminal remedies would have worked.  It's a health issue, Biden is literally the opposite of correct, he is very much an average Joe, who Obama wont endorse till he wins the nomination.  8 years Obama had him, no one on earth knows better who Joe is and what he can do, and he wont endorse him, how are Americans so easily duped, this guy is average, average smart, average moral, he is just some overachiever who got lucky.  Why can't we force the people to take 12th grade reading comprehension tests and iq tests etc, why do we have to take their word for their cognitive abilities?).***

So that is Joe using his position to benefit both himself (this story was not revealed) and his son, contrary to what he, himself, claimed was his duty; to jail drug users, clearly he meant minority drug users not his son.

2) Tom Carper, Delaware’s other senator, described Hunter:

Hunter Biden is a native Delawarian and I would go on to say that he’s also been nominated to serve on the Amtrak Board of Directors. When Hunter was unable to get into the University of Delaware Law School, he instead went on to Georgetown and then to Yale Law School and managed to get through those OK. He’s ended up being Senior Vice President at MBNA one of the largest financial institutions in the country. He served as Executive Director of Economy Policy Coordination at the U.S. Department of Commerce. About 5 years ago he went off and formed a law firm here in Washington, D.C., and now they represent over 100 clients including a bunch of non-profit organizations and educational institutions.

Um, Isn't Lori Laughlin about to go to prison for this same thing?  What were Hunter's grades such that he can't get into Delaware Law School yet goes to Georgetown then Yale?  This is corruption.  I guess doing coke gives you energy to accomplish all these wonderful things all on your own.  Did he suddenly ace the LSAT the second time?  Did he take them a second time?

3) Fatherhood:   I guess he gets involved with his Brother's widow and while doing so has a baby with another woman, not illegal, just notable.

4) Burisma: If Hunter Biden really did no work, offered no advice, produced no work product and only went to a couple of board meetings, that is a no show job.  No different from Don Corleone securing no show jobs at a construction site for his sons.   Blacks Law Dictionary defines corruption as using your official station to benefit yourself or to others contrary to your duty.  Check, check and check!!

If Hunter did no work, then make no mistake, if you have a 12 year old Autistic child, your child is just as qualified to do nothing for $50,000 a month for Burisma as Joe's kid. 

Why the fuck would Burisma simply give millions of dollars to the Biden's for no work product, for nothing?  would you?  Have you ever looked at some random person and thought "Why dont I give that guy thousands of dollars"?  No, it would not occur to anyone to simply "give" money for no reason,  There has to be a reason.  They wouldn't, they got something.  Whatever it was, it was not Joe Biden's to sell, even it was simply access, that access was not Joe's to sell to a foriegn Ukrainian Oil Company.  Joe can't call some Brazilian Telecom company and let them know his three nieces need board member no show jobs, what's to stop him from getting his Nephew a Job on the board of
HUAWEI?  He can't do that, the access does not belong to him, it belongs to the office of the Vice President, that access is ours, he is selling our stuff!!

I mean maybe Burisma wanted something specific, but if it were simply access, well Joe would not need to talk to anyone at Burisma, nor have emails or any direct contact.  The access is implied. 

So what?  The access is implied.  Look, everyone kept saying Hunter isn't qualified to work for a Natural Gas Company.   That's silly, I assumed he worked (didn't work) for the equity firm, and that makes sense.  I mean you can make $50K a month trading natural gas.  But even if Hunter did do that, that is corruption.  Shit I could do that job better than some guy who gets arrested doing coke, sleeps with his brother's widow while having a kid with another woman, who can't get into law school.  I actually got into a law school, then studied mathematics, but my name ain't Biden.  That would be corruption, if the kid actually did work.  So why do kids with names like "Biden" get those jobs?

Joe messed up on tv.  You're a dad, you're on tv, talking about your brilliant son.  Your Yale graduate, genius, lawyer, globe trotting, China businessman billionaire,  50 thousand dollar a month Burisma baord memeber son.  and you are half mute?  Hell no you're not.  This is a conversation the old man starts and you cant shut them up!
This conversation starts in the womb, "the kid came out whistling Chopin, won 3 spelling bees by 4 months" ther was none of that.  Like being lied to by someone who is easily lied to.  You are loud and proud and smiling, yeah, he messed up.  Who talks about their kid like that?

Remember when he said he never spoke to Hunter about what he did at Burisma, well, now that makes sense.  Hunter didn't do anything, there was nothing to talk about.  except, it kinda sounded like young Hunter maybe did not know that he was even on the board of Burisma by then?  That would  make sense.  I mean once a year you go to some destination board meeting, like a beach or Paris or wherever they went, you might not even know, just it's you're family duty to go play for the weekend and smile and say yeah Burisma, maybe he didn't know yet.

More important, WHY NOT?  The reporter should have said "Well Mr Biden, now that you have admitted on tv you care nothing about avoiding the appearance of impropriety, and will in fact look the other way, when your kid has a 50K a month no-show job, in a country yo did work on our behalf, what will you do now that you have disqualified yourself from the Presidency?"  Nope, no one said a thing?  lol.

Why do Biden's get these jobs?  But Hunter did not get a job, he got money, for nothing.  Maybe, where did the money go and where did it end up?  Was it deposited every month into Hunter's checking account?  Or maybe it was deposited into something called the Biden Family Trust #3 Account, that would be Joe's money.  I mean, if I used your name to make millions for not doing anything would you let me keep it?  All of it?  Fuck no.  Who knows?  Well, who paid the taxes on that money? Were taxes paid?  where is it now, these are easy questions to answer. 

More important, who else in the capitol building, of the 535 charged with our health and safety, especially ones there for years, where did their kids go to school?  What were those grades.  I make between a congressperson and a senator, I am not going to retire with 40 or 100 million dollars, how many have accomplished this magical retirement feat wile having full time jobs?  Maybe that's why we did not get a Senate trial, maybe the democrats did not want the Joe and Hunter corruption hour on tv, because we want to know about how they are robbing us?  Maybe, who knows?  I got no idea.  Seems like at the top, they are all one, 535 of them against us.

5) Joe's brother and hunter had some million dollar investment that went bad and some company with ties to Joe bailed them out, must be nice.

Joe speaks about Hunter with incredulity.  How dare you I am not corrupt!  Sorry, if any of this stuff is true, Joe you are corrupt.  Don't worry, No reasonable prosecutor would bring these charges.  uuuuugh!  Cheaters everywhere! lol..   
But we are the stupidest people ever!  Never has a people been so informed, or have the ability to be informed, as much as we do; and we think this is not corruption?  How?  It is corruption.  If all this and more is true Joe Biden and the Biden family is corrupt AF as fuck.  Oh well, let's vote for joe biden.  These people suck.

After looking into this I did see that Hunter worked for David Boies Law Firm.  My mom has been life long friends with David and his ex-wife and their fraternal twin sons and me and my fraternal twin grew up as childhood friends.  We, being a couple of years older, taught them to swim and ride bikes in central park and how to hit the NYC clubs when we were older.  Studio, the Underground all that.  Then we grew up and they do rich people shit and we don't.  I still got mad love for them and if they called I'd be there.  I'm sure I could call, but I don't. These people are like huge people.  My trivial ass has nothing to do with them beyond weddings, funerals and 80th birthday parties, I would not bother them for trivial things.  Jon passed rest in peace my little brother, me and my twin needed you and yours, I love you brother.

I have written Chris a few emails asking questions about the theory behind all this Trump presidency stuff.  When I asked about Hunter, I did not get a reply, I had no idea they knew each other.  lol.  Oh well.   I'll see him at a funeral and apologize, not for the question asked, just that I asked him, that is not polite.  I asked him because I know he is in that world, I did not realize how close.

How Joe and hunter have acted seems corruption.  According to Black's Law Dictionary, Felicity Huffman, Lori Laughlin and me.   So, there are 535 people elected to represent us in the capitol building.  We have the right to know how many of them Huffman/Laughlin'd their kids education, if actors go to jail for it they ought to.  Let's see where all their money comes from, how many brothers, uncles, nieces, daughters, wives, girlfriends, besties etc have no show jobs, or real jobs they ought not have.   "No reasonable prosecutor would bring these charges"  This is why you dont let Comey cheat like that.  Man! Not one reporter "Mr Comey, you never said "I dont have a provable charge", can you say so now, and if not why ain't she charged?"  Not one of you asked Comey the only question your country needed you to ask.  Great Job!

They have no fear. remember the old days, when if a prosecutor was not going to charge a public person they said "I do not have a provable charge"?  well, those days are gone, you can have over 100 provable charges and get "No reasonable prosecutor would bring these charges", except they do.. Imagine Hillary visiting that Navy kid in prison at the time, for a few classified mages of their workstation, Hillary:  "How dare you, those are our secrets, you belong in Prison"  fucking hypocrites, and we let hem and keep voting for them!  So, I guess old avg Joe is fine.  If he sold our stuff, he should die in prison.  Seriously, there are 330,000,000 million of us, why do we let them do this at us, why do we pretend?


Monday, February 10, 2020

Nunes Note

It's 2/10/20, Nunes is on tv warning us that the dems are going to concoct  new hoax.  So, when someone puts together that Nunes was on the phone with Parnas, with $500,000 still left in that account, we can all be ready and convinced that the part about Nunes is a hoax, and we know its a hoax because Nunes just went on tv on 2/10/20 to tell us so. 

Maybe, maybe, maybe this means he heard someone is about to say something somehow. 

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Can Quantum Computers Fix Earth?

Yeah, so we are going to talk about knowing things, and these new quantum computers.

To me a fixed earth is us looking at humans as a resource just like all the other resources.  Except our purpose is to mange all the resources for the betterment of the resources, including us.  Yeah, we failed.   Having the resources organized, into systems the universe and these new quantum computers can both understand.   Something like that.

Something is happening now, a knowledge shift, or growth.  The way in which we know things is evolving. The mathematician, Lofti Zedah, wrote a book called Fuzzy Logic, I read it a couple of decades ago, if you want to know what's about to happen, I'd start there.  The past couple of decades the next couple, these new quantum computers are going to boot up, this will happen.  These are not an update to your iPhone, they are not simply going to be a little slimmer and a little faster.  They are going to “learn”, as if cognitively.  

Imagine the seating chart for your wedding.   The day before Lisa and Bill break-up.  Ok sometimes you just switch Lisa with Aunt sue form two tables over and easy.  But sometimes, you have make moves on twenty tables to make it all work.  That would take all night.  But, what if you could keep it all in your head at one time and also, watch it move, like when you pull up an iPhone image kind of, then it would take no time at all.

Now imagine it's not a seating chart for a wedding.  But it's one piece of software in one department at one bank.  and the computer can keep the entire piece of software in it's head all at the same time.  But also all the software in that department, and also all the software in the entire bank, then in all the banks, all in its head all at the same time?  Um that is us having the technology to fix Earth.  And not just money and economics but the political systems as well.

So,  I think we could make a machine whats purpose is to fix Earth.  Politically and economically at first.  It all starts with the earth itself where the resources are.  Including us, the humans, that is where all the money comes from us people, this land.  An allegiance to that is patriotism.  an allegiance to the apparatus, the political and super-wealthy classes, is Nationalism.  American's is more equal than others?  Nope, not us.  

So the humans, and how we differ, and are the same, depending on the resources around us, based on where we happen to be born, will shape the political and economic evolution of that geography, and all of earth itself.

So we teach some quantum computer exactly that: the land, the people, the resources, what's needed from and for each system etc.  It fixes earth right?  Fortunately the universe gave us ways to organize all these things.  Systems, weather it be food or law or education or defense or guns or anything, they are all political and/or economic systems.  A quantum computer would take all the systems and punch them in the face.  But we wont.  

First none of our systems have been designed, all just separate political and economic boxes of taking our stuff.  The food box makes not food, the war box makes more war, the economic box makes more poor people.  None of the boxes work together.  None were designed as systems, to fit with other systems that in the end make a Democratic, Republic practicing Capitalism.  If we would only do that, take it upon our mathematicians and scientists to know the words of the founding fathers, and the Greeks before them, start to make instructions on how to achieve the goal, then design the systems and in the end we have America.  we could do that, but we wont.  

Food would be a system, fitting with the other systems like money and health systems.  It would make food exclusively, it would not make, not food.  It would be affordable.  It would also be American food, this is not some drought ridden, no food having country.  We are the rich country, at a minimum, even the poor, would have not just nutrition, but at least some opportunity for their food to provide some comfort, entertainment and especially community.  This is America, we got lots. ( If we got lots, how come we ain't got lots?).  How many people will eat 46 cent cups of noodles today.  How many will connect those millions of cups of noodles to their 800 million dollar yachts, that is a straight line when you look at us as a group, instead of just whats in your own personal cupboard..

So we teach the new computer with the new math about the resources of earth, how political systems have evolved over the past few thousand years, and wallah, the machine learns and puts the people and the resources where they need to be for the betterment of us and the land.  That's is fixing earth right, that is us using technology to fix earth right?

So, why not do that?  Ok, let's ask why not just do that for America?  Just here, much simpler than the entire earth right?  Well, seems like those 300,000 super-wealthy people might not get to be super-wealthy anymore if we want to be a real Democratic, Republic practicing Capitalism.  

I do not think it is anymore complicated than that.   It looks the same every way and every time I see it.  300,000 people with 50 million in wealth and up.  The 50 million dollar people are not so important.  It's the hundreds of millions and billions people who matter.  Not Bill Gates or Derek Jeter, the bulk, 80% of the super-wealthy inherit their money.  (Well, it's looking like it's our money they are inheriting).  So now we are down to like 10 or 20 thousand people?  They fit in Madison Square Garden.  They get their way 80% of the time according to Princeton, and they are in charge?  why?

In that group are people with 800 million dollar yachts, literally, paid for because you ate 46 cent cups of noodles.   Also in the group are people with 10 million dollar yachts who need and must have an 800 million dollar yacht.  So, if they need to gut Delphi and rid us of 144,000 good jobs, that's fine.  Noodles cost 46 cents, mostly they wont starve to death.

What am I missing?  If we stopped listening to them and hired the smart people to occupy that capitol building they might just fix it.   Hire people who have no answers, hire people who know what questions to ask, and who don't care which answer is the correct answer.  Hire people who simply want to know, which answer, is the correct answer.  Then just do that one. 

You cannot fit democracy and a super-wealthy class in the democracy hole. 

You cannot fit republic and a super-wealthy class in the republic hole. 
You cannot fit capitalism and a super-wealthy class in the capitalism hole. 

All things being equal they still get to be rich and I know how hard it is to sail on 10 million dollar yachts, and I get what an imposition that is, and hard life will be for them.  On the plus side, like tens of thousands more American's will also get to sail in 10 million dollar yachts, just no one on an 800 million dollar yacht.  These people suck.  I am pretty sure we all live the way we do, because of these stupid yachts and the power that you have when you can own one.  #lcd

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

America the Land of the Cheaters

Home of the free, Land of the Brave, my ass.

we have representatives.  They occupy the Capitol building.  There are 535 of them, in Congress and the Senate.  They represent us.  Let's see if that's true shall we.

Hillary Clinton:  She was a senator.  From New York, wait what?  What the fuck does hillary know about New York?  This isn't a baseball league, don't they have to have some idea of what life is like for the people they are supposed to represent?  I mean I am from NYC how would I represent people from rural Kansas?  I couldn't, but so long as Hillary has a place to win.

I still do not understand how she was let go by Comey.  She had over 100 classified documents on multiple personal devices.  Let's imagine Hillary visiting that kid from the Navy who was in prison at the time for having a few photos of their submarine work station on their personal phone.  There she is, scolding this kid: "How dare you", "Those are our secrets", "This is America", "We trusted you", blah blah blah fucking hypocrite.

The Clinton's left the white 16 million dollars in debt, while making 200K per year, that is like 30 felonies.   After taxes that's like 15K per month, how were they gonna pay it back?  Monica?  (she seems dope she'd laugh at that and it's not too soon) look at it this way, if it were a $16,000,000 mortgage the payments would be like $80,000 per month, so how could they pay back $80,000 if they only had $15,000 per month, they couldn't.  Cheaters.

She does not represent me.

Joe Biden:  If Hunter Biden really did no work, offered no advice, produced no work product and only went to a couple of board meetings, that is a no show job.  No different from Don Corleone securing no show jobs at a construction site.   Blacks Law Dictionary defines corruption as using your official station to benefit yourself or to others contrary to your duty.  Check, check and check!!

Why the fuck would Burisma simply give millions of dollars to the Biden's for no work product, for nothing?  They wouldn't they got something.  Whatever it was, it was not Joe Biden's to sell, even it was simply access, that access was not Joe's to sell to a foriegn Ukrainian Oil Company.  Cheater!

Imminent threats:  Lets get this straight,  535 people who represent us are supposed to make war.  If there is exigency, if there is some military action that needs to happen right now, and there is no time to get congress to act, the President has limited powers to make war things happen.

Donald Trump sent two bombs that day, one to essentially their Secretary of Defense and one to their Secretary of the Treasury.     He missed one.  Imagine if Iran tried to bomb two of our ministers?  And why did he do this?  we do not know for sure, they did this in our name and we do not know why.  we do know there was no immanent threat, we know those are war crimes both here and the Hague, so what, it's just war crimes.  My guess, is that to distract from the impeachment he thought lets go kill people.  He had plenty of time to go to congress and have them do their job, but no, he thought it up and then used our military, some got hurt in retaliation, and thought that to make himself feel better killing people seemed reasonable.  Cheater.

The Trial: Blacks law dictionary has the word trial as a review of facts and law.  Well, all we got was the Democrats begging the republicans to allow us the American people, if we can have a review of facts and law, and the republicans saying "No we can not have review of facts and law", cheaters.  This was not a trial, no facts no law no trial.  These words are in English, no facts, no law, not a trial.  Cheaters.

Nunes is on the phone with Parnas, Bondy called me the other day, while he couldn't verify anything, I mentioned I didn't think Nunes worked for free, do not quote me but I thought I heard "you got that right".  So Nunes, who is part of this conspiracy, voted not to impeach Trump, he made comments that there is no evidence and all the rest, all lies.

Parnas has named Barr, Graham, Nunes and others.  McConnell confessed, "I am trump, he is me, we are the same"...

So so far:
Clinton's: Cheater!
Biden's: Cheater! 
Trump: Cheater!
McConnell: Cheater!
Graham: Cheater!
Nunes: Cheater!
Barr: Cheater!

Do these people represent you?  They sure as fuck do not represent me.  I could type instances of cheating and never stop.  What is going on?

If the government has no law, if they can bomb shit illegally, cheat in the primaries, conspire with Ukrainian Russian gangsters, get $16,000,000 loans they have no way to pay back, get no show jobs for their kids (did hunter even get that money?  Would you give someone all the money from the sale of your Name?  No you would not), why do we have to follow the laws?  Doesn't this have an affect on crime overall?  I mean if they can do whatever the fuck they want, get caught red handed, suffer no consequence, dont we teach people that cheating is ok?  And why isn't it ok then, I mean why cant we just go rob banks and get caught and keep it all?  Cops, police, the executive branch of government.  If you rob a bank, the government will help the money manufacturer and catch you and put you in prison.  The cops would do that.  Because the cops would put you in prison you don't rob banks.  Well some of us dont rob things because it's wrong.

Get it, they rob and cheat and they are the cops, they are not going to cop themselves.  But go ahead, you try it, even on a small level, steal ten thousand from a bank, see what happens.  But not them, 16 million dollar loans.  Them have it different from us.

No one is looking out for us.  We are on our own.  Literally, they do not govern for us, they do not care for us, they do not do their job, their mandate, they are just taking it all, and we are letting them, why?  fuck those 535 people in the capitol building, fuck them, fuck their rights, what about our rights?

Why can't we apply the law to them?  Why can they bomb shit and everyone knows it's a crime, they know it could have started WWIII, millions could have died, so what big fucking deal who cares.  Bush and them lied us into the current war, over a million dead, so what fuck them Cheney got to print 20 Trillion plus dollars and give it to himself.  Johnson lied us into war in 69, so what, fuck us. 

why can they have no show jobs, and rigged juries and proceedings, why can they get caught with all their money and no one wonders how someone making a couple of hundred grand a year can accumulate that much money?  I mean some of them tell us how much they have, we are the stupidest people ever.

How are we this stupid what is the major malfunction in the stupid American brain.  These people hate us, they hate America, they hate Democracy they don't even know the definition of the word Republic and they for sure hate capitalism.  They are taking it all.  simply taking it.   Look up the meaning of those words, the variations, we have no democracy not a republic and not capitalism, THAT IS WHY WE HAVE POT HOLES!  How fucking dumb are we?  Why do we keep letting them lie us into war?  Why are we not furious and throwing them in prison so they stop taking it all?

These lying cheating, robbing America hating scumbags in the capitol building, they could have helped 330,000,000 people, instead they helped themselves, to our stuff.

Just imagine, we all look at America as a piece of technology, systems and sub systems.  and we understood the founding fathers had the desire, the goal; a Democratic, Republic practicing Capitalism.  Think of those words, imagine some Trump bar and they are listening to Schiff speak (He seems like a statesman, I do not see the lies he tells, they need to be  more specific about what he lies about), anyway as he is saying important words today about the non trial, I imagine these stupid fucking Trump supporters laugh, at what a chump Schiff is.  This would be funny, these serious words, from a serious person, they laugh.  But Nunes or Jordan or Trump, they speak like 15 year old boys and the morons eat it up.  These people are holding us back.

So imagine we hire 535 mathematicians and scientists, they have one job, take the words of the founding fathers and prove them, then make instructions them apply them.   The founding fathers were not mathematicians and scientists.  again, for the zillionth time, there are ONLY two ways to prove something, 2, 1+1, one thing and then one other thing: Math or Science, that is it.  It is not math or science or dance or banking or lawyering or poetry or whatever the fuck you feel like at the moment.  Just math or science.  How complicated is that?  Why do humans hate that?  It is the best thing ever.  The universe is like this huge puzzle, for 200,000 years we had no math or science or smart phones, or space stations or medical cures or hardly anything.  So the universe hands us these two tools, for free and we hate them.  We are fucking stupid.  How some of us (535 people) feel about it rules the day for all of us.  Now we know how to prove things.  But hey fuck that, lets just feel about it.  That is why there no airplanes 10,000 years ago, there was no proof.  No proof, no plane.  simple.

so, now instead, we hire 535 proof people to prove the words, keep the good ones and design the systems, on paper, using math and science.  They are to make a food system that is an actual system, not a money box for the food industry.  But a real system that fits with other systems, like the financial and health systems.  What do we get?  We get fucking food, that is affordable and actual food.  Our food system is such that one third of us are overweight and malnourished.  Overweight means you ate too much food, malnourished means you didn't get enough food.  How the fuck can a person eat too much food and at the same time not eat enough food?  They can't!  Our food system was not designed as a system, it makes food and also it makes not food.  They take that not food and put it in plastic, place fun blue and orange and red and yellow colors on the plastic and sell the not food in gas stations across the land as food.  For money.   No one lis looking out for us.

Imagine how efficient our systems could be?  Just the military system.  I read once that if we cut the military budget by 15% we could pay for everything.  I donlt know exactly what that means, but I do know what 15% means, and I do know large systems and and that would be easy.  Imagine efficiency in all our systems, traffic would disappear, disease, stress, hunger, racism, environment on and on.  Prove it then do it.

Look the past 30 years I make between 150K and 300K per, and I can walk down any street see any restaurant and feel like I want to eat there and eat there.  I have slept in ford pintos and know whats it's like to buy $1.38 of gas, and now I know what its like to hardly ever check my account balance.  If I want gas I just fill it up.  Life is different this way.  The way you see things, the stress level.  I am no millionaire, I got nothing saved, I ought to, I oughta be able live as I do AND have savings, but I don't.  Everyone in America ought be able to live as I do and better.  We are the rich country.  We have everything, they are taking it, that's why you eat 46 cents worth of noodles so they can have it all.  They need us to push the buttons and enter the data.   For them, to have $600,000,000 yachts.  whats wrong with a 5 million dollar yacht?  Fuck these people.

What sounds better to you?  535 people who know how to design systems, and we hire them to do that, for 330,000,000 people.  See, many math and science people do not care which answer is the right answer.  I design large systems, I don't care which is correct, I studied math so I could find out which answer is the correct answer.  That's all I care about, I want my system to work.  Hire those people, how complicated is this?

That would actually be possible, to take all we have in America, and make a democratic, republic practicing capitalism.  We are the rich country, that would be easy.  They are not trying to do that, what they are trying to do is impossible.  They are trying to fit a democracy and a super wealthy class in the democracy hole, a republic and a super wealthy class in the republic hole and capitalism and a super wealthy class in the capitalism hole.  That is impossible.  If we just stopped trying to have a super wealthy class, like maybe 20,000 people, who simply MUST have $600,000,000 yachts or life is not worth living.   Re read that, they have six hundred million dollar yachts.  How did they pay for it?  By making 46 cent plastic cups of noodles for other humans to eat.  If we do not make the connection between these pot holes and health and cups of noodles and their yachts we are doomed.

So, do they represent us?  Ok, Gays in the military, what do you think?  Most of you either like it, hate it, don't know, don't care.  One of them, McConnell I think, had a mic shoved in his face and was asked this very question, his reply: "This is a question for the courts, we have wonderful judges, let's wait and see".  so, who among you knows if this asshole represents you on this issue?  None of you that's how many.  It would be a crime, in a democracy for a representative to hide what they think.  A crime to lie by omission.  To hide context.  why doesn't this make everyone angry, I mean the word "Representative" its the fucking name of the job, and we have no requirement that they can do that.

So, I sit here at 5:47am on the day the republicans will cheat and solidify the relationship between the executive and legislative branches.  And Justice Roberts is a piece of shit, how can he call himself a jurist?  I mean the presidents lawyer was arguing he didn't do this and now we know that same lawyer was in some meetings where the president was doing this.  and Roberts sits there like jo-jo the idiot boy, no one is looking our for us.  Not the executive, not the legislature or the courts, fuck us.  So if the democrats do not immediately re-impeach (doing the right thing, fighting for truth, these come first) then it makes me think they are all in on this government thing together, at us.  Like Nancy would rather have Trump and keep her station than have the truth come out.  None of them are going to get in trouble.

Not Biden or Trump or Nunes or Barr or McConnell.  These are famous people being accused by gangsters of being criminals.  Now imagine some famous gangster went on tv and accused you of such crimes.  Do you think the FBI might pay you a visit and arrest you and question you and make it hurt?  Maybe not, maybe they'd get you limos to use and let you make the rules and vote on if the ring leader should get in trouble.   Fuck us!

If these people represent us America, is a land of cheaters.  They do not represent me.