Sunday, February 9, 2020

Can Quantum Computers Fix Earth?

Yeah, so we are going to talk about knowing things, and these new quantum computers.

To me a fixed earth is us looking at humans as a resource just like all the other resources.  Except our purpose is to mange all the resources for the betterment of the resources, including us.  Yeah, we failed.   Having the resources organized, into systems the universe and these new quantum computers can both understand.   Something like that.

Something is happening now, a knowledge shift, or growth.  The way in which we know things is evolving. The mathematician, Lofti Zedah, wrote a book called Fuzzy Logic, I read it a couple of decades ago, if you want to know what's about to happen, I'd start there.  The past couple of decades the next couple, these new quantum computers are going to boot up, this will happen.  These are not an update to your iPhone, they are not simply going to be a little slimmer and a little faster.  They are going to “learn”, as if cognitively.  

Imagine the seating chart for your wedding.   The day before Lisa and Bill break-up.  Ok sometimes you just switch Lisa with Aunt sue form two tables over and easy.  But sometimes, you have make moves on twenty tables to make it all work.  That would take all night.  But, what if you could keep it all in your head at one time and also, watch it move, like when you pull up an iPhone image kind of, then it would take no time at all.

Now imagine it's not a seating chart for a wedding.  But it's one piece of software in one department at one bank.  and the computer can keep the entire piece of software in it's head all at the same time.  But also all the software in that department, and also all the software in the entire bank, then in all the banks, all in its head all at the same time?  Um that is us having the technology to fix Earth.  And not just money and economics but the political systems as well.

So,  I think we could make a machine whats purpose is to fix Earth.  Politically and economically at first.  It all starts with the earth itself where the resources are.  Including us, the humans, that is where all the money comes from us people, this land.  An allegiance to that is patriotism.  an allegiance to the apparatus, the political and super-wealthy classes, is Nationalism.  American's is more equal than others?  Nope, not us.  

So the humans, and how we differ, and are the same, depending on the resources around us, based on where we happen to be born, will shape the political and economic evolution of that geography, and all of earth itself.

So we teach some quantum computer exactly that: the land, the people, the resources, what's needed from and for each system etc.  It fixes earth right?  Fortunately the universe gave us ways to organize all these things.  Systems, weather it be food or law or education or defense or guns or anything, they are all political and/or economic systems.  A quantum computer would take all the systems and punch them in the face.  But we wont.  

First none of our systems have been designed, all just separate political and economic boxes of taking our stuff.  The food box makes not food, the war box makes more war, the economic box makes more poor people.  None of the boxes work together.  None were designed as systems, to fit with other systems that in the end make a Democratic, Republic practicing Capitalism.  If we would only do that, take it upon our mathematicians and scientists to know the words of the founding fathers, and the Greeks before them, start to make instructions on how to achieve the goal, then design the systems and in the end we have America.  we could do that, but we wont.  

Food would be a system, fitting with the other systems like money and health systems.  It would make food exclusively, it would not make, not food.  It would be affordable.  It would also be American food, this is not some drought ridden, no food having country.  We are the rich country, at a minimum, even the poor, would have not just nutrition, but at least some opportunity for their food to provide some comfort, entertainment and especially community.  This is America, we got lots. ( If we got lots, how come we ain't got lots?).  How many people will eat 46 cent cups of noodles today.  How many will connect those millions of cups of noodles to their 800 million dollar yachts, that is a straight line when you look at us as a group, instead of just whats in your own personal cupboard..

So we teach the new computer with the new math about the resources of earth, how political systems have evolved over the past few thousand years, and wallah, the machine learns and puts the people and the resources where they need to be for the betterment of us and the land.  That's is fixing earth right, that is us using technology to fix earth right?

So, why not do that?  Ok, let's ask why not just do that for America?  Just here, much simpler than the entire earth right?  Well, seems like those 300,000 super-wealthy people might not get to be super-wealthy anymore if we want to be a real Democratic, Republic practicing Capitalism.  

I do not think it is anymore complicated than that.   It looks the same every way and every time I see it.  300,000 people with 50 million in wealth and up.  The 50 million dollar people are not so important.  It's the hundreds of millions and billions people who matter.  Not Bill Gates or Derek Jeter, the bulk, 80% of the super-wealthy inherit their money.  (Well, it's looking like it's our money they are inheriting).  So now we are down to like 10 or 20 thousand people?  They fit in Madison Square Garden.  They get their way 80% of the time according to Princeton, and they are in charge?  why?

In that group are people with 800 million dollar yachts, literally, paid for because you ate 46 cent cups of noodles.   Also in the group are people with 10 million dollar yachts who need and must have an 800 million dollar yacht.  So, if they need to gut Delphi and rid us of 144,000 good jobs, that's fine.  Noodles cost 46 cents, mostly they wont starve to death.

What am I missing?  If we stopped listening to them and hired the smart people to occupy that capitol building they might just fix it.   Hire people who have no answers, hire people who know what questions to ask, and who don't care which answer is the correct answer.  Hire people who simply want to know, which answer, is the correct answer.  Then just do that one. 

You cannot fit democracy and a super-wealthy class in the democracy hole. 

You cannot fit republic and a super-wealthy class in the republic hole. 
You cannot fit capitalism and a super-wealthy class in the capitalism hole. 

All things being equal they still get to be rich and I know how hard it is to sail on 10 million dollar yachts, and I get what an imposition that is, and hard life will be for them.  On the plus side, like tens of thousands more American's will also get to sail in 10 million dollar yachts, just no one on an 800 million dollar yacht.  These people suck.  I am pretty sure we all live the way we do, because of these stupid yachts and the power that you have when you can own one.  #lcd

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