This goes back to Plato, and the idea that the widget is not
the important part, that we have the widget, the idea of it, is the important
part. He was right it seems. Certainty is the enemy of truth.
protect speech. What we should be protecting is ideas and the
expression of those ideas. Speech was not the goal, not the thing we
set out to protect. The ideas is, and the expression of it. Plato was
right about all of this.
Some ideas are True
Some ideas are False
Some ideas are neither (beliefs)
protect the expression of all these types of ideas. as an American,
you probably read that last sentence and saw nothing wrong. Read it
again. "We
protect the expression of all these types of ideas." See it yet? You
can't do that, the universe does not allow that, a thing can not be
both true and false (for the most part, no word games allowed here).
Look, water freezes at 32 degrees here on earth and everywhere else in
the universe. That is true, it is not true and false. It can't be.
Mathematically. we can not protect both true ideas and false ideas, but
we can protect true speech and false speech. And that is what we do,
protect false speech.
we have all these falsehoods leading the way. In fictional America one could still be racist, and say things like "I don't like that Black people are not inferior to white people". But they would not be allowed publicly to say say it's not true and make a political group about it,
that is not freedom for black people or anyone else. It's backwards.
we go further, I'd like to ask, what harm would come if we protected
true speech and belief speech but not false speech (because you can't,
once the false is protected, you just destroyed the true idea, you must
pick which to protect, not picking is picking to protect the false and
thereby destroying the true).
It's an AND not an OR or XOR, The false anywhere, it makes it false, you have to exclude the false.
T & T = T
F & T = F
T & F = F
F & F = F
It's an AND not an OR or XOR, The false anywhere, it makes it false, you have to exclude the false.
T & T = T
F & T = F
T & F = F
F & F = F
False destroys the true. The universe does not allow true and false.
would be the harm? There would be no Climate Change Denier Groups,
they can say they don't like that climate change is real, they can avail
themselves of the scientific method and prove it, they could use math
and prove it, just like everyone else did. I mean this is the land of
equality, why can one person do all this work and her opposite just
feels shit and they both have an equal voice? It should be equal in the
land of equality. So what bad happens? Worst case, they were wrong
it was hoax, so what? Cleaner air, better economy, cleaner grass, less
illness etc. If they are wrong, wow, how do you spell corona virus?
anyone think of public bad outcomes from protecting true ideas by
restricting false speech? I mean other than having to listen to dummies
yell "You can't do that, 1st amendment, this is America, you are a
communist". I am pretty sure that is the worst thing that happens.
Everything else is good.
commercials tell and imply the truth. Politicians say, write and imply
the truth. Fast food restaurants don't use colors to make us buy and
eat more burgers. The food industry has to make food and only food it
can't make not food.
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