Monday, May 18, 2020

The Gym's are Open, With Commercials Made Some Time Ago

The Gym's are Open, With Commercials Made Some Time Ago, they could not have known if it was going to be safe, they just want those gyms open.  So here we are, it is not safe, I mean there is a check list, do not reopen until: Infections go down for 2 weeks, enough of both tests, ppe etc...we got none of that.  AZ Is just flat open.  We are literally doing herd immunity.  These people are stupid!  So I'm staying in, getting high and typing a little. 

It's English, the words, here: Belief, a strong conviction in an idea absent proof.  If you an idea and no one can prove it's false and no one can prove it;s true, then you got yourself a belief.  Here is the important part, if no one can prove it's false, then it's not false.  Here is the most important part part: If no one can prove it;s true, guess what?  IT'S NOT FUCKING TRUE!  Holy shot WTF!  How did that happen?  I always knew this.  It;s not true whatever your stupid belief thing is right now, good for you, dont hurt anyone with your stupid belief, knock yourself out, we will protect your right to do that forever, BUT IT'S NOT FUCKING TRUE!  How complicated is that?  What is bad abut that? 

Proof comes in math or science.  So what: Who cares, that's it,  You cant believe yourself a wheel, big deal.  They love wheels, their jets gots wheels, their caddie's got wheels, they are in fact god damn good and glad the Sumerians came along, proved some shit, and now we all got wheels.

There is a difference between belief and knowledge, ready: Repeatability, that's what the math does.  You would not get on an airplane where the flight system was designed by the guy at the bar or congress itself, they are just saying shit.  If they just said it true, "I believe maybe, this stupid idea, I know nothing about...thing thing thing blah blah"  That would fix it all.

Look at the belief people going to the gym today.  "As long as you're not hurting anyone"  Remember?  If you know how to read and count in America, it sucks not being able to fix anything.  A bunch of simple systems, all debug-gable. easily.  If it;s like 30 years from now and this is still a system, look at their jib description, the mandate f the government, all our resources, and the results, they are stealing the stuff, from the capitol building.  535 people, some are naughty, so the group of them come together, tough luck in the good ones.  Get rid of the whole group and donlt let another get so far form the job description ever again.

[MAY 29]
It's May 29, the last three days in AZ we had 700+, 500+ and 700+ new cases.  By far the most in a three day period.  Just like the numbers said, they didn't "believe" the numbers? And now some will be dead.  Because of "belief":  a strong conviction in an idea, absent proof.  This is worse, there was proof, the numbers, one of two ways to prove a thing.  No one notices.  Belief is the worst destructive process in human  history.  It;s not the idea, it;s the conviction in the idea and not knowing the idea.  repeatability.

[JUN 2]
Over 1100 new cases yesterday.  The death numbers do not move?  How?  something is not right with these numbers.

[Jun 29]
73,908 cases, 1,588 dead and 3,587 new cases.  Holy shit

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