Friday, August 21, 2020

Okay Government, New Approach: How Much?

Dear Government, New Approach:  How Much?

Come on Name it!  Since it seems we have felons, and people with poor grades or hidden grades, tax cheats, bank cheats, drug law cheats, email cheats, lazy with our secrets cheats, magic hundreds of millions of dollars cheats, war criminals, racists, rapists all over these presidential races in recent history.  Well, the vetting system sucks.  How much did we spend making these rules for who can run?  Why does it suck so bad?  Can we get our money back please?  Why does it exclude non-criminal, honest people who want to help us?  Can you take the rule excluding the good ones, out please?  We'll pay you for it.

So that's the question, what if we make a GoFundMe page, and each of us put in $100, that's $33 Billion.  Divided by 535 works out to over $61.5 million each!  Would that be more than what the corporations pay?  We would like a new law please.  One where you can't take money from anyone, cant lie to us.  One where you have to use our stuff for us, you cant be mental, stupid or criminal, racist etc, and also run for office.  A law with stuff like that in it. 

But a real one where no one cay "No reasonable prosecutor would bring these charges" So, not like the laws you usually make.  Laws, like what we regular people call "law-laws".  That's how we know it's a real law, when you say it twice.  Thankfully, as there would be no other way to know which laws were real, and those no reasonable prosecutor would charge.  The words themselves are soooo confusing.  Yeah, we wanna end all that.  How much?

So, $61.5 million each?  Would that be enough?  Tell you what, we could either mail each of you a check individually.  But, you guys really seem to like it this other way.  So, we'll send it to your leaders and let them decide who gets what?  They can allocate it.  You guys are the experts at that, and they are the elder states people, who better on earth?  No?  You don't trust them?  Oh, you see what you do at us, with our stuff?  Got it!  In any event let us know how much, we got you.  Oh, and if you need anything else form us, don't be shy, we;re right down here.  No, farther down a little more...more...a little more..yeah that's us, there we are. 

Thursday, August 20, 2020

His dead kid? Are you Kidding me! We are getting played!

We are getting played! A tribute to his dead son? Are you kidding. Lots of presidents had dead kids, jfk had two, reagan, lincoln, fdr, Bush 1, like every of the founding fathers...thats nasty...we are getting played.

Still no answers on how the kid got into Yale, that drug bust that went away, the no-show job and no resolution to the mis-appropriaton of digits stuff (Not very #MeToo to believe the man btw 🤣)?

You did see his grades last week right? Bottom of his class. Wanna know why? Because he's stupid, that's why. That's what grades are for. The smart kids get the smart kid grades. How did it work at your school? He's stupid, that's what bad grades means. Listen to him speak. This sucks. Sussman Paloma the funds, they got their man I guess.

So maybe it's one indictable felon vs another indictable felon for the second election in a row. We'll never know I guess, why should we know? None of our business I suppose. I'm sure they all have our best interests at heart. How many dead so far, like 180,000 dead Americans?

Yup, all of them are hard at work keeping us safe. Good thing we are so wealthy, so we can afford what none of the other countries can! Go Stock Market! lol. This sucks.

How ironic, I don't think these people could even get jobs at the post office! lol.

All these felons, we can't figure out we're getting robbed. 🤔🤔🤔 Well some of us are from 78th street and know how to count. We are getting played. His dead kid, that's shameful.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Joen and Nancy pretending to be #MeToo at this convention ois so fucked up!

This is a little too offensive. #MeToo founder Tarana Burke says Harvey Weinstein's conviction sends the message that "regardless of your money, or your wealth, or your race that you have to answer and be accountable for the crimes that you commit."

Yet President Biden? PSYCH! So we are finally gonna believe the woman. PSYCH! The other team emboldened racists and racial violence exploded in America. Think of these men, who might have been a little worried #MeToo was gonna get them. How about the women, their captives, a little hope. PSYCH!These lying pieces of shit.  They caused more rapes. 

First time we were gonna use the new rule: When there is no proof, believe the woman, that's what Nancy and Joe said. Yet somehow, reality is the opposite of their words again.

Hey remember his kids coke bust, his position was drugs are the fault of the user, unless the name is Biden. Believe the woman unless the name is Biden.

We just did four years of this!! Where in one brain the President lowered the deficit and also raised it. So Joe and Nancy are both #MeToo and also believe the man. It's not fair, when do we get to count and stop pretending? It's offensive to all the extra women who will not get help, as their men laugh at them tonight, they believed the man, world famous, in front of planet earth, they believed the man and convinced everyone it meant the same as #MeToo. awesome.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Why does it look like we grew the virus and shrank the economy, on purpose?

So, why does it look like we are growing the virus and shrinking the economy, on purpose? Like they are following instructions? That's weird right?

If we had not intentionally grown this virus for all these months, we could be living close to normal now, not in a recession/depression. If the virus ended today, it might take like 5 to 8 years maybe to get back to where we were. We grew this virus and continue to grow it? Like the enemy is in charge.

Has the President ever been "consistent"? That's weird too, right. I mean if he tried to fail a test he would get a "D". Every choice off the "do-not-do-this-in-a-virus" list. That's consistency.

It's a fair question. Just, it's weird it looks like they get paid by the enemy and are following instructions and doing a great job, "IF" you were trying to grow the virus and shrink the economy. That is weird right?

That Lev Parnas million dollars from Putin has verified bank records and testimony etc., it's evidence already. The White House/Rudy did in fact get half, and Parnas calls Rep Nunes, with half still in the bank. That's fact.

Not accusing, but I mean, it's not a stupid question. Why is Putin's money in the white house for Rudy and in the legislature for Nunes/McConnell (verified mind you) and also, it looks like they are following instructions the payer would want.  Coincidence maybe?  What about, checks and balances?

Also, I am pretty sure, that is the end of the word "Republic". As a matter of it's definition, we no longer live in one, on their watch, all of them. The executive branch is NOT responsible to the legislative branch. Our branches seem to work together. With Ukrainian Russian Gangsters? And a million of Putin's (the enemy's?), money floating around? This sounds worse typed, than it did in my head. Like WTF is going on?

So, That money is all verified, fbi, sdny, court dox, phone records and bank records. No conspiracy theories allowed. And, we handle this virus, the way some enemy would if he could manage our virus. What's going on? I mean it's a fair question.
Imagine if you will, in the super bowl, the Patriots messed with the clock.  Adding a second to every minute on offense.  All these years, it would make sense, after all.  Imagine we find out.  There would be riots.  People would go to prison, money would have to move, billions.  The franchise would probably fold.  The league would be in jeopardy, it would threaten their money.  All because of the will of the people's reaction to equipment tampering. hahahahahah!!  All true.

But mess with the post office equipment, you know, Democracy, and maybe someone will write a sternly worded letter.  If it's 2120, and you just sorted out how to power up again,  Sorry about that!  :)  Wow you can't make this up! It's too stupid.  The post office? So our democracy is 535 of these morons, arguing with an idiot about the fucking post office...hahah.  Georegie, Tommy, Alex, Ben, oops, our bad!

Consider we will vote with no campaigns, just tv commercials.  How are we not noticing, we don't need campaigns.  No campaigns, no campaign donations.  Apparently we can go to them, they dont need to get on the back of a railroad car.

Yet they are still collecting money?  For commercials? So we donate and they take it and give it to tv stations and media like facebook.  American companies? Charging for a profit off our elections? Wait, the corporate money goes to campaigns then the media too? If the media donates, dont they get some back directly when the campaign buys a time or space?  
This is stupid.  Why are American media charging us for the democracy that allows them to exist?  Basically why are they collecting money now?  For what?   So, all these elections, all these balloons, arenas, light shows and rock bands, that's what we sold our country for? Balloons?  So we could have parties for a few people who go to arenas for politics?  That's ridiculous.  They do not need to get on the back of a railroad car and come to us.  We can go to them.  Promise every eligible voter a smart hone and data, that would be cheaper. lol.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

535 of them? Really? That is not a fair trade, can I talk to the manager please?

This man is president.

25th Amendment: "Whenever the Vice President and a majority of... Congress...transmit to the ... the Speaker of the House.. their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President."

This man tried to read in this video, twice. He was unable to know what was written on the pages he brought, after reading them. He can barely read.

They know, the 535 in the capitol building know.  He is mentally ill, unstable and can barely read. There are 330 million of us, 535 of them. Half of them could have stopped this by simply being honest humans months ago, were even warned, nope, nada.

If those words do not cover mental illness and stupidity, the words suck. This man is president, he can not sit for a complete question being asked, nor answer coherently. This is what he is like when dealing with the leaders of earth. Does no one see how inherently dangerous this has been this whole time? Almost nuclear war, now the plague, what is next? We are going to find out. Because 535 of them think this is better. For who is this better?

The system, our system, has a structure, it's the capitol building. You have to fix it in the capitol building. Notice no one is fixing the cops anymore. Like i said back then, you have to fix it from the legislature, it is how the system is structured, they are playing us.

So what?  What is the danger? Allege he s stupid, 25th him, let him prove otherwise, which he cant, because he is stupid. He is not all of a sudden going to gin comprehension skills.  535 of them, it is their choice, they have made it. 150,000 dead of us and probably at least that many to come. Someone reading this will die, so the 535 of them can have their stuff.

I am from Manhattan, my pop and i, mostly we were Ranger's fans together.  But on Sunday the team was green.  He could have liked the blue team.  I could have had some super bowls.  But nope green it is.  As such, Tom Brady SUCKS!  I like that assertion.  Of course it breaks at little tommy's first super bowl ring.  But he still sucks!  Why doesn't this break? Any--where?

Every way it slices, it makes less sense the 535 of them are in that building using our stuff to make our lives dope and more likely we did not elect them and they are stealing our stuff.  Why does that never break?  Where is all our stuff?

535 of them, if we make them 535 of "us" instead of "them", then we would not have these problems anymore.  How is this complicated?  If you were in the capitol building is this what your loved one's lives would look like?  Well, the only people who seem to reasonably answer "yes" are working in the capitol building already.  Their loved ones live grand!  How is this complicated?


Aug 9, 1964 Johnson lies on tv, we get to Vietnam sooner
1993, the Clinton's lie away the Glass-Steagall Act, promising the 08 crash could not happen
2002/3, The Cheney's and His Bush, Powell Rice team, lies and more lies
2020, started imminent threats, ending with how great we handle this virus...more dead and trillions gone

All of that for themselves, none of it for us.  Lets count:
56,000 dead from Vietnam untold money. 
Glass-Stegall 08 cost 30 Trillion Dollars!!
The Cheney's yield a million dead, tens of thousands of other lives ruined and 20 something trillion dollars so far.

So a few families, lie at us and earth, it costs them nothing, and us over a million dead, many ruined and 60 trillion dollars.  Yeah lets keep pretending they are all awesome!  Am I missing something?  Why do we pretend? "No reasonable prosecutor would bring these charges", we are so stupid!

So us pretending has cost over a million dead, 100,000 other lives ruined and 60 something trillion dollars.  But hey, the Johnson, Clinton, Bush and Trump families they did good.  so, everything is working our grande!  How are we this stupid?  It's counting?!?!?!?

Can we come back to reality for a second.  You go on a job interview, and tell them you are a stable, genius and a wonderful businessperson.  Then you show and perform and behave like Trump did, would you keep your job? No, that's stupid.  What's more important, your stupid job or president?  Take a moment and pause the video here and think logically for a moment if you need to, this is a tough one.  What the actual fuck? 

The people in Washington do not give two fucks about us. How do we not see that they do not work for us? Literally, not figuratively.  The have a job description, we have quantifiable resources, we have their results, they are stealing our stuff.  The count is short, why wont anyone count?  Rant over.  I could be wrong about it all, but man! someone needs to count!  Wow!  Why are we still guessing?  That is probably  a question needs answering, why the fuck are we all still guessing when we know how to know things?