Friday, August 14, 2020

Why does it look like we grew the virus and shrank the economy, on purpose?

So, why does it look like we are growing the virus and shrinking the economy, on purpose? Like they are following instructions? That's weird right?

If we had not intentionally grown this virus for all these months, we could be living close to normal now, not in a recession/depression. If the virus ended today, it might take like 5 to 8 years maybe to get back to where we were. We grew this virus and continue to grow it? Like the enemy is in charge.

Has the President ever been "consistent"? That's weird too, right. I mean if he tried to fail a test he would get a "D". Every choice off the "do-not-do-this-in-a-virus" list. That's consistency.

It's a fair question. Just, it's weird it looks like they get paid by the enemy and are following instructions and doing a great job, "IF" you were trying to grow the virus and shrink the economy. That is weird right?

That Lev Parnas million dollars from Putin has verified bank records and testimony etc., it's evidence already. The White House/Rudy did in fact get half, and Parnas calls Rep Nunes, with half still in the bank. That's fact.

Not accusing, but I mean, it's not a stupid question. Why is Putin's money in the white house for Rudy and in the legislature for Nunes/McConnell (verified mind you) and also, it looks like they are following instructions the payer would want.  Coincidence maybe?  What about, checks and balances?

Also, I am pretty sure, that is the end of the word "Republic". As a matter of it's definition, we no longer live in one, on their watch, all of them. The executive branch is NOT responsible to the legislative branch. Our branches seem to work together. With Ukrainian Russian Gangsters? And a million of Putin's (the enemy's?), money floating around? This sounds worse typed, than it did in my head. Like WTF is going on?

So, That money is all verified, fbi, sdny, court dox, phone records and bank records. No conspiracy theories allowed. And, we handle this virus, the way some enemy would if he could manage our virus. What's going on? I mean it's a fair question.
Imagine if you will, in the super bowl, the Patriots messed with the clock.  Adding a second to every minute on offense.  All these years, it would make sense, after all.  Imagine we find out.  There would be riots.  People would go to prison, money would have to move, billions.  The franchise would probably fold.  The league would be in jeopardy, it would threaten their money.  All because of the will of the people's reaction to equipment tampering. hahahahahah!!  All true.

But mess with the post office equipment, you know, Democracy, and maybe someone will write a sternly worded letter.  If it's 2120, and you just sorted out how to power up again,  Sorry about that!  :)  Wow you can't make this up! It's too stupid.  The post office? So our democracy is 535 of these morons, arguing with an idiot about the fucking post office...hahah.  Georegie, Tommy, Alex, Ben, oops, our bad!

Consider we will vote with no campaigns, just tv commercials.  How are we not noticing, we don't need campaigns.  No campaigns, no campaign donations.  Apparently we can go to them, they dont need to get on the back of a railroad car.

Yet they are still collecting money?  For commercials? So we donate and they take it and give it to tv stations and media like facebook.  American companies? Charging for a profit off our elections? Wait, the corporate money goes to campaigns then the media too? If the media donates, dont they get some back directly when the campaign buys a time or space?  
This is stupid.  Why are American media charging us for the democracy that allows them to exist?  Basically why are they collecting money now?  For what?   So, all these elections, all these balloons, arenas, light shows and rock bands, that's what we sold our country for? Balloons?  So we could have parties for a few people who go to arenas for politics?  That's ridiculous.  They do not need to get on the back of a railroad car and come to us.  We can go to them.  Promise every eligible voter a smart hone and data, that would be cheaper. lol.

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