Tuesday, May 18, 2021

We are going way too fast.

What if we just think we know what the worst government in American history is?  The people coming next are our descendants.  Our flesh and blood.  We owe it to them to stop, right now and make sure that the Trump, Mitch and Nancy show is the worst government this land ever sees.  If we don't, their suffering is on us.

"The allocation of resources to govern for the public health, safety and morals".  That is their job.  Ooooops!  The most amount of illness and death in American history.  Like 90% avoidable.  After all, we got more health and safety stuff per person, than any people in the history of health, safety, stuff or persons.  We even dug it up.  They took it.  We did not get the health and safety, the count is short.

So, since they voted Nancy a second term, she must have done great for their constituency.  which could NOT be the 330 million of us.  Had they been thinking of us, as they voted "YES", they would have wondered about the dead.  400,000 already, more coming.  ow many more?  I was thinking about us, as I watched them re-elect the worst speaker in history.  I counted.  I counted, on that day, as the good team is voting yes on Nancy. 

On that day, up to 100,000 of us are then dead, but have not croaked yet.  They are voting yes because she did well, not for us, but for their constituency.  Again could not be us. We are dead and dying, they could not have considered us for a zeptosecond.  So, who were they voting?  worst speaker, as they were all wort, and they decided she did swell. Industry, is their constituency.

Nancy got a second term, as industry did well.  That is the good team.  Imagine their replies "So, congressperson, since you voted "yes" for the worst speaker ever for the people, who was she good for? What scale did you use to vote yes? Please name industry and specific companies".  They are stealing our stuff.

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