Probability Hacking, aka p-hacking. When designing any system, the designer brings themself with them. If you hire me, I bring central park. If you hire a kid from Idaho they bring cows or whatever.
We are professionals, we learned how to count, and we count that stuff out. Yet even still, the designer gets into the system. For example, facial recognition software made in Asia sees Asian men easiest, here white men easiest. That's who make the systems. p-hacking just happens, even when you're counting. Quantum machines will minimize this, it's a temporary problem.
The founding fathers did not know they were designing systems, they did not know how to count. They spent nine years designing our system. They dropped the constitution in 1787?
In 1787 human beings were still getting used to negative numbers. So, aside from Hamilton and Franklin, Jefferson and few others, none are counting backwards. The farmer types are not even counting forwards.
Plus, you could not even explain what a negative number was to them. It would be outside of their index of suspicion. The sentence "I'm minus 4 cows" wouldn't signify any idea. They would understand each word, but not what they meant put together like that. Once you haven't any cows, you haven't any cows.
That is the brain power of the designers of the systems, we live under today. Worse our designers intentionally, with no hesitation or remorse, designed everything at themselves and their sub-groups (white women, white children), they were not neutral.
Worse, as for the "others", non-whites, the designers of the systems on this land, did not ignore them. They intentionally designed our systems at them, at their expense. Whenever they felt like it.
Incidental p-hacking is bad enough, but this was an intentional shaping of structure and direction of resources, out from under the feet of the humans here. Including native peoples and those humans we stole.
Half the universe was excluded in our system design. The waste is destructive. We live under these systems today. This is stupid. No one would design a democratic republic practicing capitalism on this land like this today. Literally no one. This is stupid. We should hire systems designers and design the systems. We're loaded, it would be easy. We are getting robbed. But, back to "systemic racism", aka "How P-Hacked is America?"
So every instinct they had is in those pages, unfettered by concerns of "others".
Ok, an expert at p-hacking (try MIT or CalTech, this is a math question, like all questions), would count at the words the founding fathers wrote down over those nine years. I am an idiot so I'll stick to basics.
All men are created equal. In 1787 America, the "ALL" group, was a discrete object in mathematics. With an entity-type, with a definition close to; Land Owning, Non-Land Owning, Male, Over
the Majority Age and White. Plus two, sub-groups of White Women and White Children.
If you are in the [ALL] group in 1787, you know it and you are in luck. Every syllable that designs every system, and designs how all the stuff moves, was written exclusively by members of your group. Written totally unfettered for your group. Also, the system was written, not ignoring the others, but at their expense, whenever the ALL group wanted.
But there is no "systemic" racism"? Imagine having video of yourself saying that in public, if someone decides to count one day? That will not age well. Every system is p-hacked.
If we can find the "ALL" group today, we can see how far we have come as a nation.
Look at the "ALL" group today "Black lives matter". "ALL" lives matter. There is the 2021 "ALL" group. "All Lives Matter".
Let's see:
Male, check.
Land-owning, check.
Non-land-owning, check.
Over the majority age, check.
White, check.
White women, check.
White children, check.
Plus a few tokens.
Add a few tokens, it's the same group. We have come two inches in our racism journey since day one. It's the same group.
We have come a few tokens, in 250 years?
The "ALL" Group in 1787: "ALL" Men are created equal:
Male, Land Owning, Non Land Owning, Over the Majority Age White, White Women, White Children
The "ALL" Group in 2021: "ALL" Lives Matter:
Male, Land Owning, Non Land Owning, Over the Majority Age White, White Women, White Children plus a few tokens.
The people, in the "ALL" group win. The words that make the country are p-hacked and that will never change. The words are the words. All we can do is museum these words for half of us, and separate and pursue happiness, for all of us. Under two different systems.
Half living under the words from 1787. The "others" half counting from the plural. Taking the ideas behind the 1787 words, and make them suitable for tomorrow, today. We should at least make the movie.
So, in reality, racism wise, in 250 years, the "ALL" group is same group with a few tokens. We have gone two inches since day one. It's all been noise. What has Mitch & Nancy been doing all these years? Nothing works on the wealthiest land ever? Giving someone a hoodie, when it's -40 degrees outside is not helpful.
Yet half the country will look you in your face, and dead-ass go "racism is over, we freed them and had civil rights, we are even!"
Yeah, those people are in the "ALL" group! Heloooo-ah, to them these systems are dope.
So, if you are in the [ALL] group today, the system was p-hacked for you all those years ago! So, you think this is swell. Plus, you will deny there is any p-hacking, or math, or logic, and defend this lopsided system by gaslighting or violence.
If you're not in the [ALL] group, you think this sucks. Which, it does, and always has, mostly for those not in the [ALL] group.
So, if we keep these words, we get this result. It's baked in. Not going anywhere.
Look at their faces as they argue so violently against the idea that we are p-hacked to shit. All their fear and hate, desperate to force the false thing, as true. At all of earth. aka Gaslighting. They are in fact completely wrong. America isn't racist, they are, the Confederates.
Every system we live under was designed by humans, and p-hacked. I'd go to MIT or CalTech and ask them pick up a pencil and count for their country. FIT can't do it. If they wont count who will?
imagine the face of those white politicians yelling into cameras, with
hate twinkling in their eyes, certainty in their voice, no math
anywhere, no idea what they are talking about, screaming: "There is no
systemic racism!". They went to law school, just take out the word
"systemic", it's math, how would they know? What have you got?
A bunch of
racists yelling "There is no racism! There is no racism! There is no
racism!". And getting the votes. They yell it from within the "ALL"
group, at the "ALL" group, and win.
That's disgusting.
We are not one
people, we need more than one system. I think they will find life
different, using these old words with no "others" to deploy them at. We
do not need them, they need us.
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