Sunday, June 20, 2021

Our Systems, Both sides. Nancy is just as bad as Lindsey or Mitch.

I got way high this morning, and typed this.  We got robbed.

Both sides.  Nancy is just as bad as Lindsey or Mitch.  Why do we elect super-wealthy, immoral people?  This is our fault.  How would you design these systems?  Would you make our voting system this way?  Our gun system or food systems?  Would you make our war system or health system or money system this way?

No, mostly, none of us would.  If your systems were broken would you hire a lawyer to fix it?  Um, or someone who, ya know, designs systems?   What if none of our systems are broken?  What if they work exactly as designed?

Did we design them?  Are we self governed if we did not design the systems underneath which we live?

What if 535 people force these systems on us.  Weren't we supposed to live under systems we wanted to live under?  Isn't that the nature of a free society?  Designed by us, not industry?  If we fixed this part, and became self-governed instead of industry governed, wouldn't that fix it it?

I mean if you want to fill your pool with bullets and swim in them, I know how to read.  But, on the other hand, if you want a gun system where most days no one got shot, I also know how to count.  So, we could do that here.  Places for people who want one or the other.  Right?  

I mean we can't have one place with two systems for each thing.  We'd have to have two places, one with one set of systems for each.  Can this way even work?  Ever?  If so, could someone explain how to have one health system for both sets of people?  Any system, how can there be just one and we get to live under systems we want?  we can't do that.  They know this in DC.  We are on a treadmill.

So, all this mess over 535 chairs in the capitol building.  These 535 sold our systems to industry.  The gun system was designed by the gun industry.  Each industry, gets a print shop.  Some industries share a cabinet department, some get their own.  We have no Humanities Department, looking out for the humans.  .

Nothing designed to work together, just to work for that industry.  Millions and millions of thrown away lives by doing it this way, for them.  In millions of ways, literally.  No one is looking out for us.  The count is short.

The industry then pays the publishing house of a government to publish their systems at us.  For them.  Making us people, this land, and the stuff in it, theirs.  That makes more sense than we got too much food we can't figure how to feed everyone?  That's stupid.  The wealthiest land ever?  France can see us, we look like morons.  535 people?

So, remove the 535 of them, plug the *hole.  Make new building in Kansas, fill it with correct number and type of people.  Or, I'm a complete moron (true), and the 535 are trying to help us, but we have too much wood they can't house us.  we have too much food they can't nourish us?  Either Plato's a moron, or we are getting robbed.  Where is all our stuff at?  Look up, at the 535 of them.  They are in charge of publishing the words, the stuff and where it's at is on them.  They did it, good or bad.  They did it.  The 535 of them.  Who is wealthier the day Trump left of the 535 of them?  Start there.

Now imagine looking straight ahead, even steven, not up.  Look ahead, and see yourself in the person of those representing you.  We know who they are, they did assert individual rights about their money or grades or cognitive defects, nor crimes or anything.  Our rights came first.  535 of them, 330,000,000 of us.  We come first.  Then we would know who they are.  We know nothing about these people in 2021.  The count is short, there only 535 people in charge of the count.

So, I think, and someone should ask a political scientist, but I think if we do not fix the capitol building, we can not fix the country's systems.  

*Hole, bottom line I think it's the 535 of them assert individual rights, but they haven't got individual rights.  They have all of our rights.  Each.  To hide behind, we can't do that.  So, instead, if you want to assert an individual right, put it on the table.  The we look in the quiver, if there other people's rights still in your bag, if the bag of rights you carry is not empty, slow down.  You promised to avoid the appearance of impropriety, you have the right to explain why you are here, with no lawyer, no individual rights.  So, instead, the 535 of them, would get their individual right AFTER we get protected, not before.

There are maybe a coupe dozen of them with nothing hide, they belong to us.  Ask them how different our laws would be.  we could make them take a 12th grade reading test.  It's dangerous to be a "LAW WRITER" if you can't read really well, not just average.  That is dangerous at earth.  If we tried that now, all but a couple dozen would assert their individual right and not take it.  That is our fault.  Screw them and screw their individual rights.  535 of them, 330,000,000 of us.  Anyway, that's the bug.  Our rights come first, replace all 535, fair to everyone.  Make probable cause from within the apparatus 5, long, do every day of it, years instead of letting them pinky swear.  Us first.  Not them.

Basically, point the broken windows policy at the window, before it breaks.  Not the shards of glass on 110th Street, three cities away.  That will work, for all of us.  The you can start to fix things, even look at the amendments, or climate or whatever your tak wants, how it wants., Ya know, freedom.  Not paying for things you think are wasteful or against your beliefs.

None of those actual fixes can happen the way the system is deployed now.  The 535 of them are way more equal than any pf us mortals. Fix that in the land of equality, and it fixes.  Can some ask someone, I'm asking for a friend, all of them.

We are getting robbed, from the capitol building.  If we would just stop and count.  Anyway, I'm an idiot, don't listen to me, I'm sure everything is fine.  This the best we can do.  Travis Barker and a Kardashian?  Really?  Why?

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