Nobody is ever going to read this. Too bad.
So, this is our apparatus. These people are in charge? I
debugged our system during covid. Using 30 years of system design, a
long ago PolySci degree and lots of extra time on my hands. Here is
what I found: The count is short.
There are 535 people who
publish the words at us. Mitch&Nancy lets call them. Those words
made each system produce the results they do. The words also describes how all
our stuff moves. They have one job "The allocation of resources, to
govern for the public health, safety and morals". On the test, that is the purpose of government.
Ooooops! They
missed. On the wealthiest land ever? How? We got more health and
safety stuff, under our feet, than any people ever had, in the history
of health, safety, stuff or feet.
They are p-hacking that money into their accounts. It's a system design issue. The same for systemic racism, it's called "probability-hacking" or p-hacking. You count at it.
Yet, Mitch&Nancy published words
at us, where we came in near dead last in covid. On the wealthiest land
ever? How? Mitch&Nancy got more wealth now. How? The count is off.
What? We got too much wood Mitch&Nancy can't house us all? We got too much food they can't nourish us all? That's stupid. On a democratic republic practicing capitalism?
These systems were designed by geniuses to work where Moldova is.
Either Plato's a moron, or we're getting robbed. Mitch&Nancy did it. Article 1, Section 1. Mitch&Nancy did it. Where is all our stuff at?
Are we voting? Could 100 million "individuals", select the one with
the most money, 90% of the time? That is a math question. The answer
is no. Groups could. I think we are going to the polls in discrete objects, or groups, individuals could not do that.
In mathematics you count groups
different than individuals, a lot different.
So, if we are going to the polls in discrete
objects, then we are not individual
franchising and all of a sudden, the one with most money wins the 'who
is a better candidate' contest at a 90% clip.
Look, if it were a "Who got more money" contest, and all it had on each ballot was:
Who Got More Money
Republican Democrat
Betty Smith Wilbur Jones
$899,000.00 $1,2000,000.00
Who Got More Money
million people as "individuals" could not select the one with the most money at a 90%
clip. That's stupid, these are numbers. That is a polynomial that
would take trillions of years, as individuals. In groups they can.
In groups it would
happen anytime you did the math and science right. We know how to move
pots and pans at a group of humans. No guessing needed.
The one with
the most money is winning, but not because of the money.
we could not select the one with most money if it were a money contest and the money was on the
ballot. The money is buying the math and science, as if the better math were winning.
So, this is our ballot casting system, they already
know who won. Except for the 10% of the time. The 53 and half Katie Porters in the
"Nothing to Hide" group. That's all the government we have left. Us, the 330
million of us. We get 53.5, industry gets the Mitch&Nancy group.
Is Mitch&Nancy robbing us? Ok, 535 people publish the words, like
during the Trump years. so Mitch&Nancy publish words that move
like $15 trillion of our health and safety stuff away from us. We come
in near last. We do not get the health and safety. Also, the money
that leaks, "accidentally," while trying to help us, ends up in their
very own Mitch&Nancy, hundreds of millions of dollars already
"accidentally" governed into them, by them, public servant bank
France can see us, we look like morons. These people are stealing our stuff.
are 330,000,000 possible accidental humans here alone that money could
accidentally end up in. So whatever 330,000,000 choose 535 is that's
how many trillions of years it would take a sub-set of 535 people to
accidental one penny into their own accounts.
It's called "probability hacking". It's a system design issue you count at, not lawyer at. Mitch&Nancy are p-hacking our stuff into their accounts. ask a discrete math professor at MIT. Also "systemic" racism is "p-hacking" also. Tell them at MIT that PolyTech night school beat them to the punch.
1. How likely is it that we are going to the polls in groups?
2. How likely is it that we can rule out accidental wealth accumulation from within the capitol building?
If MIT says almost .9 groups and .96 robbery, we have to keep their mitts of our stuff. That's the fix.
Assuming the math.
sold each system. Look at a nation as a set of systems. Because it is a bunch of systems, requiring systems designers not lawyers. (We could count our way out of this mess, easy.)
We have
political and economic systems. Gun system, bank system, education,
energy, health etc. Mitch&Nancy sold them, The words.
The food
system was sold to the food industry. For money. Money you can find in
their very own Mitch&Nancy, hundreds of millions of dollars already
"accidentally" governed into them, by them, public servant bank
Now in America one scientist said one third of us are overweight and malnourished, and 80% of the food is made of "rearranged corn". Ok, let's assume the reason no one came running our of Auschwitz overweight and malnourished is because that's stupid.
Helloooo-ah? Malnourished means you didn't eat enough food. Overweight means you ate too much, ya know, food! You can't do both at the same time because physics,math and that's stupid. You simply can not eat too much food while you are not eating enough food, that is literally stupid. 100 million people certainly couldn't.
it's why we don't find people lost at sea for six moths who are overweight, ever. It's why North Korea has 1 fat guy and 22 million malnourished people. None of whom are overweight. Because, mathematically that's fucking stupid. There are not 6.6 million overweight and malnourished North Korean people.
This is not a food conversation. This is a "What the fuck did Mitch&Nancy do with our food' conversation? Where is all our stuff at?
We are not eating too much food, while we are not eating enough food. Clearly.
So, we are not eating enough food, while eating too much not-food, aka re-arranged corn.
Let's assume there are no corn fairies in corn fields flying kernels cob to cob. Re-arranged, in a lab. Molecular-ly. Similar to a nicotine product.
Re-arranged corn, in a lab, like nicotine. Makes you buy more of it. Plus, you could gullet it, digest it, it wont nourish you, it makes you fat, and when you were done eating it, you would think you weren't hungry anymore. But your cells did not get what they need. so your body eats more.
The result: Overweight and malnourished. A food system, words written by industry, published at us, by Mitch&Nancy, for money. Money you can find in their in their
very own Mitch&Nancy, hundreds of millions of dollars already
"accidentally" governed into them, by them, public servant bank
accounts. Money from the food industry. Their boss.
A re-arranged corn system written by the re-arranged corn industry. Industry-governed.
Mitch&Nancy sold the food system, now we eat rearranged corn instead of food. Tobacco was not the product, nicotine was, remember? The tobacco was a nicotine delivery device. Well, if 80% of the food is made of re-arranged corn, the hamburger is a re-arranged corn delivery device. We eat corn products on the wealthiest land ever, so they can profit.
Would you govern this food system at your kids? Neither would Mitch&Nancy. They know their kids don't have to eat it. $200 pint of ice cream was it? Not self-governed if you wouldn't govern this at yourself is it?
Groups; we are overweight and malnourished because of the choices we have, not the choices we make. This is math. Mitch&Nancy sold the words.
They sold the gun-system to the gun industry, the
education system to them, oil to oil. That is not using our health and
safety stuff for us. It's the opposite. If we make it so there is
nothing to steal, then we can use our stuff at us.
Mitch&Nancy sell to industry, they need all the branches. It became
a rogue government. It makes us industry-governed, not self-governed
and Mitch&Nancy a very profitable publishing house.
Wait, there's more. It gets worse. A lot worse.
The Word Republic Broke
A "Republic" requires the legislative branch to not be responsible at the executive branch. In a republic a house leader would never declare the senate responsible to executive with not bringing bills to floor. Ours did, and we lived that way for four years, and Harvard didn't say one word. Tell Harvard Cal State PolySci beat them to the punch. (Dr Eugene Price, props!)
When Mitch&Nancy sell the words to industry it's one thing. However, when they sell to prisons or sell the words to any military or police interest, they just sold to the executive branch.
Mitch&Nancy's side gig, in part, they get paid to publish words written by the executive branch, at us. Consolidating both branches under the executive branch, resolving this republic as a matter of political science. That is the broken thing, That's why this isn't working. They keep selling our stuff.
The "Republic" is not a republic, checks and balances failed because Mitch&Nancy sold our republic. For money. Money you can find in their
very own Mitch&Nancy, hundreds of millions of dollars already
"accidentally" governed into them, by them, public servant bank
Mitch&Nancy promised to protect our republic. Instead, they never bothered to learn what the word meant. Instead of protecting our Republic, they sold it, for money. Money you can find in their
very own Mitch&Nancy, hundreds of millions of dollars already
"accidentally" governed into them, by them, public servant bank
they even tried? Ever? Is there one system, that makes the 330 million
of us self-governed? No. Because, well, math. Half are non-linear,
from the singular. The other group is discrete, they need systems
starting from the plural. Non-linear math and discrete math, literally
exclude each other. The lack of one can describe the other. Sorry
America, there is not one system to make.
When trying to fix our
systems, like Mitch&Nancy were supposed to do, see wealth instead.
The first thing you see are the two groups, singular/plural, and we need at least two
systems to be self-governed. Well, we only have one, and sure enough we
are not self-governed, we are industry-governed.
The Solution:
The rights are miscounted. The 330 million of us have individual rights. We are very proud of them. In reality they don't do shit. Maybe you can remain silent, buy a gun or cast a ballot. But you cant sell our stuff for money. How would I sell the Galss-Steagall act? How would my neighbor make two fake wars in one day? How would we get our kid out of arrests, no-show jobs on and on.
We can't. You need group rights to do those things. Groups are not individuals. So, there are 535 seats in our building. If you feel you might, some day, need the right to remain silent, or the right to an attorney or the right to a fair trial, stay the fuck out of our capitol building.
Probable cause, from within the capitol building, should be five years. No individual rights to remain silent or to any of it until after you're locked up for probable cause. Then you get your rights back for the crimes you did.
It is not a life skill, to not look like, you just didn't, not commit, stock fraud! These people are stealing our stuff and that's a long way how.
Let's remember, if there is not one system to make, Mitch&Nancy never told us that. Either:
1. They don't know, so they never tried to fix anything, for money.
2. They do know, are hiding this fact, for money.
3. There is one system and tomorrow we'll wake up with one system in a new super-secret batman plan Mitch&Nancy have been preparing all these decades while getting wealthier, and not for any money at all. Just as public servants who's, larger than ours, salaries alone, are more than enough to add to the joy of serving your fellow humans.
It ain't #3!
Probable cause being five years would keep their mitts off our stuff.
Also, an auto-kill switch. That six years bullshit got to go. Every four years we need to be able to do all 535 in one day if we want. Auto-kill, someone smarter than I to sort out.
But something like if use "High" from "High Crimes". If anyone in High office participates in these felonies or immoral acts blah blah, it's an immediate resolution of all 535 and the bull pen steps in. We elect a bull pen, 535 on stand by. They get no say, it's automatic.
That is cheap and easy. The losers maybe, lots of ways?
The first rule, probable cause, keeps their mitts of our stuff
The second rule keeps each looking at the other 534 to make sure they are not lying and robbing and stealing. They're robbing and stealing and not even rhyming. That alone is a crime on the Island of Manhattan!
If our rights came before their rights, that might work. If the math doesn't help, think of it this way. There are 330,000,000 of us, and only 535 of them. Fuck Mitch&Nancy and fuck their individual rights. Where is all our stuff at?
Generally, we each do not need the right to remain silent to not die in prison today, Mitch&Nancy do. Imagine how terrified these criminals would be at the idea of probable cause being 5 years? That's who is charge of our words.
Point the broken windows policy at the window, before it breaks. Not the shards of glass on 110th street three cities away. That's a "Broken shards of glass" policy. Notice how bloody those kids got on 110th street? Mitch&Nancy did those crimes too.
The count is short. There are only 535 people in charge of the count. Mitch&Nancy did it. They sold our republic.
I smoke weed, plus my friends call me "idiot" a lot. So I could be wrong about all that. That's just how it looks to me.
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