Saturday, December 4, 2021

Trump lied about his covid, that is not the problem

The problem is not that he lied about his covid. The problem is, he lied about all of ours. So did Roberts, Mitch&Nancy and Joe.

Checks and Balances: A system designed so if one branch is about to govern 100,000 to 2.5 million of us to death, and we know about it before hand, the other two branches stop it from happening.

Ooooops, they missed.

They, the checks&balances team had one job: "The allocation of resources, to govern for the public health safety and morals."

Ooooops, they missed again.

On the wealthiest land ever,? How? We got more health and safety stuff under our feet, than any government ever had to work with ever before ever, in the history of health, safety, stuff or feet. Where is all our stuff at?

The count is short, and there only 535 people in charge of the count. They got more now.

"Accidentally" While trying to help us.
We came in near dead last, in covid response. That's our checks&balances team at work. Did I mention they got more now.

Mitch&Nancy publish the words, that move the stuff. But, they sold the words first. That's the hundreds of millions of dollars they "accidentally" governed into their own accounts over the years.

So, this seems to be the checks&balances team's story: On the wealthiest land ever, they publish words at 330 million people. Those words make all the systems and move all the stuff.

The stuff is our health and safety stuff.
They tried but just couldn't. 

Yo! Mitch&Nancy, Where is all our health and safety stuff at?

The story is what? 
During the 4 Trump years, Mitch&Nancy publish words, transferring $15 Trillion dollars of our health & safety stuff away from us. We don't get the health and safety, come in near dead last.

And also, "accidentally", out of 330,000,000 possible "accidental" landing place, the excess money, leaks, "accidentally" into their very own Mitch&Nancy, public servant, hundreds of millions of our dollars in them, bank accounts?

A subset of the 535 people, out of 330 million people, who published the words that moved the stuff in the first place?

Again and again again we go. "Accidentally".
This is their story?

Holy Good Will Hunting Batman. Maybe someone in Boston can pick up a pencil and tell us many trillions of years it would actually take for Mitch&Nancy's to, as a matter of probability, accidentally govern even one penny of our stuff into their accounts?

Given, we didn't get our stuff, and they claim they tried to help us?

They can count that stuff ya know.

What is happening at us regarding covid is a group effort.

Checks and Balances failed, because the word "Republic" broke, that's how they are able to lie about their covid and ours. Also, no one on tv seems to know what the words means.

France can see us, we look like idiots.

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