Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Why is everyone rushing past the word "Burisma"? Can we please slow down for two minutes?

Everyone is rushing past the word "Burisma".  We have not heard a clear explanation. Maybe, if one of them could slow down and simply explain things.  We really have no idea what the Kid was up to in Ukraine.

Was it a no-show job or not?  It is a simple question.  Because any 12 year old autistic kid is just as qualified to do nothing for Burisma as Joe's kid is.

This is not about emails or hard drives.  It's simple, was the kid paid for no work? 

Don't we need to know this stuff before an election? So we don't let more criminals into the white house? Most of this stuff, historically, doesn't it seem more like "perks" of their job? So big deal who cares?  Why are they all rushing?

1) It's reported, Hunter does not get into Delaware Law School but does G'Town and Yale? Ok, just explain. Could be lots of reasons.  But it could be Felicity Huffman and Lori Laughlin, felonious type stuff. Explain it. Simple question.  We deserve to know if they stole some other kids education or not, why is this still unanswered?  What happened to the kids grades and lsat scores? Is the report fake?  We don't know.

2) There is a report Biden's kid had a coke bust and Biden had it swept under the rug. True false explain, with sentences.  That's felonious.  See, simple question. 

3) The tough question! Joe needs to explain this: "I never spoke with hunter about what he was doing on the Board of Burisma", that sentence is a huge huge huge math problem for Joe.  I know how to read and count.  Why do they ALWAYS rush past this part?

Facts seem to be, Hunter did consult at Burisma, which stunk see link below.  That was over by the time he was on the board.  Hunter told a reporter, while on the board he offered no work product, gave no advice. He was simply collecting big checks, for being Biden. In a country his dad, the Vice President of The United States, was in charge of our Ukraine policies in.

If this is corruption, this is supposed to make you angry.  Very angry. Your 12 year old autistic kid is just as qualified to do nothing for Burisma as Joe's kid. How is this no-show job not corruption? That is a fair and very very unanswered question. Can we please stop rushing past it?

Here is the math of the problem: "I never spoke with hunter about what he was doing on the Board of Burisma"  If it was a no-show job then:

A) If this is true, one way would be if Hunter did not know he was on the board of Burisma. Then why would they speak?  They wouldn't. If this is the case, Joe took the money himself.

B) If this is True and Hunter and did know he was on the board, then why the hell not? They "promise" us their stupid honor system, with their honor? To do what? "Avoid the appearance of impropriety", welp this is how Joe does it, he on purpose looks the other way? That's conspiracy or accessorizing after the fact in the corruption or something.  If it's corrupt.

C) Or he lied. If so, they did discuss what he was doing. That's conspiracy right?  Also, he wasn't "doing" anything, that word is problematic, I dont like getting lied to.

See the problem, if Hunter did corruption, Joe did too. Feloniously. Why are we rushing past this?

It kind of seems like, two elections in a row with one indictable felon vs another indictable felon, (and we can't figure out we are getting robbed!). This government sucks.  Subtract all the good we should be doing and the fuck whole we actually are, we have one awful government. <---that is a .gov site, safe.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Breonna Taylor et al

So basically, the cops are innocent because they were defending themselves, from the innocent dude, who was defending himself, from the attack the cops perpetrated on his house, for no reason. lol.

Um defense is to "Resist an attack", lol.  Um, that's what the boyfriend was doing. lol.  The cops weren't resisting the attack, they caused the attack.  If the cops weren't the attackers, who was? This is stupid, lol.

This guy never seen a baseball game or a football game.?  You can pass the bar and literally not know the difference between offense and defense?

So, I go in to rob the liquor store, owner shoots at me, I shoot back and kill his wife, as long as I was aiming at him, I'm innocent?  That's stupid. lol.

So the cops were not on defense.  And self defense means you used violence to prevent a violent crime.  Well there was no crime, except by the cops. The boyfriend was on defense, remember, the cops were on offense.  Except in the south, then it's the other way.  lol.

I thought felony murder was when someone died during the commission of a felony. Like even by heart attack? Well, this one cop is charged with a felony, but not felony murder? lol

The words don't mean, what the words mean. Man what a jip!


Sunday, September 20, 2020

Are You Disgusted By These Legislators? Why are we doing this?

Humans feel disgust, as a defense mechanism. We are repelled by things that disgust us. They studied it and it's because often times, those are the poisonous, pathogen filled, dangerous things. Disgust has that purpose, according to science. It helps keep us safe.

The first words of America:

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

How to make America, Step 1: Everyone bust up into your separate political groups! These are the founding father's first words of America.  Of course, how else could it work?  We cant elect one government to govern more than one peoples.  That's stupid.  They cant make those gun laws for them guys and these opposite ones for those people.  They cant make multiple health cares, nor education systems, banking systems etc.  Not possible, so none of us live as we want.

Huh?  Isn't that the fucking point. So, the 535 write words to make our systems and none of us want them?  So, who is the system for?  The 535 of them have made a system for the 535 of them!  They want these systems.  They must want it this way for a reason? 

So, if we imagine we were following the instructions: Everyone who wants to speak one language, have god in school and everywhere, lots of guns, no abortions (well only illegal ones, man these people are stupid), no climate change worries, no racism worries, no Russia worries, no virus worries, go over there.

The more advanced humans, go over that way.  I don't know, there are probably like 5 or so viable types of peoples living on this land.  None living as they want.  Why?  The 535 of them.  They are the log jam to it all.  The system as written by the Greeks and then the Founding Fathers, would have worked.  But it required 535 of "us" in the capitol building, we got 535 of "them". 

Look at it inverted.  We vote, one team wins the other not, but nothing really changes in terms of guns education potholes health...nothing.  Because one side is not allowed to win.  Well, it's more like the other side is not allowed to lose, we all have the right to pursue happiness.  Voting as we are, can't do anything. 

Mathematically, this is the end till the dollar crashes, this is basically it.  Voting as we are got us here.  Voting would work, if we did it right. You know, "who's a better candidate" contest instead of a "who has more money" contest.  We have the technology to do that easy.  But we cant. Who wrote the words to the system again? 

So their system is set up so no team can win and no team can lose.   Who write the system again? We are getting took.
We should follow the instructions.  Shit we should move the capitol building to Kansas, the middle, as far from the banks, Hollywood and the other two branches as possible.  Then split this bitch up!  lol.  We have the right to pursue happiness, the 535 of them have stolen that from us.

Look at this RGB, Justice Nomination thing a little different:

If they do this, it is flat disgusting.  Imagine the order of events is different.

Imagine Sen Graham and the rest, but there is no video of what they all said 4 years ago. They all are just saying the same thing now, "we did not say that, we meant something else". THEN, unexpectedly, these videos come out of them saying the opposite. These people would be fried in public. They ought to be arrested.

They wont be. These republicans are horrible people, Why cant they take that part of our land and we take this other part? Why do we have to live with them? I am a normal human I could not lie on tape like that.  Such audacity is truly truly rare.  Sure, I could lie time to time, but not like that. I have normal human instincts and emotions.

So now we would be negligent to not ask, what else would these people do at us?  Why would they stop at lying like this, on tape?  These people are not normal.  It's almost like they are descendants of confederates, we should have annihilated confederates from our land, when we had the chance.

Sometimes it seems like the republican party is a terrorist party, filled with Nationalists.  Trump called himself a Nationalist.  He's a National-Captialist, a Naca, the Naca Party.  Naca-Maga! Like a pre-speech baby squaking at him and he understands every syllable.  By the way, I think Nationalism is un American, Americans are not more equal than others.  And there is no separate but equal, they tried that already. 

Seems they are Naca's and racists and liars and they do not belong to quite the same species as other people, just like their fore-parents.  It's like, they do not warrant the title American. I don't think they believe all people are created equal.  Seems more like they hate equality.  "Might makes right", is literally the biggest and the strongest is more equal. (I know that's not what Darwin meant, they don't.)  Maybe if they changed it to "We hold this truth to be self evident..." that would fit them better.  In America it's "we", these truths.

I got a question.  Why are we paying for them?  I am pretty sure we don't need them anymore?  We dont need them to carry heavy things for us anymore, we can build things to do that. Seems like they need us, to pay for them and their mistakes all the time.  I'm kind over paying for their stupidity.  let them pay for it!  Look at what their virus mistakes are costing us.
What do they bring to the table? Racism first and always, lots of guns, lots of needing to tell other people how to live (abortions), draconian ideas on law and order, they bring the expense of "Russia Hoax", "Virus Hoax", "Racism Hoax", "Environment Hoax" etc, all that costs us lives, trillions of wasted dollars, time.  Wasted, trying to get them to see reality.

I think we ought to separate, they are literally killing us now.  Is there another option where we can all pursue happiness?  Because this way sucks for all of us.

If they were over there, they could live as they want.  God in school and on the money and everywhere, more guns, only illegal abortions, no climate change to worry about, no Russians to worry about, trump and his kids could president forever.  Why wouldn't they want that?

Now imagine how we live, we dont have convince anyone racism is real, or climate change or that politicians who lie at us deserve prison, or that we dont need all these cops, we need to be protected, not policed.  Think of this virus, it would be happening at them, not us, we would be almost back to normal now. 
Simple things, like less fights at bars, crime way down, smarter movies and tv, food made out of food.  We would have less war.  More advanced tech sooner, think graviton, cold fusion, cancer, pathogens!   They cost us a lot.  Seems, these confederates might be holding the species back.
We would have cleaner air and water, more time, more money, healthcare, real education, less super wealthy and more wealthy and upper middle class and middle class, less poor.  Conversations would be different "Hey Molly how was your actual vacation you actually had the time and money to take, what was it a month?"  This is what they are stealing from us, and we have to pay for it!! With life, health, time, money and stress.
After all, this is not a difference of opinion.  They think it is, but it is not.  He is not a genius, he is not stable he is an awful business person, he did not keep his promises, he did not graduate #1 in his class, he did not ban travel, less jobs (pre covid), raised the deficit, raised the debt, no new healthcare, he knows nothing about religion...on and on.  
It is not a difference of opinion, they are incorrect.  Why is that so hard to say, they are wrong!  They got took! Conned, duped, hoodwinked, bamboozled.  They literally could not be more wrong.  I'll wager any one any amount of money Trump did not keep his promises.  Any Trump supporters wanna give me everything they own?  I'll bet everything I own on it. 

An Oath By Any Other Name?

As for our leaders, why the fuck do they bother to take oaths, to get "sworn" into office? If these oaths dont do shit for us, why do they bother? I thought the oath was to protect us, so they dont lie at us like this? I guess not, why would an oath cover lying to the 330 million people you are charged with keeping safe? I thought they took an oath, so if they do exactly this shit with the Justices, we have recourse? Guess I'm a moron thinking an oath means something.

Please remember, their crime happened not today, but four years ago.  They said words, people made choices based on those words, they got what they wanted and now four years later, PSYCH!  What they are doing now is legal.  That is not the question.  Is it right? 

Democracy Argument: Well we're a democracy and a large majority does not want a court like that.  So even without the mess, this is wrong.  What would our country be like, if the in charge party governed for the people regardless of their wants? 

Fraud Argument: They got what they wanted four years ago.  Ok so now they can go on tv and promise us free weed and yachts and supermodels, that their new health care plan will cure everything and it's perfectly fine.  I'm sure the founding fathers did not intend that.

Legal Argument: It's legal.

These people suck.  Never forget, four years ago, they got what they wanted.

Fair would be, let this one pass, let them settle the question of lat year in office court nominations federally in the legislature not the court.  No one would be ahead or behind, it would literally be fair and on the best interests of us.  That is how I know for certain, this will not happen.  Thee people suck. 

This is the worst government in history.  They broke the word republic, and no one said a thing.  Nancy Pelosi could not recite the definition of the word republic on tv last year?  She did not know.  If anyone cares, the phone records between Lev Parnas and Congresscreature Devin Nunes was the official end of the republic.  That is the executive branch and the legislative branch, working together, at the American people, with a Ukrainian/Russian gangster, and a million, magic, verified, enemy dollars floating around.  That does it for the word Republic. That was not a moon roof.  We needed that.  That attack on our system, not just money/power like the others, that's what made this different.  It happened because he literally has no idea what our system is.  He's stupid.  Anyone who saw it first hand and kept quite should be shamed or jailed or something, cowards.  How do they not get, there are 330,000,000 of us!  200,000 are already dead! These people suck.

Never forget, four years ago, they got what they wanted.  Never forget these two before and after videos.  When they speak tomorrow, if you find yourself listening as if the words are true, stop.  Remember the before and after videos of them saying "Four years form now we wont do this"!   Four years later: "Psych! we gonna do it".  That is the value of their words.  Never forget the before and after videos. Wow, not complete humans.  Their words mean nothing.

Are They Stealing?

Could you do this? Seriously, could you be on tape 4 years ago and then today do this? I could not.  Normal people have a conscience and instinct, this would not allow a normal person to do this.  This kind of audacity is truly rare.  Why would they not steal then?  These people have no guide, what instinct would stop them from stealing our stuff?  From the capitol building.  Making laws, that essentially make it legal for them to take our stuff and enjoy it now.  Where is all our stuff? 

Hypocrisy is the lowest form of intelligence and the lest amount of morality a being can have. That is zero. There is nothing less to "know" than "me".  There is no less morality than "me".  The real issue, is people who could do that, on tape? Well, they could do anything. Like sell things that belong to us and not them. Remember Lev Parnas and the magic million dollars?
I mean, it is not lost on me that we are malnourished?  We have tonnes, literally.  The 535 cant make a democratic republic practicing capitalism such that we are fed? This is the wealthiest land ever.  Japan is 26 times smaller in size, but with almost half our population.  We have 20x times more stuff per person.  If we have 20x times more nourishment, why are we less nourished, by a lot? What are the 535 of them doing with all our stuff? 

Seems to me, either Plato is a moron, or we're getting robbed.  You cant make a democratic republic practicing capitalism on this and you cant make one anywhere, and them Greeks were idiots.  These people, with the audacity, to simply lie on tape like this? Where is all our stuff at?

I write about this here:

So, now we sit here, knowing most likely these lying pieces of sub-human confederate shit, and some of the others, are most likely stealing our stuff right now.  Nothing we can do about it.  This government sucks!

They are federal legislators, I am a citizen. They lied to me, flat out, they dont give a fuck what I think, they just lie at me. Like I were some stuck bug to flick away. I am not sure I could take serious any word uttered by any republican. And I am not a democrat.

I will probably look at any human who listens to republicans from ether side, as stupid people.  The words coming out of their mouths are valueless.  Look at the before and after tapes.  One would have to be a moron to not see how preposterous this mess is. This could not be more clear. There is no confusion here. What must the rest of the world think of us.

Voting like this, got us here. When are we gonna face that? This is not what we were promised. Imagine if we were to follow the instructions?  Imagine if we were to split this country up?  I am tired of paying for them!  They are dumb, stupid, idiot, moron, dupes.  They could not be more wrong about Trump.  Literally, they think he is smart.  Our forests are on fire, our cities are on fire, the cops cant stop killing black men in our streets, there are riots, there are food lines in America, tens of millions out of work, 200,000 dead mostly shouldn't be, the economy in ruins, we almost had nuclear war with both Iran and N Korea...and they think this is MAGA-liscous!  They want more!  It's almost as if these people are actual morons, in the clinical, original sense of the word.  We have to pay for it  Why?  I am done!  Look at that list!

These leaders are disgusting. Maybe some will become too disgusting to vote for. Maybe the disgust will let those citizens know, these people are dangerous.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

I have some questions - Is this one big robbery?

So, the 535 of them, have a job description:  The allocation of resources, to govern for the public health, safety and morals.  First off, if you owned a hotdog stand, you wouldn't let these morons allocate resources for you. That is something for a computer to do.  Next, they took the resources, where the fuck is our health and safety?    

Plato, Socrates and them, spent their lives contemplating humanity, how we participate with each other and the stuff around us.  They were part of the greatest civilization ever. Had conquered land far and wide.  They studied how people far away organized themselves in this strange ways, politically, socially, economically.  They put structure to the words and designed these system, out of words, not numbers, but they did great! And this is what we end up with? 

What the fuck happened? Were the Greeks wrong?  They had never even seen land this wealthy.  If you can make a democratic republic practicing capitalism in like where Monrovia would be, then for sure you can on this land. This is the wealthiest land per person ever.  We can't House ourselves?  Not everybody got what to eat?  Not everybody got a doctor and not everybody got a teacher?  This does not add up. 

What did the 535 of them do with our stuff? War, oil? Shouldn't the health and safety come first?  Where is all our stuff? 

What? We got too much wood they can't house us?  We got too much food they nourish us?  Either
Plato's a moron, or we're getting robbed.  

From the capitol building, this ain't no whodunnit.  Only 535 people publish and fund the words at us.  Who of the 535 of them got more wealth the day Trump left?  They did it.  Look for the groups and the money.

So, that's my question.  Are the 535 of them using our stuff for us, or stealing it to service debt for them?

Ok, Debt? Bare with me through this part, in the end it looks like stealing. They say on the news that earth has a quadrillion and a half dollars in derivatives debt.  A quadrillion is a million billion.  Think in terms of hundreds of trillions of dollars.

Simple quick: Derivative just think contract
Quadrillion: Million billion
America's portion: Hundreds of trillions


America owes hundreds of trillions of dollars.

Let's get past the vague "we owe a lot", and sort out some meaning from the words.

America is us people and this land.  So: Us people and this land owe hundreds of trillions.

The land is the stuff., magnesium, oil, gold all that.  I guess we owe hundreds of trillions of that stuff in the ground still, to service their contract debt.  So they got the cash and stuff and we got debt? But, no health and safety?

Notice the stuff is still in the ground.  You can't sell stuff without stuff. I think to make contracts, they need to value getting out of the ground.  I am pretty sure they pre-sold our labor.  They know how much our great-grand-kids will earn over their lifetimes, I am pretty sure.  America Dream my ass.  So, the 535 of them can have wealthy great-grand-kids.  We got robbed, and no one is counting anything.

did the 535 of them pre-sell our stuff, so they could have the money and power, now?  

So, what makes more sense:

The 535 are trying to help, we just have too much food and too much wood, the 535 of them can't sort out how to house us and feed us?  That's stupid.


We are pre-sold labor, an expense to minimize?  Like a caste system they didn't tell us about.  The question is, are they trying to sort out the minimum amount of stuff they need waste on us so we keep pushing the buttons and doing the paperwork and running the machines to get them their stuff out of the ground to service the derivatives debt they live of of? 

Its a fair question.  A democratic, republic practicing capitalism.  On the wealthiest land ever.  WHERE IS ALL OUR STUFF AT?

Does that logic break? That still fits right?  If so, they make words to service the debt for the money and power they get to use now.  This is stupid right?  So,basically instead of using our stuff for us, they are partying with it.  Is it this simple?

So, when the 535 of them saw these derivatives were stealing, why didn't they stop it? Nothing grows by tens of trillions, they knew that.  That does not sound like helping.

Do they govern for us, or do they govern at us?  Governing for themselves and stealing from us. I don't know?  If the people in Boston would only count it for us?

Lets look at the results of the system.  Each cycle, every 4 years.  The 535 write the words, then the president signs it.  Then the 535 write a check, and send the money and the words to the cabinet department (the executive branch) and they execute the policy.  

Our system is like a game controller, you cant go left using the triangle button.  You cant fix the cops from the cops, everything fixes in the capitol building, where the words and the checks come from.  They know this, yet somehow they didn't mention it last month, when you were yelling at the cops to fix the cops.  That does not sound like helping. Notice the cops ain't fixed.  Gotta learn the controller.

That is the people's house, the first branch of government.  Article 1 section 1 of the constitution congress, us.  Whatever controls that, controls the words and the checks.  That's the boss.  Currently occupied by who? 535 of us? or 535 of them?  You kids gotta learn the controller.

So the cabinet, the Vice President and 15 departments.  Notice there is no humanities department, for the humans.  The results: More fat people, more stupid people, more sick people, more poor people, more hungry people, more homeless people, more potholes and more war.  Not less, but more.  This is America, and we can't get one department to go forwards?  we are this bad at all these things? Or are they trying to do something else?  So who exactly is gong to fix this?  Please.  why would anyone think they are going to fix anything?

A system does not go backwards by accident.  A system is made of math, math is one of two ways to prove a thing (&science).  The nature of proof itself is, repeatability.  So, if a system is repeating results, over and over, those results, are the results, that system, is designed to make.  The people funding and operating the system, are trying to make those results. Regardless of what they say on tv.  Systems don't go backwards by accident.

Again, I have no idea if any of this is right.  Two stories, they are stealing from us, or they are trying really hard to work for us. 

What?  The 535 are writing words and writing checks to make us healthy and safe, and we are simply too wealthy and have too much stuff per person, so they can't?  That sounds stupid.  I would have to be a moron to think they are trying to help.  Right?

It is not the poor we can't afford.  They cost little.  It's the $800 million dollar yachts we can't afford.  They get the yachts now, right?  That's the derivatives debt? 

If you want to make less malnourished people in America, you just do it, we got plenty.  We are something like 20 times the size of Japan,
per person.  Yet somehow, they are more nourished than we are.  If we got 20X times more nutrition, how come we are less nourished? 

WHERE IS ALL OUR STUFF AT? The 535 of them had one job, allocate the resources, like the nutrition resources, where is it?  They are robbing us blind! I think.  Why are we overweight and malnourished?  How are we both? We ate too much food while we weren't eating enough food? That's not English, what does that mean? Does that sound like helping or stealing?  This sounds stupid, we are morons right? The count is short, not a little short, the resources count is a lot short. 

I'd say they are stealing the food. I'd guess cutting it, like you cut dope with talc.  Using that corn/soy stuff.  Hence food and not food in one product, equals overweight and malnourished in one person.  You ate too much food at the same time you didn't eat enough food; overweight and malnourished.  They don't do that in Japan.  In Japan I suppose their government understands that humans are going to put this in their face holes for nourishment.  That the point is to nourish, not profit only.  If that's true, these 535 motherfuckers used our stuff for themselves and poisoned us for money and power.  That is the opposite of their job description.  We gave this to Bubbles, we needed Bodie.  Health and safety.

Where is all our stuff at? If we got more nutrition per person than the people in Japan, why are we  less nourished?  That is just plain counting, no politics, no left, no right, just count it. What about all our other resources?  Is that why we keep making new jets?  They sold the old ones, so they dont own those anymore.  The new money comes from the new steel and magnesium and cobalt etc?  That's right, right?  So we dig it up and they turn into new wealth and power for themselves?  Just keep asking, where is all our stuff at?  The count is short!  Can I remind you, in the last election and seemingly this one too, we will have had two consecutive, with one indictable felon vs. another indictable felon.  and you guys can't figure out we getting robbed?!  It's embarrassing, catch up!

535 people stand in between us and our stuff.  That just doesn't sound this complicated to me.  what is the issue here?


Thursday, September 17, 2020


 I just read that in the upcoming 2020 election, all 435 congressional seats and 35 senate seats are up for grabs.  Add the president and we will have 471 races.  Lets see how many are won by the candidate with the most money.

So 120 million people, are going to go to the polls, in one day, in the groups they were just campaigned at in, and select the one, whats got more money than the other, almost 471 times out of 471 times.  That's stupid.  Is this why there are no real odds makers for this? 

I wonder if over 90% of the winners in 2020 had more money spent on them.  This is Not voting.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

A Few Bad Apples????

Are we sure it's only a few bad apples? Has someone counted. I saw a group, in CA and FL, went to multiple police stations and asked one question, the procedure for filing a complaint against a police officer. In America everywhere, there is one answer to this question. You can fill out a form, call, speak with someone etc. In almost any language. This is an easy question that does not differ jurisdiction to jurisdiction, same answer everywhere.

80% of the time, this group was unable to get an answer. Many times they were threatened, intimidated, physically assaulted, menaced, forced to give id (for an anonymous process, you know, so other people will come forward in other crimes). Watching this, it seems way to easy for a "good" cop to be asked by a supervisor, "did you see the light was red?" and to just say "yes". It is too easy, compared to telling the truth and the life/work hassles.

So I say yes, there are good cops, but too many are put in positions where they act bad. So, now they are bad cops. Had the system been clean, these cops would have been clean. Those are the silent cops. That number is not a few bad apples. So, I dont know of any other studies, that makes this a question, is it a few bad apples? What other evidence, because so far I am at 80% bad apples. Is anybody counting?

And how dangerous a job is this? Those numbers dont add up either. We do NOT NOT NOT go round shooting the apparatus. This is not Columbia in the 80's. We are a law abiding people. Under 100 cops a year are killed on purpose. That is 100 too many for sure. But out of almost a million sworn? What is the danger rating system? Where is "cop" on that scale? My father's job, (NYC Cab driver), is more dangerous, counting numbers, not feelings. so, what gives? Where on the top 10 most dangerous jobs is Police Officer, I want to know if we are not treating it with enough security, or maybe too much. Whatever the count is, is fine with me. so, Where on the top 10 list is "cop". Is there like a danger rating? We should have one.

Because, if it is not a few bad apples, and they are doing this for fun, well...then the fix we need is completely different than if it is just a few bad apples. So, no feelings, are there scales, ways to measure, what are the risks, actually, of "police"? No anecdotes!!!! I'm sure you're cop buddy's beat was a war zone, got it. Numbers, no stories. Anyone?