Are we sure it's only a few bad apples? Has someone counted. I saw a group, in CA and FL, went to multiple police stations and asked one question, the procedure for filing a complaint against a police officer. In America everywhere, there is one answer to this question. You can fill out a form, call, speak with someone etc. In almost any language. This is an easy question that does not differ jurisdiction to jurisdiction, same answer everywhere.
80% of the time, this group was unable to get an answer. Many times they were threatened, intimidated, physically assaulted, menaced, forced to give id (for an anonymous process, you know, so other people will come forward in other crimes). Watching this, it seems way to easy for a "good" cop to be asked by a supervisor, "did you see the light was red?" and to just say "yes". It is too easy, compared to telling the truth and the life/work hassles.
So I say yes, there are good cops, but too many are put in positions where they act bad. So, now they are bad cops. Had the system been clean, these cops would have been clean. Those are the silent cops. That number is not a few bad apples. So, I dont know of any other studies, that makes this a question, is it a few bad apples? What other evidence, because so far I am at 80% bad apples. Is anybody counting?
And how dangerous a job is this? Those numbers dont add up either. We do NOT NOT NOT go round shooting the apparatus. This is not Columbia in the 80's. We are a law abiding people. Under 100 cops a year are killed on purpose. That is 100 too many for sure. But out of almost a million sworn? What is the danger rating system? Where is "cop" on that scale? My father's job, (NYC Cab driver), is more dangerous, counting numbers, not feelings. so, what gives? Where on the top 10 most dangerous jobs is Police Officer, I want to know if we are not treating it with enough security, or maybe too much. Whatever the count is, is fine with me. so, Where on the top 10 list is "cop". Is there like a danger rating? We should have one.
Because, if it is not a few bad apples, and they are doing this for fun, well...then the fix we need is completely different than if it is just a few bad apples. So, no feelings, are there scales, ways to measure, what are the risks, actually, of "police"? No anecdotes!!!! I'm sure you're cop buddy's beat was a war zone, got it. Numbers, no stories. Anyone?
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