Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Breonna Taylor et al

So basically, the cops are innocent because they were defending themselves, from the innocent dude, who was defending himself, from the attack the cops perpetrated on his house, for no reason. lol.

Um defense is to "Resist an attack", lol.  Um, that's what the boyfriend was doing. lol.  The cops weren't resisting the attack, they caused the attack.  If the cops weren't the attackers, who was? This is stupid, lol.

This guy never seen a baseball game or a football game.?  You can pass the bar and literally not know the difference between offense and defense?

So, I go in to rob the liquor store, owner shoots at me, I shoot back and kill his wife, as long as I was aiming at him, I'm innocent?  That's stupid. lol.

So the cops were not on defense.  And self defense means you used violence to prevent a violent crime.  Well there was no crime, except by the cops. The boyfriend was on defense, remember, the cops were on offense.  Except in the south, then it's the other way.  lol.

I thought felony murder was when someone died during the commission of a felony. Like even by heart attack? Well, this one cop is charged with a felony, but not felony murder? lol

The words don't mean, what the words mean. Man what a jip!


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