So, the 535 of them, have a job description: The allocation of resources, to govern for the public health, safety and morals. First off, if you owned a hotdog stand, you wouldn't let these morons allocate resources for you. That is something for a computer to do. Next, they took the resources, where the fuck is our health and safety?
and them, spent their lives contemplating humanity, how we participate
with each other and the stuff around us. They were part of the greatest
civilization ever. Had conquered land far and wide. They studied how
people far away organized themselves in this strange ways, politically,
socially, economically. They put structure to the words and designed
these system, out of words, not numbers, but they did great! And this is
what we end up with?
the fuck happened? Were the Greeks wrong? They had never even seen
land this wealthy. If you can make a democratic republic practicing
capitalism in like where Monrovia would be, then for sure you can on
this land. This is the wealthiest land per person ever. We can't House
ourselves? Not everybody
got what to eat? Not everybody got a doctor and not everybody got a
teacher? This does not add up.
What did the 535 of them do
with our stuff? War, oil? Shouldn't the health and safety come first?
Where is all our stuff?
What? We got too much wood they can't house us? We got too much food they nourish us? Either Plato's a moron, or we're
getting robbed.
From the capitol building, this ain't no whodunnit. Only 535 people publish and fund the words at us. Who of the 535 of them got more wealth the day Trump left? They did it. Look for the groups and the money.
So, that's my question. Are the 535 of them using our stuff for us, or stealing it to service debt for them?
Ok, Debt? Bare with me through this part, in the end it looks like stealing. They say on the news that earth has a quadrillion and a half dollars in derivatives debt. A quadrillion is a million billion. Think in terms of hundreds of trillions of dollars.
Simple quick: Derivative just think contract
Quadrillion: Million billion
America's portion: Hundreds of trillions
America owes hundreds of trillions of dollars.
Let's get past the vague "we owe a lot", and sort out some meaning from the words.
America is us people and this land. So: Us people and this land owe hundreds of trillions.
The land is the stuff., magnesium, oil, gold all that. I guess we owe hundreds of trillions of that stuff in the ground still, to service their contract debt. So they got the cash and stuff and we got debt? But, no health and safety?
Notice the stuff is still in the ground. You can't sell stuff without stuff. I think to make contracts, they need to value getting out of the ground. I am pretty sure they pre-sold our labor. They know how much our great-grand-kids will earn over their lifetimes, I am pretty sure. America Dream my ass. So, the 535 of them can have wealthy great-grand-kids. We got robbed, and no one is counting anything.
did the 535 of them pre-sell our stuff, so they could have the money and power, now?
So, what makes more sense:
The 535 are trying to help, we just have too much food and too much wood, the 535 of them can't sort out how to house us and feed us? That's stupid.
We are pre-sold labor, an expense to minimize? Like a caste system they didn't tell us about. The question is, are they trying to sort out the minimum amount of stuff they need waste on us so we keep pushing the buttons and doing the paperwork and running the machines to get them their stuff out of the ground to service the derivatives debt they live of of?
Its a fair question. A democratic, republic practicing capitalism. On the wealthiest land ever. WHERE IS ALL OUR STUFF AT?
Does that logic break? That still fits right? If so, they make words to service the debt for the money and power they get to use now. This is stupid right? So,basically instead of using our stuff for us, they are partying with it. Is it this simple?
So, when the 535 of them saw these derivatives were stealing, why didn't they stop it? Nothing grows by tens of trillions, they knew that. That does not sound like helping.
Do they govern for us, or do they govern at us? Governing for themselves and stealing from us. I don't know? If the people in Boston would only count it for us?
Lets look at the results of the system. Each cycle, every 4 years. The 535 write the words, then the president signs it. Then the 535 write a check, and send the money and the words to the cabinet department (the executive branch) and they execute the policy.
Our system is like a game controller, you cant go left using the triangle button. You cant fix the cops from the cops, everything fixes in the capitol building, where the words and the checks come from. They know this, yet somehow they didn't mention it last month, when you were yelling at the cops to fix the cops. That does not sound like helping. Notice the cops ain't fixed. Gotta learn the controller.
That is the people's house, the first branch of government. Article 1 section 1 of the constitution congress, us. Whatever controls that, controls the words and the checks. That's the boss. Currently occupied by who? 535 of us? or 535 of them? You kids gotta learn the controller.
So the cabinet, the Vice President and 15 departments. Notice there is no humanities department, for the humans. The results: More fat people, more stupid people, more sick people, more poor people, more hungry people, more homeless people, more potholes and more war. Not less, but more. This is America, and we can't get one department to go forwards? we are this bad at all these things? Or are they trying to do something else? So who exactly is gong to fix this? Please. why would anyone think they are going to fix anything?
A system does not go backwards by accident. A system is made of math, math is one of two ways to prove a thing (&science). The nature of proof itself is, repeatability. So, if a system is repeating results, over and over, those results, are the results, that system, is designed to make. The people funding and operating the system, are trying to make those results. Regardless of what they say on tv. Systems don't go backwards by accident.
Again, I have no idea if any of this is right. Two stories, they are stealing from us, or they are trying really hard to work for us.
What? The 535 are writing words and writing checks to make us healthy and safe, and we are simply too wealthy and have too much stuff per person, so they can't? That sounds stupid. I would have to be a moron to think they are trying to help. Right?
It is not the poor we can't afford. They cost little. It's the $800 million dollar yachts we can't afford. They get the yachts now, right? That's the derivatives debt?
If you want to make less malnourished people in America, you just do it, we got plenty. We are something like 20 times the size of Japan, per person. Yet somehow, they are more nourished than we are. If we got 20X times more nutrition, how come we are less nourished?
WHERE IS ALL OUR STUFF AT? The 535 of them had one job, allocate the resources, like the nutrition resources, where is it? They are robbing us blind! I think. Why are we overweight and malnourished? How are we both? We ate too much food while we weren't eating enough food? That's not English, what does that mean? Does that sound like helping or stealing? This sounds stupid, we are morons right? The count is short, not a little short, the resources count is a lot short.
I'd say they are stealing the food. I'd guess cutting it, like you cut dope with talc. Using that corn/soy stuff. Hence food and not food in one product, equals overweight and malnourished in one person. You ate too much food at the same time you didn't eat enough food; overweight and malnourished. They don't do that in Japan. In Japan I suppose their government understands that humans are going to put this in their face holes for nourishment. That the point is to nourish, not profit only. If that's true, these 535 motherfuckers used our stuff for themselves and poisoned us for money and power. That is the opposite of their job description. We gave this to Bubbles, we needed Bodie. Health and safety.
is all our stuff at? If we got more nutrition per person than the
people in Japan, why are we less nourished? That is just plain counting, no politics, no left, no right, just count it. What about all our
other resources? Is that why we keep making new jets? They sold the old
ones, so they dont own those anymore. The new money comes from the new steel and magnesium and cobalt
etc? That's right, right? So we dig it up and they turn into new wealth and power for themselves? Just keep asking, where is all our stuff at? The count is short! Can I remind you, in the last election and seemingly this one too, we will have had two consecutive, with one indictable felon vs. another indictable felon. and you guys can't figure out we getting robbed?! It's embarrassing, catch up!
535 people stand in between us and our stuff. That just doesn't sound this complicated to me. what is the issue here?
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