Saturday, April 3, 2021

A Confederate State of Mind

So, regarding the Maga crowd, If our Civil War were still going on, and wars have lasted way longer than that, and someone were repping the confederate flag on our land, what team are they on?

If the Confederacy is their honest choice, without the slavery obviously, why are we fighting? Seems accepting different approaches, in teams, might be a place to start. We could always declare we won this war already. You lost, we won you have to do it our way!

The Confederate's side, start everything from the singular, "me". The other side start from the plural, "we". Both on one processor. Imagine your laptop running almost windows and almost Mac at the same time. This spreadsheet opens up looking like windows one time, then mac the next. This browser or word doc mac this time, windows next. Each app, each window different a little each time. Where is the x button? That is how we have deployed America. One system open, the other closed.

The confederates never went anywhere. These people hate equality, they hate us who love equality and would like to find it for everyone. Science studied this, that group exists out of "Fear of loss of station", aka Racism. Racism is their point. They want a group, or someone they can have have more than. So they are not at the bottom, they have to have a little more than the "lowest" of us. So their station is not the lowest, "fear of loss of station". Imagine being this stirred up, to be second to the last person to finish a race? They have more waiting for them our way, they simply can't see two steps don't the line. They don't see it, I am tired of paying for their conclusions and mistakes. I would imagine they feel the same.

Why fight this, we are different peoples. My morality is not going backwards. I will not live as that team wants, it's disgusting. They think they will have more their way, and they are right, they will make sure of it. Well, the biggest and the strongest will, might makes right after all. The white weakest and the poorest will be the new lowest station, and the group to be feared. Lest the find themselves the lowest again. So much fear? Anyway, the poor whites have the lowest station now. Don't want to be like them, time to hate on them. Sounds like fun to me?

Only reason I can see is the 535 of them work for industry and if we split up, the resources would be split up. Industry would have a field day on one side, but not be so easily able to rip us off anymore on our side. Especially if we got rid of corporate democrats like Nancy and her pals, and followed the instructions, we'd be America then. If we followed the instructions and used our stuff for our health and safety, not to make industry happy.

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