Saturday, April 3, 2021

Hunter Biden Was Administratively Discharged Not Dishonorably. No He Was Not Pregnant, He Was Caugth with Cocaine

Why do we let them do us like this. Trump is a moron, but except for the tens of millions of dollars line Trump said, all the rest is true. It's all documented. Joe is publicly sponsoring legislation to put your kid in jail for drugs, while he is getting Hunter off scott free. Over and over.  Perk after felony after perk.
Most of what Trump is saying, minus the conspiracy nonsense.

First Hunter coke bust is at 18 in NJ that we know about. 25 years later, he joins the military, not pregnant at the time. He does have 5 kids. Some with strippers, some with one woman while participating with his dead bothers widow (gross). Life long coke freak, crack head (crack!?!? like wtf?) and stripper addict. Joins the military at 43? The free money, drugs and hot stripper sex is no good, he wants to wear green and be told when to wake yup? What? Adult Onset Patriotism Syndrome?  MY ASS!

Who did this kid just kill, wtf just happened they used our military for family therapy? Did not work. This degenerate, who can't resist his wallet, his dick or his nose, was coke caught in a few weeks. This cheater, who just published a book profiting off his crimes, btw. This is an insult and not a sympathetic figure. He was not pregnant when he joined our military nor apparently a college grad (how would we know, one senator says yes one says no, both democrats, how are we supposed to know???, great press). Yet got an Administrative Discharge, for the felony of coke? These people use our stuff like therapy?

Cheaters, no honor, lousy perk taking cheaters are in charge. In the last two elections we had one indictable felon vs another indictable felon, and we can't sort out we're gtting robbed? France can see us, we look like idiots. Yay Bidens. The press? I am a moron, this was a six minute google search. Six minutes, by me a total idiot. And the press don't know all this? My ass. We keep getting played.

And what kind of a moron can not get into University Delaware , (Ask Senator Tom Carper of Delaware, on the record under oath) yet has their back up school be Georgetown and Yale? Cheaters and felons.

So, if he is not a college grad joining the military as an officer is a felony. He was NOT dishonorably discharged. That's more felonies. That is disgusting, it was drugs, coke, that is serious, what is this post about again? These assholes. A famous running back was publicly flogged, arrested, dishonorably discharged, charged, court-martialed and did 15 days and has a record. Unless the name is Biden?

And what kind of a moron can't get into Delaware State University? His back-up school is Georgetown then Yale? How hard is it to ask Senator Tom Carper, of Delaware, why he is under oath lying about Hunter not getting in?

If Sen. Carper lied then charge him with perjury, if the President of the United States of America is lying, quit your job as "news", for hiding it. 
We can not have a US Senator or a The President of the United States of America be a proven liar can we? Which is it, did they cheat him a fake education or not? How are we supposed to know? Press sucks too.

Hypocrisy is the lowest form of knowledge, this seems to be our president now, "better than the last guy", can be you're bar it is not mine, this is America:
I'm #MetToo, unless the Name is Biden
Drug users are to blame, unless the Name is Biden
Huffman & Laughlin, LOCK THEM UP!, unless the Name is Biden
Coke in the Navy, dishonorable, lock them up, unless the Name is Biden
No-show jobs are corruption, unless the Name is Biden
Cheating into school, unless the Name is Biden
Taking enemy money is selling the US, unless the Name is Biden
The press and his pals hiding all this? Priceless!

We wont know how much this will cost us for a while yet. Cheaters and con men and criminals. Yay press! Both sides, cheaters and liars. Cheaters and liars, steal stuff. No one is coming to help us.

More Serious Stuff, Putin and shit maybe.

Senaca Fund team: Heinz, Deovn Arhcer, Hunter Biden, who stole 60 mil from native Americans, all documented, the Heinz kid is clean as I read it, the other two are douche bags. That was an 83,000.00 a month no-show job on the board of Burisma "we addressed it already", with Hunter and Devon Archer, from Seneca Fund, he same board same 83k same time at Burisma "we addressed it already". Both tied to the Hienz family tied to John Kerry!

Burisma "we addressed it already" is under investigation for dealings with Deutche Bank (starting 2012), so is Trump? What? Democrats and Republicans with ties to Deutche Bank to Cypress Bank to Rossoyia Bank? Isn't that Putin's personal bank that he owns or something?. Why is it so easy to tie these people to Putin's money? Why not Denmark or Botswana? Can anyone count in this country? what is going on? Did they just run our virus the way someone else wanted them to?

I am not interested in feelings or stupid lawyer words, can anyone count? Is there an epidemiologist who could count what we would we look like if a friend lead the virus, what would we look like in an enemy ran it. What do we actually, technically, look like now?  Which was it? I don't think this is close, not emotionally. The enemy ran this, were they foreign or domestic? Can someone look, who ran this?

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