Sunday, January 12, 2020

Are we voting or not?

Are We Voting or Not?

Corruption starts with campaign money.  Well if there are no campaigns, there'd be no need for campaign money.  right now we have a public  who-has-more-money contest.  And apparently almost 100% of the time the one with the most money wins!   
Yeah, that sounds right.  

So if tomorrow was election day, and we all voted as normal, and there were 100 congressional seats up for grabs, they think we can visit 100 pairs of people, and 100 times in a row, select the one with more money than the other one.  I got a few questions about this.  

That sounds a hell of a lot like flipping a coin 100 times and getting heads 100 times.  That can not happen, period, these are numbers.  I don't think we could do that if it was a who-has-more-money contest and the candidates names, faces and bank account balances were on the ballot.  Some people read $899,927 as more than one million because it starts with an "8", 10% of us are functionally illiterate, others don't read anyway.  We simply could not do that.

The odds of flipping a coin a hundred times and getting heads 100 times is like one half to the hundredth power minus one.   Look, if all 7 billion people on earth flipped a coin 100 times, every second for a million years no one is getting 100 heads in a row.  So yeah, I got some questions, are we even voting, or just casting ballots.  I think.  Looking for smart people to study this, lol.

Like the Princeton Report Said, The Voting Isn't Doing Anything

 So tomorrow is election day, 100 seats up for grabs, every one votes as normal.  We count the votes and visit the first pair Molly had the most money and won.  The next pair, peter had the most money and won.  Next Bill had the most money and won...100 times.

I like my way better, tomorrow is election day, nobody votes, instead we all go day drinking.  We sober up and visit the first pair, there are no votes to count but Molly still has more money than her opponent, she gets the office.  We visit the next pair, Pete has the most money he gets the office.  Bill wins also, on and on 100 times.

The same people seem to win if everyone votes or if no one votes.  What the fuck are we voting for?  Leave us out of it.  They can just campaign in secret in the board rooms, and the last day you can donate money they count and the ones with the most money win, just as they would if we had elections, which it seems we don't.  Princeton did a study once, think they said the same thing.  I read that study and thought there were going to be protests.  Nope, no one cared.

Anyway, obviously I could be totally wrong, but it is too easy to get here.  Someone should go to Boston and ask the smart people:  How likely is it, that the race is over when the money is put on the table, before election day?  apparently it's like 90 something percent likely.  That would mean we are not voting.  I'll write about groups later.   That's how they do it, it's easy and proven and how your insta ads appear like mind reading on your phone.  Groups, we are in groups.  No mind reading or magic or anything, just high school math.

The one with the most money wins almost 100% of the time?  Those words are in English, those can't be the results, it cant happen organically, they have to be the instructions, if you want to win, get the most money.  So is that dumb? I keep looking at it and I can't see what I can't see...I sure hope that's not right..

Doesn't matter, we vote or not vote, we are stuck with the "535".  Anyway, new blog, no idea what I'm doing. 

Anyway, instead of campaigns and arenas and balloons, we have like a Candidate - Evaluation Period.  So we have, you know, a who-is-abetter-candidate contest.  It cost nothing to point your phone at your face and go "My economic policy is..." blah blah blah, that costs nothing.  It is not 1878, they do not need to get on the back of a rail road car and come to us.  We can go to them.  If there are no arenas, there are no balloons or rock bands or any of it and they do not need money for it.  #RocketScience.  Fuck balloons.

Like PolisTube, like youtube but for just politics, a social place for ranting, but the secure place for the Candidate Evaluation Section.  Man, if that were the only place they were allowed to express their views, then how could we all get 2 diiferent versions of reality.  I mean the research is done by us now, no one can meddle, if you see politics anywhere else, it's fake and should be a crime actually.

Let me guess? "No This is America, Fist Amendment, You're a Communist!"

ok pros and cons

No more need for campaigns
No more campaign money (that is causing the corruption)
More people would participate, like primaries
We have more accurate information
No more meddling
Research is double blind actual research
We have one place to get information 
We all get the same information
The NRA wont control guns
Goldman Sachs wont control the economy
Pharma wont control health
Exxon-Mobile wont control energy
Haliburtin wont be vice president or control war

We are the stupidest people ever.  no generation has every had such a close up view of them robbing us.  We wont look.

There are no obvious fucking cons - Stop Yelling

Man, all speech can not be free and protected speech.  It is not that way now, it wasn't that way when founding fathers wrote those words, we just need to pave the road all the way.  

Provably false things should be a crime if they are public.  Imagine, ok fine all the dems and republicans would be in jail.  But think about these republicans today, the lies are so blatant, and provable, they'd all be in prison.  If you think that is harsh, remember, there are "us" in prison for lying to them.  That is a crime, them lying to us is not, and it should be, to protect us the people.  But the people we hired to protect us, wont make such laws to protect us.  These 535 people we got suck!

anyway, someone should to to Harvard grab an expert, uber over to MIT and ask:  How likely is it that it's over, when the money is put on the table, before election day.

I would like to know if we elected these people.




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