Sunday, January 12, 2020

Something, Justice and the American Way. Oh, and Imminent Threats

Something, Justice & the American Way

Truth.  Yeah that’s the word.

Trump comes to office and tears up this Iran Nuke Deal.  They say, because it had Obama’s name on it.  That contract was keeping things quiet.  Hmm, he replaced a status quo, with a quid quo pro and we lost both times.  On the news they say this arrangement was fine, we were kicking a can down the road that definitely needed to be kicked down the road.

Full Stop.  This is where we messed up.  Here.  Everything after comes from here.  Trump believes that he can out tough Iran, and he can’t.  Now we have carrier groups in the gulf, drone incidents, simply waiting for a fishing vessel to sink, they do that sometimes.   Some oil refineries paid the price for that.  It’s August 1964. 

Then because of an imminent threat, Trump had to kill their head general.  A guy who deserves it and we had been wanting to get since the Bush administration.  Always sounds longer ago when they use “Administration” references rather than years.   The republicans keep answering the question; “Did he deserve it” and the answer is yes, but that is not the question.  Of all the days since the Bush Administration, why the days of impeachment?  The temporal issue, the when of it, is the unanswered question.   I would expect a quick announcement as soon as it was over, clearly describing said imminent threat.  So far, no imminent threat. 

So, the truth of it seems to be that the fearless people of the United States did not, in fact, kill Iran’s head general.  Our fearful leader did.  With help.   But now we know he also bombed their Finance guy and missed.  He was in Syria, so Trump bombed Iraq and Syria, to kill and try to kill what amounts to their Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Treasury.  Yeah, no big deal.  Imminent shmimminent.  Well for the record, that is a huge deal, we are a nation of laws, and without imminent threat, something about to happen in the very near future, this is in fact two war crimes committed in my name.  Pisses me off.  America does not need to cheat to win, apparently someone thinks we do, someone doesn't believe in his own country.

There is Audio of Trump describing this wonderful experience he had in real time watching this bomb happen.  Listen to it as a shrink would.  This story he tells, his killing someone for the first time.  Congrats you're a real fake gangster, doing real fake killings.   This is the President, lost in the experience of his "pushing a button on a guy" story, so he can be gangster about it later.  The President.

On tv they keep saying that they can’t see a way out.  Why not the truth?  Isn’t that what the Hague is for?  Hell, they can grab Bush and Cheney and Rice and Powell while they’re at it.  Then instead of promising ourselves that we wont let them lie us into to war again, we can show the world and actually not ever let them lie us into war again.  I mean, they did it, a million dead people, all lies, I never understood this part, the magic of these elected officials. 

There are no super powers, they are people, who lied and started wars or just tried to again.  And we do not see it that way, I’ll never get it.  As the protestors from Vietnam were again protesting as their grandchildren lay on battle fields again.  How do we not see this connection, of letting them go after they lie us into these wars?  Mandatory Life, no parole?  Nope, lets name schools and libraries after them.  I used to cheat at golf.

It's stupid, no one but me is ever going to look at my scorecard, as I stood there, figuring out my real score, I was like wtf, why am I lying on my own scorecard I am about to throw away, and also at the same time, in my head, trying to remember my actual score with no mulligans etc?  I mean that is literally what the paper in my hand was for.  Never cheated at anything ever again.

I suppose that will never happen.  World War III will start because Trump thought it was Regime Change and he was king.  Moron.  MAGA!  Also, he’s now this close to being connected to Putin’s money entering the white house. Also, Mueller did not protect us.  Checks and balances was long dead by the time Parnas is on the phone with the white house and the congress and passing Putin’s money around.  This is why the word “Republic” is not just a word.  We will maybe go to war, the truth will not occur to those in charge and half the country would not allow any acknowledgement of our wrong doing.  We are two different peoples living in the same land.  Imagine each side if we could make different federal laws at the Mississippi, I’d move for that.  One side is completely wrong, and that would solve the mystery.

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