Monday, December 14, 2020

Nancy Pelosi Again, Wasn't She In charge for the most illness and death of Americans Ever. Maybe give someone else a shot? You know, for us, down here.

Let me get this straight The governments' mandate is the allocation of resources, to govern for the public health, safety and morals. Take us and our stuff, use it at us for our health and safety. In the land with more stuff per person than any other, ever.  

The results are the least amount of health and safety in American history. This government, all three branches, has accomplished the most amount of illness and death in American history. Including war times. That would make this the worst government in our history. The worst president, speaker, senate leader, worst bench, all of it.  

This is the worst government in history. At doing it's job, technically, as a factual matter. 

Nancy is the worst speaker ever, technically, as a factual matter.  Most illness and death.

So, you cant find a strategy to keep the people who failed us the most ever, from being pointed back at us? That sounds stupid. Why not? The truth might work. Nancy and Mitch governed us into the most illness and death and loss of resources in American history. Maybe the people deserve another direction, anyone is better than the worst ever. This is stupid. Go on real tv and shame them. Look up! 

By the way, other countries with less per person got more than us. Where is all our stuff at. If the worst job ever done, does not involve criminality nothing ever will. They can simply kill us, en masse. Do something, its your job. Look up. Count something, the count is short. Where is all our stuff at? Do not let them point those two at us again. They don't think about us at all, we are on our own. Worst ever and they want us to have more of that. 


Also, the stuff to keep us safe, like other poorer countries got, was not used for our safety. Where is it? They took stuff, we know that, the only people with dominion and control over it is the 535 of them. If you were the only person with dominion and control over stuff, and the count seemed short, isn't that probable cause for a search?

Let's go searching! It's our stuff, the 535 of them seem rich mostly, it's their watch. They would look at us with this kind of probable cause. In a real self governed land, those lucky people would require they account for every penny's worth of wealth they have, so they could reconcile. Maybe one day we can be self governed, and not run by a publishing house.

This is the most death and illness a govt has ever provided us, it would be unlikely there is no criminality here, right? They just killed us, for no reason, en masse, we are going to let them, it's hard to comprehend. They want to put Mitch and Nancy back in charge. Get it, they are the worst at those jobs in history, by definition. They lead us into the least health and safety provided, ever.

So the 535 want the worst ever at those jobs back! These people do not give two fucks about us. No shame. Worst ever, and they think it's a good idea to point those people back at us? Perhaps a change to not the most killed American leaders would do better? How would I know? That seems like poor judgement to me. They use "poor judgement" to get rich, unlike us, it makes us poor. This is how they steal from us.


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