This is fiction. A stupid story told using the words of America.
Welcome new congressperson or senator. As you've known since before election day, you were going to join us here in the Capitol Building. Just follow instructions, don't get so caught we have to do anything and the world is yours.
How to make slaves without chains and nobody notices? Step one, do not have have fair and free elections. Make a voting system where no one is voting, just casting ballots. Money would do it.
If we put the people in groups, and use data science and cognitive science at the groups, the exact same way our corporate bosses do in business, that would do it. Same technology, applied to a political arena not business. So, those groups, as discrete objects, would not be voting but casting ballots.
The result could very well be almost 100% of the time, the one with the most money wins. Those are the instructions, not the results. 100 million individuals could not visit 435 plus pairs of people, every two years, and almost 435 plus times in a row, select the one what's got more money than the other, with an individual franchise. That is not math, lol. It is literally not possible.
Look if everyone on earth flipped a coin 435 times, ever second for a million years, no one has 435 heads in a row yet, not even close. Besides we could not do that, if it were a who had more money contest, and on each ballot were two names, bank account balances and parties and we told everyone it's a who had more money contest. We could not do that if we tried. They really can't count, we made for sure of that. That's a big part of how we took it all, and here is your handbook.
So we put them in predictable, countable, easy to manage groups. They do not vote as individuals. They cast ballots as discrete objects. It's that easy.
As for us, each of the 535 of us must stay as individuals, in their mind. Even though we are not. Until the day you die, you have 330,000,001 people's rights on your back. You can use that power to take their stuff (we call it "our" in the capitol building). You can even get caught, just use your one person individual rights ahead of the group. They can't ever do that, so they don't know it's a power, it never occurs to them.
So pretend to be an individual, stay a name and face. If they ever look at the 535 of us as a group, we are toast. There is no math for individuals, we can do anything. But, a few of them learned how to count and can predict groups. Counting is our biggest danger, we will not teach them how to know things. Just how to push the buttons and do the paperwork and dig the stuff up. Private school is for us only. Land of equality, man they made this easy.
Polling: Next, poll poll poll poll. Never stop. Polling let's us know if the people represent us. You can even say that on tv. They think the words don't mean anything. But polling, in fact, lets us know, if they represent us. Not hypothetically, for real. They just think the words dont mean anything. Not complicated, polling gets data, data science and cognitive science and maths are used to manage group behavior. Plus all the Facebook data etc. It's old settled math.
Now, we do not want the people to know who we are. So, when you need to hide something, tell us and we'll make a new law. Like if you have embarrassing stuff on your tax returns, we'll make a law so you can hide it. Stuff like that. No one is paying attention so just tell us. We know them, they do not know us.
Next, we don't write laws anymore. We are a publishing house. But we get paid by the writers and the customers.
So the writers pay us to edit their fiction law words, we send to the publisher. They sign and send back, we add a check to the words, send that back to the publisher's cabinet departments and wallah they have to live under our gun system and every other system. We got paid coming and going. None of them want these systems, but all they think is "I dont want this gun system" they think the other team got what they wanted, but they didn't. "Me" is better than "We", one day we will change it on them, make them think it was their idea: "Me the people....", what a glorious day that will be for the 535 of us, who's country this is.
Then we make the pre-sold labor give back some of the money we let them have in their "paychecks", lol. If we don't and just pay them less, they dont like that, they "feel" ripped off. Man these ants and their feelings, makes things for us so messy.
Try to keep the dead and dying down a little. Make it last longer, the money is good.
So, since the people represent us, we took it all. Except social freedoms. Let them marry who they want, have kids or not, be religious or not, travel here or there, study whatever, some social freedoms. Replace the chains with social freedoms. Political and economic systems belong to the 535 of us, they are ours. That is why we poll them, the people have to represent us.
Example, the gun system. Half of them want machine guns half want less shot people. 330 million people, all living under our gun system, none have what they want. They each think "me", "I dont have what I want", never "we". If they go "we" on us, we're toast.
None of them notice, I mean they notice they dont have what they want. They dont notice why, which is us, the 535 of us. If they ever look at us as a group, we are done. We are individuals, they are groups. Manageable, predictable, easy to count, no guessing needed, the 535 of us get what we want, groups! And wallah! We got our gun system. And every other system there is, political and economic systems are ours.
Includes heath system, and abortion system, and education and all the political and economic systems. We got all that and didn't even have to write the words. We get lots of time off. Because we poll them. They think we represent them while they live under our gun system, health system, school system, war system. How do they think that? Why? Some things we will never know? All of the political and economic systems are ours. They somehow think freedom means none of the people have freedom? It amazes me sometimes.
They get nothing but baseball and boobs. They never notice, each thinking of them self. They want more baseball and more boobs, instinct satisfaction keeps them at bay. We used math and stuff to make them think just baseball and boobs. Our founders designed our systems in words. Systems are made of numbers. So they tried to protect individual rights in words. Had they tired to protect the group rights in structure, then turned that into words, they would have protected both the group rights and the individual rights. Blah blah blah, no one cares, this is easy now. We have the system, it wont change by us, we 535 will not change this. something else, a virus, or flood or revolution or idea, not us.
They somehow have not noticed this is it. They are not getting anything from the 535 of us, this is what they get. Some of them are 60, have seen the same potholes, schools, health, etc all their lives, but somehow they vote again? Like this time it will change?
Shit we dont even do health, just healthcare, the money part not the health part. The biggest health care savings would be health, that would mean real food. There are 535 of us, we have to eat too. So remember we are a team.
We do not do health. That costs us money, only healthcare, to get money. They eat technology, the study of human factors is amazing for making food money. Great example. Our food is made out of food and rearranged corn. Remeber nicotine was the product and the tabacco was a nicotine delivery device. Taking nicotine makes them need more. That is not a product, it is a cash excahnge program, I helped publish some of those words, much money was made, some of my best work.
The rearranged corn is the product. "Rearranged corn" and none of them ask? Keep the reading down, boobs and sports, let them focus on that, while we work. We cut rearranged corn, arranged with molecules to make them buy more, with burgers and twinkies, the product, the money comes from the rearranged corn. I mean they are overweight and malnourished. And we tell them. Dude, malnourished means you didn't eat enough food. Overweight means you ate too much food. It's amazing the words mean whatever we tell them "Burisma - we addressed it already" and they all thought we addressed it already, it's amazing. Duh we don;t find people in concentration camps and they are overweight. You cant be overweight and also at the very same time malnourished. See, money everywhere.
So the burger looks like a burger, but it's only half a burger and half rearranged-corn, mixed like with polymers and stuff that makes them buy more of it. That stuff is not food. So the burger if made of food and also not food. It gets them a full tummy, (I'm glad we dont eat that stuff) but their cells are like what about the protein and vitamin hamburger? Their brains think they ate a whole burger, your cells know they didn't. Wallah, second hamburger when you are not even hungry, for your cells. The result, Overweight and malnourished, they ate too much food while at the same time they did not eat enough food. And no one notices?
Imagine, they are not even hungry, they just ate a burger. But, like reaching for an empty water bottle on a hot day, their cells want what we took out, the protein whatever. They had too much food in their food, so we replaced some of the food with not food because that is what makes them buy more. Just like the nicotine was the product, and the tobacco was a nicotine delivery device. The burger is a rearranged corn delivery device. They had to eat a second one just to get one whole one. Like cutting dope with talc. But we double by cutting, then double again by their cells being fooled. Science! We took it all, even the food and their health, and they still never look up and count. If they ever look down and count the stuff that's gone missing, they will see it in two seconds, the count is short. We took the stuff, the count is actually short.
Like this food thing.
They like it down there, they would not like all this stuff. They like guns and cars.
Never give an inch, the danger is this. What if one of them wonders why in a "free system" they are not free to buy a machine gun or not get get shot? If we represent them, why are they not represented? If they start to question political freedom, then they will ask "Why in a free country, where we are self governed, why cant we select our own version of capitalism? A real version, designed for people, not buildings. One someone with a name like Edmond Smith or something wrote down for real, not this made up thing?" That is the whole ball game. Never would we allow that, this is our economy. Always think about the 534 others, we have to stick together. The tv fights are fun, but in the end we are one. If they realize they are not free to chose guns, banks, health, school, food etc, that would not be good. Then they realize we took all the money we could. We can't have that.
See, we took it all already. Derivatives man. Earth has a quadrillion and half dollars of derivatives debt. No one know what that means, in fact, say that on tv sometimes, it makes us look smart.
A quadrillion is a million billion, lol. That is a lot of money in debt for earth, like 20% maybe the value of earth, I don't know. They will never ask how earth got 3.8 billion years intact, we learn how to count a few thousand years ago and bam! gone. See, we took it. They have to keep digging the stuff up out of the ground. We need new money. America has hundreds of trillions of dollars of this derivatives debt. We must service it. We pre-sold the stuff in the ground. It wasn't really ours, but they have memes and didn't notice. Well you can't pre-sell stuff without the stuff, they are pre-sold labor. (In 2020 we refer to them as "pre-sold labor", have to stay pc and all, some of the 535 are picky, not when it comes to the money part, they like that) Slaves without chains :) Ta-Da!
Some of the picky ones of us are not "us". Almost 100% of the elections are won by us. Almost, but for every 100 seats expect 4 to 6 to be outsiders. The group must stay intact. The outsiders cant do anything. But dont talk in front of them. Most of us ignore them. Their weird, they dress funny. Some sing and dance.
But, we have to service this debt, so they have to keep digging, rain shine virus whatever. Just monitor the social freedoms to distract them. And keep them fighting. This is all very obvious, so they can't notice, so keep up with the data science and cognitive science, you dont need to understand it, it works.
So, we own the systems, education, money, health all of them. They get the NFL. That is the trade they made. lol.
Danger zones, if it ever occurs to them that the 535 of us are not citizens, they'll hang us. I mean think about it, we conned them into the honor system. Repeat after me "I will avoid the appearance of impropriety" hahah. Say that a lot.
Each of them has one person's rights on their backs. Me you and the rest of 535 have 330,000,001 rights on our backs. If they ever notice we pee on their rights and shove ours to the front of the line, every single time we get so caught we have to act (you can usually get a little caught and sometimes even a lot caught), they would be pissed. How would you feel. Their rights should come first, but that was yesterday. Today you are a new legislator and they are "pre-sold labor". See, it makes perfect sense. Like god made it this way.
I have this one nightmare, imagine of they took away the honor system and made probable cause a crime for us? Like we got a little caught, their rights come first? So we either answer questions then and there, no right to lawyer or silence and tell our side, or two years. Their rights would have come first. That would keep me away from the lines. I would not do this job, how would I make money? No, we need the honor system. Not for them, if they lie, you lock them up. The 535 of us hate liars.
You have to be careful, if your college roommate owned a bank in the 50's your kid can have a no-show job there, back then. Today, try not to get caught, it's ok if you do, but try. Man that Bunter Hiden kid and that no-show job. We had to make stuff up about files and laptops and smoke and noise, so no one noticed it was a no show job. We had to make sure no reporter said "no-show" job. How would you feel, your 12 year old autistic kid is just as qualified to do nothing for all that money as this idiot's kid, so don't let them notice.
Words matter. That idiot even said on tv "I never discussed with my son what he was doing at Burizma" omg, the kid wasn't "doing" anything! Um, "no-show" job? Hello? Words like that sink ships. Be smart or shut up. It's ok, the media is part of the apparatus, so the interviewer let it go and didn't point out he just qualified himself. See, we have this down. The pre-sold labor don't know this, but this is the system. This is what they get, more is not coming for them, we took it. Where would they get more from? Derivatives remember, we pre-sold it, it's gone. If they want anything they got to get it back from us, and remember there 535 of us. We have to take care of each other.
And dont be creepy. Super Tuesday was a disaster. All those races, we did not spend less money, we spent no money, and won them all, no one counted, no one asked how. I have no idea how. Has that ever happened before? Anywhere? Ever? In history? Some of us have really smart people.
If they could vote away potholes they would have voted away the potholes in the 70's. Same with all our political systems, they are ours. What do you want to do, waste money on potholes, or sail 800 million dollars yachts? Look kid, this is a dog eat dog world. It's not just you, you have to think about. There are 535 of us. You have to pick, us or them? We need them to keep digging so we have new money. That is our job.
Now the pre-sold labor don't know this, and now we need to get a little technical. Fear not, intelligence is not needed for your job. Just a little technical. They really don't care if we are smart or not. Recently one if your brethren broke the rules, no one cared. First off, guy's like 309 years old. Dude knows he's going to be on tv, knows he's going to be talking to Buckerzuerg, did not know what email was, nor a browser, nor how SpaceBook made a penny. The the guy tells how they make money, and our boy still doesn't know? The pre-sold labor do not connect us being dumb, with their stuff, so they let him go back to work. Amazing sometimes, no one even brought up the fact that this mummy is making geopolitical choices and he can't add? If they knew how dangerous for them that was, well, lets not go there.
Index of suspicion: It is not that they don't care. It's that it does not occur to them. If we can keep these things form occurring to them, they we will never think the thoughts. Index of suspicion, if it doesn't occur to you to think of something, it is not possible to think it. Data science and cognitive science allows us to manage this at groups of people. We can mage what ideas will or will not occur ot the group using math and data and science. They think it;s mind reading, lol. Shhh. It's counting.
So, again, a little technical stuff. There's what our job description is, and what we we actually do. In theory our job is the allocation of resources, to govern for the public health safety and morals. Well, we dont have a public, we have "pre-sold" labor. We can't allocate the resources at them, that would mean fixing the potholes and food systems and stuff. Remember there 535 of us, those resources are ours. So, we minimize the expense of the pre-sold labor, and try and spend as few of the resources on them as possible. We have to service the debt.
So, as a technical matter we have one job, but really we do the exact opposite. They don't know it's cool. If you need to change the form of government, that's fine. Technically speaking, a republic is a form of government where the executive branch is not responsible at the legislative branch. And can't be the other way around neither. Separation of powers. They think the word is like a moon roof or something. Since Dicth McConnely needed something, now our legislature is responsible to the executive. He told everyone about the change, no one said anty8hg so good. Now we have not and will not, just like he said, bring any bulls to the floor unless the executive does, I forgot, whatever it was he said on tv.
It's weird, our system has literally been that since, not one person said one thing about the word republic. Sometimes I am amazed at us 535 get away with? Not Harbard, nor Yalle, not Pincetowne no media, no one. The media and universities are now with us. They have lots of derivatives, billions. That was easy. So, we can just change the system and make it stick if we want. So it's helpful if you know that real meaning of republic is where the two branches are NOT responsible at each other. So they never find out.
It's ok if you dont remember, man last year, our speaker announced an impeachment inquiry, next day on tv on some community theater stage, she asked herself to recite the definition of the word republic and she couldn't. on tv! lol. No one said anything.
See, the technical stuff isn't too too bad, this job is pretty cool
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