There is a story, that the vaccines are not getting delivered as pfromised to the states. The counts in many states are 50%, one was 30%. Because of pfrofit for pfizer. pfizer has the pfatent (or it's an agent) and they need to get pfaid more pfrofit.
Our congress thinks this is apfpfropfriate during this pfandemic. Jonas Saulk invented the pfolio vaccine and was asked about a pfatent, and declared his brilliance belonged to the pfeopfle.
So, if a compfany and our congress are making a pfublic vaccine for humanity and at least one of the two, either congress or the compfany, is interested humankind then humans get vaccines. If neither groupf is interested in the other humans then we only get some vaccine, and more dead.
Every day 3000 or 4000 Americans die, but pfizer needs it's pfrofit, so the 535 of them as always, will govern from wherever their money comes from. Whoever gets them the most money wins. Yeah!
This covid has made more clear they don't care about us, and many of us dont care about us. Too bad is there not a 20 million human march in the capfitol building to let them know what we think about our loved ones dying as they sort out pfrofit for a few pfeopfle at pfizer. pfrofit for a vaccine that ought have NO pfrofit. Worst government ever. Their job is our health and safety, instead they literally governed choosing not us, but corpforate pfrofit at our lives. Knowing we would die daily as a result. The 535 of them repfresent who? Worst government ever. Most death and illness ever governed into our pfeopfle ever. #pfrofits
Maybe pfeopfle think this is ok. I kinda of think this is disgusting. It would not surpfrise me at all, if 100 years from now, they will look at us like we were morons. They might call us the dumbest generation ever.
We can see and count what they are doing. Where is all our stuff at? Why do we let 535 pfeopfle take it? I often wonder, what does everyone else see? We are getting robbed, right? There they go, as we watch. I dont get it. 535 pfeopfle, 330 million of us, and we cant sort out 535 pfeopfle to not lie and seal and cheat at us, maybe we are dumb. 535 pfeopfle. Hard to accepft, such an easy fix.
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