See the question marks in the title? That makes this a question, not an assertion. No conspiracy theories allowed here. Everything, all the ideas have to be measurable.
Everyone keeps blaming the republicans for the verdict. What if, the democrat's are involved as well? What if the democrats, as a group, wanted this outcome also? What if they always want this outcome? We always get it, no denying that. So, if the results fit, that would make sense right? Not that it's true, just maybe it's time to ask. Are we getting this played? Would that explain our current situation, better than pretending they are trying to help us but can't? Who benefits? Are we getting played again, who of the 535 of them got more now?
Just as a homework assignment, if they are stealing our stuff and not helping us, what would fix it, without messing up anything else?
(Another ignored email to another media person, Fareed Zakaria) You asked what the fix is. I'd like to ask; what would happen if equally, everyone in the country, before any human can assert any individual right, the system counts the number of constituents who are dependent, and the group rights come before the individual rights?
That fixes everything right? As a matter of political science and systems design. A sheriff might have 10,000 or 4,000,000 rights on their back. Each congressperson has two groups, all of us and their district. I have zero groups.
Is there anything unfair about that? Picture a congressperson as a peacock, with 330,000,0001 feathers on their back. Now picture the 330 million of us, each with only one feather on our backs. We can do nothing at the group with our one stupid feather. We can't sell our stuff, hide behind the feathers, get caught and still not get in trouble. If you had all them feathers, you could use "pour judgement" too. The money come pouring in. That would our stuff, if they are stealing.
We need to take that advantage away from them, they rule us and we are subject to the systems, industry designs and they publish at us. Making us subjects, not citizens, living under these systems, no one in the country (aside from the 535 of them) wants.
So, if the 535 of them has been stealing our stuff, I mean the count is short, literally. Then this would fix it. Who of the 535 has more the day trump leaves office compared to when he came. They voted that money there, into their own accounts then. No one else is in charge of our stuff. They govern themselves more, as we die and go broke and have food lines? They voted themselves more or our stuff. We needed that stuff this time, health and safety wise, the count was short, did they continue to rob us as we die?
100,000 dead not a mountain moved
200,000 dead not a mountain moved
300,000 dead not a mountain moved
400,000 dead not a mountain moved
Their building got messed up, hair messed up, all scared, no none of the 535 dead, ALL THE MOUNTAINS MOVED. They used our stuff at themselves again, because they got scard.
Wanna see scared? Youtube people in hospital finding out covid is not a hoax and they are going to die. Actually die, from the thing they are scared if. Correct me if I'm wrong, the 646 got scared, but no one got hurt or died. MOUNTAONS MOVED, there is no moral explanation for this.
Pointing the broken windows policy at the window before it broke, and not at the shards of glass on 110th street, that would would work. Our rights come first, not an individual, that lacks structural soundness form the system level. If you have no constituents, this is not a big issue, but those who do, this is the issue. Our rights come first, 535 people or 330,000,000 people? Who should the system protect?
This is unsound. One fix, simple, our rights come first, fixes the banks, the wars, all of it. Right? As a system issues in political science that is the bug, correct? We could design how they get elected, govern and retire. For the good of all of us, right? If there is nothing to steal, no way to steal it, then we have more stuff, right? It's counting!
Every little white lie they tell, they tell for one reason. If they didn't lie, you would know explicitly, they do not represent you, so they lie and pretend they do. Now we have too many who don't represent us.
I would like to point out, the super wealthy class, last time I looked was 300,000 Americans with 50 mil and up. Noe, 80,000 with 30 mil and up. This virus of group is eating itself, like the Greeks and Marx and Engle wrote. No one is saying anythi9ng as this happens in front of our eye, the proletariat of the word uniting on American capitol buildings as the super-wealthy dwindle in impossible ways.
460,000 dead, saving the stuff of a subset of 80,000 people. That is immoral. The 535 of them have a job description: The allocation of resources to govern for the public health safety and morals.
80,000 super wealthy---------
470,000 us dead from covid---------------------------------------------------------
OOOOOOOPS! They missed. Who got more now, they did it, right? Of the 535, who governed themselves more wealth as we have food lines? res ipsa loquitor.
They can not govern half million dead, tens of millions made ill and during trump, a transfer of wealth over ten trillion plus dollars, and they got some of it? What? Rounding error? Mistake? "My bad bruh", no crimes? They intended to use our stuff for our health and safety? It mistakenly ended up in their accounts? Maybe, we are getting robbed form the capitol building. So, our rights come first. That fixes it, right?
And we got alt right marching with "Right to Work" signs, in America! The alt right are Marxist, calling capitalists, socialists, it's bizarre!
How does, "our rights come first" not fix the banks, the wars, the money, the resource distribution, all of it? This is my question, as a matter of math and system design and political science how does this not fix the whole thing? This does not touch the system just how it is deployed. This does not touch the first, or second or any Amendment. Just no more cheating. who is against that? The 535 of them.
My question is if our rights came first, we could tell them how to govern us, then they govern, right? Self-governed. As it is now, they do both and we are subjects not citizens? Is that right? Would that fix anything?
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