Subject: one who lives in the territory of, enjoys the protection of, and owes allegiance to a sovereign power or state.
I just heard they want a formal investigation into what happened Jan 6th. The 535 want to know what happened. Now?
Dozens of them pretended to not understand how our voting works, they lied about a stolen election. The 1st amendment is regarding a "redress of grievances", to redress is to set right, a grievance is a wrong. To redress a grievance, is to set right, some wrong.
Lying about an election being stolen is not a wrong. It is an intentional act and it turned into a crime, many. By dozens of the 535 of them, still in that building. Deciding what happens to us, our stuff and how bloody it will be when our grandkids are war age.
Choices requiring morality, conscience, empathy for today and the future. Dozens of immoral humans, who have already forgotten, the names of the dead on Jan 6th, as if it had nothing to do with them neither, I suppose, are still in charge of us and our stuff. I wonder if they took some of that stuff. Lack of morality and all, liars have been known to steal. (Liars on both sides about all issues.)
These were not people down the bar spouting shit about elections being stolen These are the apparatus itself. What might be foreseeable from those particular people going all over media and lying about a stolen election? Maybe, those dead bodies.
I think I heard in the impeachment, the charge read Trump was "solely" responsible for what happened Jan, 6th. I do not agree to that, that is immoral. That was to cover themselves, if I heard that right.
So, we have a list of those responsible
The 535 of them not doing anything to stop it, #1, our legislature
Facebook, Fox and Other media
the No voters who are guilty by conspiracy or deed
Mostly: Us!
We let them do this at us. I just heard they want a formal investigation into what happened Jan 6th. The 535 want to know what happened. Now? After the lost impeachment trial. I think it all will fall on the 535 of them. We let them tell us how they were going to govern us. And also, they governed us. In the way they just told us they were going to.
Making us subjects, not citizens. And look at the results. Subjects, like lower than a vassal. Technically speaking as a matter of political science. We have not been self governed.
Look: I don't want this gun system. It's almost as if it was not made for me. But my brother also does not want this gun system? Like it was not made for him either? This gun system seems more like it was designed by the gun industry and published at us, not for us.
If no one on this land wants that system, why is it on our land?
If no one on this land wants that system, why is it on our land?
If no one on this land wants that system, why is it on our land?
Do that with all the systems. This is messed up. I don't want this food system, nor this education system, not the criminal justice system or the health system. None of them.
If no one on this land wants that system, why is it on our land?
If no one on this land wants that system, why is it on our land?
Let that sink in, the 535 of them are in charge of the words, and the checks. So, wouldn't that mean, they did this? Is there anyone else in charge of the words?
Yeah, sure big question, like a conspiracy, except, what conspiracy? This is what the words mean. We are subjects. Not citizens. Weird to type. But, these are technical terms with technical definitions. This is what the words mean:
Subject: one who lives in the territory of, enjoys the protection of, and owes allegiance to a sovereign power or state.
That is Nationalism. See, it all comes together, an allegiance to the state, not the country, but the apparatus. Bad. We find ourselves here now.
We are subjects to systems published at us by the 535 of them for industry. Subjects. It's supposed to piss you off. But, we let them do this at us. I want my systems. Don't you? I sometimes wonder why we all aren't like "If these 535 can't figure out to get the different groups, what we want, lets hire 535 who will. And find out what they have done with all our stuff? Where is it?".
I would prefer to live under systems that make me free, why doesn't everyone. Always asking the 535 for a compromise. Well I don't to want to compromise. I want my brother to live free as they see fit, and those people how they see fit and my group how we see fit. Self governed.
I mean if you want a pool full of bullets go for it, legally. With 535 of them also letting us live where no people get shot most days. We can do both. Why wont we demand both? I never get that part.
So, this is where we are, Nationalism. An allegiance to the apparatus, the state, not the country. The country is us people and this land, if you have an allegiance to us people and this land, you are a Patriot. If you have an allegiance to Nancy or Chuck or Mitch or Trump, or the military or any part of the apparatus, you are a Nationalist. That is bad an un American.
Us people, this land. That is the United States of America. The 535 of them are not. They are in charge of what happens to us people and this and and the stuff in it. No one else. Just the 535 of them. Nothing happens to our stuff that is not traced back to them. That is our system.
They were supposed to represent us, write laws, make an economy and use use our stuff at us for our health and safety. That's it. Oooops, they missed. Something a computer would do if you owned a hot dog stand.
Americans are not more equal than others, all the people are created equal. America is #1, as is Botswana and Denmark. I don't want to be a Nationalist, the Naca Party has to go (Nazi was National Socialist, I say Naca is National Capitalist, the Naca Party). We are the wealthiest, so where is it all?
Can we find out who has more wealth now? Of the the 535 of them, who is doing better while we die and have food lines. They did not accidentally publish words to make themselves accidentally millions more accidental dollars. That's stupid. France can see us, this is embarrassing sometimes, as obvious as it all seems.
Can we find out what they are doing? Where all the stuff is? Why other countries with less have more? Why is the count so short? These are numbers, why cant we know what is happening at our stuff?
Maybe because we are subjects, their subjects. Subject to the words the 535 of them publish at us for industry. #NotMySystems. Replace the 535 of them, fix the hole (our rights come before their one person individual rights, they can have them once we are protected from them), we tell them how to govern, then they govern, does that fix it?
Does following the instructions fix our main issues, the 535 of them? That is my question. Is it time to count and re-boot, all 535? Maybe that would get our stuff pointed at us.
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