Friday, February 5, 2021

I was in direct communication with Nancy Pelosi's daughter last march, sample text message inside, if anyone cares

I was in direct communication with Nancy Pelosi's daughter last march.  I was afraid they were not going to move any mountains to save us from certain death, which we got instead.  We got what I was afraid of, and Nancy Pelosi ignored.  I can think of 450,000 people's loved one's who wish Nancy, Mitch and the rest governed for them. 

Last March, I noticed Trump was making all his choices off the "do not do this in a virus" list.  He does not do consistency.  It was like he was following instructions I said, like maybe is he paying off debt and throwing the virus (since then add in hack access to our systems maybe, maybe more), not saying he is, but after the Lev Parnas/Fraud Guarantee fiasco, I mean 1 plus 1 equals two right?

Nancy was busy, no mountains could be moved before we died.  No mountains could be moved after we died. 

100,000 of us, the governed, dead, no mountains moved

200,000 of us, the governed, dead, no mountains moved
300,000 of us, the governed, dead, no mountains moved
400,000 of us, the governed, dead, no mountains moved

Mountains may only be moved when their office building is messed up. Not one of them got hurt right? Just scared?  Wanna see scared?  Go on youtube search for videos of people in hospital, about to be ventilated as they are finding out covid is not a hoax and they are going to die now.  They look really scared and betrayed and angry and then they actually died.  From the thing they were scared of.  That can not happen in this case now, can it?  But mountains moved.  For the 535 of them.

How many dead so far 450,000?  How many super-wealthy have we got? Like 80,000? The count is off.  400,000 dead to save the stuff of like 10% of them matter, like 8,000 people?  Self governed? 

There is no whodunnit here, if the count is short, the 535 of them done it.  They are in charge of our systems and our stuff, via controlling the words and the checks.  They are the boss, period, nothing happens to our stuff they did not do it, period.

Ok, their job description: The allocation of resources to govern for the public health safety and morals.  

Oooooops, they  missed.  They used our health and safety for the stuff instead.  That is backwards.  We got half million dead, tens of millions made ill and in the  Trump years a transfer of wealth of over $10Trillion dollars.  That is our health and safety stuff going from us to like 80,000 Americans.  Well, we did not get the health and safety and the count is short.

The 535 of them et al, published words, allocated money, and these were the results.  Now if any of them $10 Trillion dollars ended up in their accounts personally, well then they killed us and robbed us for money.

No one can accidentally publish words, allocate stuffs and accidentally end up with millions  more, while we have food lines.  That is stupid.  If it were an accident it would have ended up in your account.  That is an accident, this is getting exposed by a natural disaster and getting caught stealing our stuff, causing us to die.  So, of the 535 in that building who got more now? Who has more wealth as Trump is done than we he began.  Start with Mitch and Nancy and go look for how much each really has, then move on from there.  Whoever got more, they did it, res ipsa loquitor. 

We should ask MIT to count how unlikely it would be, out of 330,000,000 people, for multiple people in a group of 535 to have more, while the money is gone, the jobs are gone, illness, death, food lines, chaos for the rest.  That is an answerable math problem.  Simply ask them to count for their country.

So, are any of the 535 wealthier now?  If multiple people of the 535 of them got more now, they did it.  These are numbers.  This is not poetry class.  

Here is part a text from March 28, 2020, between Nancy Pelosi's daughter and myself, before we died, I have more emails and text's. I really tried to get them to understand the dead were coming.  I was the wrong person for the task clearly.

Sample from 3/28/20 before we died:

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