Wednesday, March 31, 2021
The Confedracy is roaring back - National Capitlism aka the Naca party
In Florida they are fighting to keep a Confederate States of America name, on a school again. Now, the Confederate States of America had it's own borders, it's own Constitution and Laws. It's own Executive, Judicial and Legislative branches of government. I think they even had an Administrative branch too.
It had it's own own laws, defense and military. It's own soldiers and generals. They even had their own banks and currency and contracts and debt with other nations. You have to be a nation to do that. They were another country. Not our country.
So, regarding the Maga crowd, If our Civil War were still going on, and wars have lasted way longer than that, and someone were repping the confederate flag on our land, what team are they on?
If the Confederacy is their honest choice, without the slavery obviously, why are we fighting? Seems accepting different approaches, in teams, might be a place to start. We could declare we won this war already. You lost, we won you have to do it our way! That is not allowed though.
Speaking of which, if these republicans are confederates, can someone make a list of all the qualities of "Confederate" to see if they match. So we don't need to guess. If they are confederates, then they got to go. We won this war already, they can not come in through the back door.
The the Confederate's side, start everything from the singular, "me". The other side start from the plural, "we". Both on one processor. Imagine your laptop running almost windows and almost Mac at the same time. This spreadsheet opens up looking like windows one time, then mac the next. This browser or word doc mac this time, windows next. Each app, each window different a little each time. Where is the x button? That is how we have deployed America. One system open, the other closed.
ps: In Florida the argument was that black Africans sold black slaves and that's where we got slaves, from other black people. We did not get slaves from Africa. We took farmers, and teachers, and warriors, and cooks and moms and sons and forced them, violently, into slavery. These confederates are different. It's truly disgusting sometimes.
Thursday, March 25, 2021
How to make Somalia: Special Report: Arizona Governor Deucy, decided he would gess when to lift covid restrictions.
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Guns and stuff - A Conversation about our systems and who's they are.
Were were meant to be self governed. Instead, the government does both, It tells how they are going to govern us and also they govern us. We were meant to tell them how to govern us, then they govern us. Let's see how it works out in real life.
60% of us want tougher gun laws. 40% do not. My brother, we'll call him Austin, he would like to buy himself 1,000 rounds a machine gun and a bump-stock and a tank today, and he can't? In his own self-self governed land? I know how to read, he ought to be able to do that. I want him to be able to do that. Seems, maybe he ain't self-governed. If he were self governed, his self would be in that capitol building, governing his-self, the right to do just that. He can't! He definitely ain't self-governed.
The gun system underneath which he lives, was not published for him. He is not free under it, he is subject to it, making him a subject. Technically, as a matter of political science. That is not freedom. Self-governed is freedom.
So the 40% don't want this gun system, what about the 60%? Well we know how to read also, like the word "Amend" meaning to change. More important we know how to count, and if we counted, and changed in 2021, we could live under a gun system were most days, nobody got shot. Other countries do that, we could do it. If we lived with people who wanted to count.
The gun system underneath we live, was also not published for us. Neither team is free under this gun system, they are subject to it, making them subjects. Technically, as a matter
of political science. That is not freedom.
Any way you look at it, the 40% dont want this gun system, and the 60% dont want this gun system, we agree on this gun system. We do not want the gun system they placed on our land. Wait, what? Is that right? YUP! Why am I the only one pissed! This is our land. There are 535 of them and 330,000,000 of us, who do they think they are?
So, why can't we all live under the gun system we want? Where did this gun system come from? First lets look at where it was supposed to come from. That's easy: us, the people, self-governed. We were meant to have 535 representatives who represent us, write laws to make a system to match us. Ooooooops they missed, on every single system. We don't want this education system, abortion system, food system bank system, health system war system, oil system on and on and on. We got used to the water temperature, it's time to get uncomfortable, this ain't right.
This land is full up with systems no one on this land wants, except the 535 of them. That should piss you the fuck off. 535 people are somehow making us live in ways we really do not want to. How? Why? Is it that hard, can they not tell what we want?
What if, the gun system was not created by our legislators. What if the gun system was designed by the gun industry itself. That would make industry our actual legislature. And the government more like a publishing house. Paid by the writers and us!
Now the question becomes, did the gun industry design our gun system for them or for us. If it's for us then we are citizens. But, if it's "at" us, we are subjects, being ruled. Yeah yeah I get it, those words are ridiculous, unfortunately in political science "Subject" describes people being ruled not in the ruling class. So, if that is where we are, well, a thing is what it is, it isn't something else.
So, look at the entire government differently for minute, see if this makes sense. It looks more like a publishing house than a government. It looks like they get paid by industry to publish the systems underneath which we live, "at" us. So industry creates each system, conveys it to the 535 editors, in hotel conference rooms (seriously).
Then the publisher signs. Then the 535 take a bunch of money from us, use a small amount of that money to send the words to some of the 15 print shops (the cabinet), and they publish these systems at us, getting paid by the writers and us.
That makes us subjects, and means they are governing at us, for industry. Hmmm. So, industry is self-governed, we are subjects. We should make a gofundmepage and pay the 535 of them to stop publishing systems at us. We are not self-governed.
(***We have election day, we go to the polls. Either we are going to the polls as individuals or we are going to the polls in groups. Groups, they just spent a few billion dollars making out of data and cognitive science. Individuals vote, groups cast ballots. The same technology they use in business to sell pots and pans. Exactly the same. No magic, no mystery, just counting, like with ALL explanations. The mathematics involved are called discrete mathematics. Someone might want to count this at MIT or somewhere. This answers "how" we could get robbed this bad. If that is what is happening.)
So, it seems to me, we agree on all these systems, like the gun system. We don't want them. The part I don't get is how we are not all filled with incredulity, who the fuck do the 535 of them think they are? They can force 330,000,000 of us into every system that industry wants? Our rulers, that's who. They think they are our rulers, those smirks. I don't know, looks more sensible this way. I yell a lot less. I think you yell because whatever stupid thing they just did on tv, pisses you off. But, it is not stupid if you look at it this way; they are robbing us, from the capitol building, for industry.
I am alone with my fury at these 535 people who have stolen it all from us, including our systems. Look around, would making one system for some people and another system for the other people be rocket science? No, Europe does it. Asia does it.
I mean how does everyone not get steaming mad, looking at how we have to live as they make us? If you want to fill your pool up with bullets and swim in them, that's exactly what those words read. I am pissed for you. If you want to live with minimal gun violence you ought to be able to. It's your land!
So, if anyone ever reads this, look at the ones you like in the capitol building, it's them, they did it. The ones you like, stop voting for them. And the fix just fell apart. We would never agree to fix this. Never gonna happen. So, the rest is hypothetical.
See, you dont do that, look up, see ahead, sacrifice something today, for tomorrow. I would, I would agree with all my American brothers and sisters, to voluntarily not vote for anyone who has ever sat in one of those 535 seats, ever again ever. Even the ones I like. What could be more fair to all of us. From AOC to Mitch. Nancy to Lindsey, Porter and all, gone. There are 535 of them, and 330,000,000 of us, fuck them. we can sort out the criminals from the others later. Maybe it's not fair to a couple of dozen of them, tough shit, there are 330,000,000 of us!!!
But that's not enough, the hole, the bug is still there. This government hates us. No one who likes you would treat you this way. The count is short, they took our stuff, we've seen that already looking at derivatives. The stuff was not enough, they took half the money. That was not enough, they took every single fucking system we have, and absconded with the systems too. We don't want them.
All we got, is some social freedoms, to distract us, literally. They don't care about that. You can travel, study, whatever, be religious or not, Yankees or Red Sawx, they don't care. The rest belongs to the 535 occupants of our seats and their 80,000 super-wealth buddies. 80,000, they fit on one stupid football stadium, we just died a half million to save the stuff of a few of these people. Because of the words the 535 of them published at us. Words that were supposed to use the stuff in the ground, at us, for us, to save us. We got robbed.
So, it seems there is a government on this land, but it is not ours, it is not governing for us but rather, at us. The systems it publishes are a burden to us and we are subject to them. Making us subjects. Subject is when there is a ruling class and you aint in it. As an American, does that sound familiar? Let me re-type that, as a black man in Mississippi in 1820:
As a black man, I live on a land where there is a government
on this land, but it is not mine, it is not governing for me, but rather
at me. The systems it publishes are a burden to him and he is subject to them. Making him a subject.
So, what am I missing? Can anyone look up and count. Maybe we ought to fix this bug, fill in this hole. Counting works, let's count.
If you're still reading, count the rights. I suggest one fix, fixes everything. Let's count. Rights, lets count them.
I am one person, just some guy walking down the street. I want to imagine we all have a quiver, for feathers. I have one feather in my quiver. One stupid powerless feather. Just like you and the 330,000,000 of us, one stupid feather each. We each have one person's rights in our quiver.
If you are a sheriff, maybe you have 10,000 feathers and then your one feather. A congressperson has their district's feathers, plus another 330,000,000 feathers for the entire group, plus one for them. On and on.
There is nothing you or I could do at the group with our one stupid feather. We can't sell our stuff, get paid, get away with it. How would sell a fake war or the Glass-Steagal Act? Even get caught, we do not have all those feathers to hide behind. We do not get to ask our buddy in another part of the apparatus to help. Usually they just go on tv and let each other go, and 12 of us don't need to see shit. "No reasonable prosecutor would bring these charges". Cheaters.
Picture the one you hate most, Nancy, Mitch, AOC, Lindsey, Nunes, Jordan whoever. We all feel the same when we our nemesis smiles at the camera with those smirks. Knowing they got away with it. It's this. The rights were not counted correctly. A few of the founding fathers seemed somewhat smart, for their day. But for the most part they were not. There were men who, for the most part (Hamilton, Franklin a few others aside) could not count backwards, or understand even what a negative numbers is. You know more about the universe than most of them could understand. They designed our systems, that you live under today. They finished in 1787, p-hacked to death and it took them 9 years to design this mess, that is ridiculous. And nothing is working. They could not count these rights.
We know how to count now. No one would design this land's system like this today. Moreover, these systems are deployed horribly. If you can't put a democratic republic practicing capitalism on this land, you literally can't put one anywhere. So, either Plato is a moron, or we are getting robbed. I am not suggesting a change to the system. Leave the amendments alone. Just a re-deploy, so there is nothing to steal. That is easy, once we count the rights, and make the rights more equal.
So, they have too many rights, and they assert their individual rights ahead of the group they represent. Which, by the way are supposed to be part of. That is not math, it's cheating. They are supposed to represent the typical human in the group. Look at Nancy and Mitch, typical of who? Industry, they do represent those they govern for.
So, in math, I do not know how to type it in stupid lawyer words, the fix: Before anyone is allowed to assert one right, their feather bag needs to be checked. Take their feather out, if it's empty assert any right you have. If it it is not empty, nope, no right to remain silent, no right to an attorney, no rights at all. As foriegn as it sounds. Not until the group's rights are protected. Go be a fucking florist if you dont like it.
There are 535 of them and 330,000,000 of us, fuck them and fuck their rights, our rights should come first. So each crime, would have probable cause penalty, and probable cause of a crime would come with prescribed jail time for probable cause. Stay away from the fucking lines. Remember, you have all your rights, you get all your rights at all times. Until you acquire other peolpe rights. No longer will that be currency you can enrich yourself with, but rather a burden to filter out the cheaters and takers.
Nancy would be in jail for domestic violence and other crimes, Devon Nunes for treason with phone records, Rudy too, 'mens rea' Mitch too, Trump too. Eric Swawell would be locked up, Hillary, Bill, Both Bushes, Biden, Cuomo, Kavanaugh, Comey Barret, Graham, Jordan, John Kerry, Obama, Pres Johnson, Nixon, this is ridiculous. The AG in the Breonne Taylor case, and the George Floyd case, the entire apparatus of Flint MI, Jim Comey, Barr, Pompeo...this list would take a long long time. The dozens who lied about the election, that's five foreseeable dead bodies. This is stupid. It's time to put down the stupid lawyer words, and count.
If our rights come first, that fixes everything, the banks, the wars, the stealing, the lying, the voting, the money, the health, the air, the water, the guns all of it. Mostly, those fucking smirks, that make your blood red, gone! No more being ruled. We tell them how to govern. The smart people can begin to fix things. Why, because then, we would be self governed.
Johnson could not lie us early into war on August 9 1964. The feet he wanted on the ground so bad, on them first battle fields, that are still calcifying? They, would be home now. The Clinton's could not sell the Glass-Steagall Act, or have left the White House 16 million in debt, making 400K a year! what was he gonna pay it back with? Monica? Good question actually, whatever he offered in consideration for $16,000,000.00 in notes, was not his, he did not own it. Someone should look. Cheater. Nor cold they have sold hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of dollars of BOOKS AND WORDS AND STUFF. (That always makes me furious, we are the stupidest people ever!! No Americans have ever been this duped).
Next, Cheney could not start this fake war. He spent two years selling us this war, items on the menu:
1) Thousand of emails and dox regarding Yellow cake: LIE
2) 60,000 aluminum tubes, LIE
3) Photographs of Mohammad Attah: LIE
4) Photographs of places: LIE (in the UN at earth in our name!)
5) 2 witnesses: LIE
7) 9/11: LIE
Are we at war for zero reasons? No one is disgusted by this? A self governed peolpe would not let this happen. America does not need to cheat to win at anything. Not science or business or policy or war or anything. We dont cheat, they are the cheaters. Not one reporter, in two decades, has covered why we at war for zero reasons? Well for Cheney it's money and power. For Bush? Maybe it was father's day, instead of a tie rack, let's attack Iraq! These are the games they play with our stuff and our lives, because we are not self-governed.
How did we start 2020, Imminent threats, almost nuclear war.
Repeat after me: There are 330,00,000 of us and 535 of them. Fuck them and fuck their stupid individual rights.
We tell them how to govern. Making the system such that it is free from corruption is simple, you make it so there is nothing to steal. No getting wealthy after office, period. It's more to it than that, but that is a basic start to the fix. Go be a fucking florist. There are 535 of them and 330,00,000 of us, fuck them and fuck their rights.
Imagine we were self-governed, and we are uncomfortable with how the 535 are doing us. what could we do?
No more 6 year terms. Only 2 year or 4 year terms and every 4 years ALL 535 and the white house is up for grabs. We never get to look at each other and decide do resolve them all. These cheaters. They knew that. If we made the system, we would not be at their mercy and tricks and cheats.
Also, we set salaries and raises. Insurance and Pensions, both match ours. We could vote them a bump when they leave office, if they did well for us. Motivating them to raise our standard of living at all times, up up up, for us us us. But, that's all they are allowed. Their pension and bump. Any other monies goes in the pot. They can sell a book for 100 million dollars, they can keep their pension amount each year, the rest goes in the pot for healthcare and schools etc. No getting rich after office. Now, there is nothing to sell. There are 535 of them and 330,000,000 of us. Fuck them and fuck their rights. This is stupid. You don't like that, go be a florist.
What else, psych exams, sociological exams, make sure the understand numbers and can count. also, a 12th grade reading comprehension test in order to run? You can't be a law writer if you can't read. Remember that one guy, like 238 years old, been in the capitol building since, well, I think he was an usher at the Ford theater as a kid, during the 'Our American Cousin' run. That guy knew he was going to be on tv, knew he was gonna be talking to Zuckerburg. But, he did not know what email is, or what a browser is or how facebook makes a penny.
So Mark told him how he makes a penny, and the old man was befuddled. Unable to comprehend the spoken words, and still doesn't know, how facebook makes a penny. That guy could have voted us into this fake war for all we know? How long has this moron been making choices about our stuff, campaigning and lying his ass off that he can write laws. This cheater, will be involved in how bloody it will be when our great grand kids are war age. If he can't understand the spoken word he can't pass a 12th grade reading exam. He is charge of our stuff!?
There were dozens in the capitol building who did not understand that once the polls close the numbers are discrete. You count one pile, the mail in votes, and you get a number: x. Then you count the other pile, just count 0,1,2,3 etc, it end where it ends, and that's that number. After the voting stops the numbers are separate.
Ok that is not as simple an idea as "the car is red' or "this is a cat". But these are not dudes down the bar, this is our apparatus. They cant pass a 12th grade reading test. Or maybe they lied and they can. If so, they lied from being a congressperson or senator. About a stolen election? Those five dead bodies are perfectly foreseeable from a congressperson or senator, let alone a group of them, lying about a stolen election. That is negligent homicide, asking not "did they know dead bodies were foreseeable" but rather "should they have known" and hell yeah.
So, we can't make all 535 of them take a 12th grade reading test. Why? They got individual rights. There are 535 of them there 330,000,000 of us, fuck them and fuck their stupid rights. We would have the right to now if there were morons or murderers in our capitol building. We have probable cause to think so now, and no right to find out! Why do we put up with that?
If the rights were counted properly. Our system would work, if we re-deploy it without this bug. But unfortunately they have individual rights, the 535 of them, those rights come first. So, we probably are ruled by morons and murderers, we'll never know. France can see us, we look like idiots.
What else could we do? How about scholastic data? How do they and their kids keep getting into genius schools and yet they seem dumb. So, their scholastic data, do you think they have better grades than us? If so we should do some gene editing so we can all get into Yale. If would look at that data going back say 50 years, I bet we'd know a lot about the people in those 535 seats.
What else? Financial data. Imagine forensic accountants and investigators searching earth for their monies and analyzing it and reporting on it. Do you think their money moves over time as ours does? That would be self-governed. Maybe when we lose 10 trillion some if it ends up in their accounts. Ooopps. If the vp at the bank accidentally has $10,000 deposited into their account, that is stealing. If it ends up in my account it is an accident.
The 535 of them can not accidentally publish words at us, that take trillions of dollars from us, and transfers it to the 80,000 super-wealthy. Oh by the way, some of the 535 got some? By accident. If it ended up in my account, that is an accident. This is stealing. You can not accidentally govern yourself our stuff! (It's a polynomial coefficient someone smart can count the actual odds, probably trillions of years before such an accident could happen, just ask Boston to count for their country. There are literally zero reasons to guess. This is simply a math question, "how likely is it that, the 535 could accidentally govern themselves millions of our dollars?" MIT, probability depart, simply ask. Do not guess, please, again, there no need to guess. Remind them if they don't count for us, no one else can.)
Only 535 people are in charge of the words and the stuff. This ain't no who dunnit, if the count is short, they did it.
The government's job description, in political science class, is: The allocation of resources, to govern for the public health safety and morals. Oooooops missed again. They took the resources, we didn't get the health and safety, the count is short! Where is all our stuff at? These are numbers, this ain't peotry class, where the fuck is all our stuff? Let's fix the rights being counted and go look at the 535 of them, go back a few decades and let's know. What they have done with our stuff. This is the wealthiest land ever. Where is all our stuff. There 535 of them, and 330,000,000 of us, fuck them and fuck their stupid rights. Why doesn't everyone want to know for sure who did what at us? The human brain is fascinating.
Saturday, March 20, 2021
Index of Suspicion - The Master Key - The Primer
That makes sense. Reminds of Pascal and Fermat staring at a cube of coin flips when suddenly, naturally, it occurs to Fermat' brain to ask "Can we use the maths to know what will happen next?" Like how? How did that occur to his brain, just chance, like genes making "random" edits?
So there is a sphere of all the ideas. Only a sliver of them are available to us, and the to the groups we belong to. The more wide or open the angle, the more ideas become available. Not that we get to think them necessarily, but at least it's possible.
We can not think any of the other thoughts ever. Until it occurs to us. For Fermat, staring at a puzzle of coin flips, made that idea occur to him.
Using the data and cognitive science we can mimic this process, at groups. Not the individuals in the groups. Discrete mathematics, used at discrete objects is old settled math. The data science and the cognitive science is newer-ish. They are using the combination and it seems a form an artificial selection process, literally changing the species.
The Key: Seems they are selecting what ideas, would or would not likely enter the index of suspicion of the group.
If they are doing this with the elections, that would explain how every 2 years, 100 plus million people could visit 435 plus x pairs of people, and almost 435 plus x times in a row, select the one what's got more money than the other, in a who's a better candidate contest. I know how to count. I'll never understand why no one at MIT gives a shit that, we are not voting? If I can rant, I am a moron, and I see this clearly, they must know. A binomial coefficient is not possible, this is ridiculous. If good Will Hunting would stand up and count for their country maybe we can count our way out. The voting and the stupid lawyer words as deployed at us, don't work. That's what got us here.
So, if you were born in Cabrini Greene, and the idea that a person in your group can get out of Cabrini Greene never occurs to you, you ain't getting out. Well, unless you're the chess or math or basketball champ. It has to occur to you. Since we can manage this at the group level, what occurs to the group, should we not set the cognitive scientists to do their magic with colors and vibrations and sound etc to see how to do that for racial issues? For adults to lower the temp.
But kids, what age does it occur to us people are different race. What if we set ou tto skip that lesson, then we would not even know. So, for kids one approach for adults another. who knows. This stuff works. Think back to those two mass shootings in a row. No idea if some one did, but we have the ability to point stuff at millions of people looking for one to do a mass shooting. We can make that happen now. If you have the media resources. at the groups. Looks different now huh? It is time to count.
It's index of suspicion. That could be an answer, at the group. Selecting racism out of the species, the large amygdala, hate, greed, lying, hurting out of the species. Instead Mark Z is selling pots and pans, I bet his mom is so proud.
we have the technology to fix this now, just waiting on the hardware. The fix looks easy now. why is no one talking about it?
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Why do we believe things that are not true?
The answer is simpler, we are not taught "how" to know things. We are not taught what it means to know. For example, you know that every even number is divisible by 2. But do you though? Like "how" do you know? The answer is counting, and not like what your thinking, there are two ways to count and each has sub-maths under them. That is how we know things, we math at an idea or we we science at one. That's it, math or science. That measures repeatability. (Every number is divisible by 2, is proven by disproving the opposite. It's not rocket science google it if you want)
Because we do not know what it means to "Know" a thing. That proof itself means "repeatability". If an idea is repeatable, we can count on it in the future. Maths tell the future, it is not guessing.
So to knowif an idea is countable we must count. We need to either science at the idea or math at it. Period. Every even number is divisible by 2, for everyone, everywhere, at all times. There is no your truth and their truth. We would not have planes or phones. Repeatability. If the idea is repeatable it is knowledge. Knowledge is dynamic, it changes over time as we become more moral and open to new ways of knowing things.
If the idea is not repeatable, do not use it. Put it down, and don't make us use it. Go over there and make your own country and use it at yourself, please.
The Old Way: Two people arguing and a third person adjudicating? Cave people did this. Two younger ones, grunting and gesticulating, about who's sticks is who's. The elder grunting 'you' at one of them, to shut them up. I went to college, they were in groups, they had social order. So, we walk into a court room to prove things, in a system designed before humans knew how to speak, let alone prove things. Yet no one in the court room is taught, ya know, how to prove things. Considering all that, they done pretty good. But it looks kind of stupid looking backwards in time. Barbaric, guessing at poeplelives and nothing gets better. It's time to count.
S now we know mathematically, things like, a case by case basis is the opposite of how we prove things. It is singular, and proof is part of discrete mathematics. That is all the maths, except non-linear varying quantities. Sets of things, not the individual. There is no individual. Always the conflict between the "me" and the "we" in math and in politics. That is how we are divided. Those who's group begins at the singular, like Jefferson. With, those from the plural, like Hamilton. Like the deal they made to move the capitol ti Washington. "me" vs "we". The two maths do not mix. we have been unable to make one system for both man groups. We have one processor and two operating systems, a WOSA or open system and a closed one. We can't run both.
Every idea has to be measurable, we have to count. It is time to put down the stupid lawyer words, and count for our country and design these systems. If it was me, and I wanted my systems sorted out, I'd hire people who, ya know, design systems. But hey, that's just me. I like democracy, we can do this your stupid way. Not bankers and lawyers and business people. We got robbed. Big deal, shit happens, let's rid ourselves of this lot, 535 people hold u sup? Let's replace them, voluntarily, with bug fixed. Well, it's a nice idea anyway. What an eye opening movie that would be.
Imagine forensic accountants looking for, and then looking at, the financial data of the last 4,000 occupants of our capitol building. Like back to Kennedy maybe? Whatever, a bunch of them going back. I mean that is data, we would know for a fact it they have been trying to help or have they been governing themselves our stuff. Exactly how bad and who. Nope not gonna happen, 535 people, strangling 330,000,000, for a super wealthy class of only 80,000 people. We got robbed, lol. This system has a bug.
The rights are mis-counted. Groups, again the "we", they dont have one persons rights on their backs, they are groups, we are not. We have one person's rights on our backs. Like a bird with only 1 stupid feather. They each got 330 million feathers, plus their district, plus their 1 feather. That is a lot of rights. To hide behind, to sell our stuff. We cant ever use our one stupid feather at the group. That imbalance needs fixing, so there is nothing to steal. Counting, everything is countable. The group rights need to come before their individual rights, like a kid a joining the navy, sacrifice if they want to dedicate their lives (choke on words) for their country. Bug fixed. Our rights, the group of us, not the individuals in the group, are protected first. If an idea isn't countable, don't use it. Let's count the 535 of them first.
If someone lawyers you a flight system do not get on the plane, you will die. If you could dopamine a wheel. If you could gut or common sense or instinct a wheel, elephants would have wheels. The counting is optional, but required to not kill the other people. So stop making us live in political and economic systems they are guessing at, these 535 morons.
So, these quantum boxes, if the boxes do what they promise, seem to be able to fix earth. 'Project Sum'
That should be 'Project Sum' a resource allocation system that could be pointed at any jurisdiction. Wow, political nirvana, the cheaters gone. Not getting robbed, not one penny getting robbed. Imagine that, plus the system itself, all the ability it has to allocate resources we never could. I was born too soon. We are not good yet. The right holds us back more than the left does.
Hundreds of thousands of years of "Belief Time", belief sucks. It is time to count. 2,500 years of counting, we can see remnants of a fifth dimension in the cern collider, and have a couple of working space/time wobble measuring devices. Counting is dope. You have to count, everything. Let's count, design the political and economic systems and then deploy them. What a movie that would be. No need to break a rule a law a sweat or a nose, just agree we dont want these systems. More on that here:
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Russia- Everywhere - Both Democrats and Republicans
Check this story out 3/19/2021
Devin Nunes is caught with Lev Parnas, and Rudy, caught with phone records, bank records, SDNY dox, fbi dox and court dox. Rudy was defacto executive branch, Nunes is the legislature, what was the definition of the word republic again? Now Nunes and Durkach? WTF is up with out intelligence they can't find Russian agents in the capitol building. Putin is the enemy.
Then we have John Kerry and Joe Biden via Devon Archer and Hunter Biden to Mykola Vladislavovich Zlochevsky founder of Burisma "We addressed it already" Holdings ltd, to Deutche Bank with ties to Rusoyia Bank and that is Putin's bank, and Trump.
So, why do both republicans and democrats at the highest levels of our government have side gigs getting paid by Putin, what are they selling? If we arrest a black kid for stealing a big mac in 15 mins why are these people allowed to be running around free and why are they still making choices about our stuff.
Since Congresstraitor Devin Nunes voted "No" and made "arguments" in the impeachment hearings, you know where the prez was in trouble for corruption, while Nunes is a partner in the criminal enterprise, adjudicating his own crime partner? Then Mitch too in the senate, they are one? France can see us, we look like morons. I don't think the impeachments are valid, you know since co-conspirators were allowed to vote on it and all.
I asked Nancy Pelosi about this, well her daughter, Nancy Prowda (both mom and daughter go by Nancy) in emails back and forth last March, she seemed to think this was ok. I do not. I have those text messages and emails back and forth from the Pelosi clan. If the media wanted to know about it, that is.
Did they sell the virus to Putin? How they ran it I mean? Trump looked like he was following instructions. Consistent in his choices. Choices that caused the most harm for us, like the enemy was running our virus, ask the epidemiologists. Make a list of his choices and ask them. I suggested that very thing to Nancy March 2020 she had other things to do, none of them helped. We have a lot of dead for no known reason yet. This might be that reason. Perhaps they "sold" the handling of the virus. Maybe access for that big hack also. I have no idea, maybe not, maybe so. The public facts work wither way. That should scare the shit out of of everyone.
I do know I asked Nancy Pelosi this in March 2020, so if it turns out they paid off debt or sold the virus in any way, and Nancy was asked about this back in March 2020, that brings her into question again. She had other things to do? Why not ask this very obvious question? Who pays Nancy? I am tired of getting robbed.
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Biden looks like he is being held up with duct tape
That's it. It's 3/10/21 and for weeks it seems to me he is literally a puppet, being held together with chemistry. He seems to lack reaction, he has a blank stare, he seems unable to "human" at a minimal normal range. technically. Like, it seems like he has measurable diagnose-able decline. I though this during the campaign after super Tuesday seemed like cheating. Lets see if he dies in office, of if some truth comes out, we got played.
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Nancy, Joe and Andrew killed the #MeToo movement before it started
Every white lie they tell, they tell for one reason. If they told the truth, you would know they do not represent you. #MeToo, simple, when there is no proof, we believe the woman, socially. You lose your job but you don't go to jail. This has no affect on a civil case or a criminal case. After Kavanaugh we went #MeToo crazy, but then something happened. One of them was involved, and others of them had their own personal needs and so they rallied around to make sure #MeToo did not start yet.
Nancy wanted #MeToo to start the next time a woman accuses someone with no evidence. That is what she did. I judge that harshly. Real leaders make hard choices. Cowards run and hide and lie and throw fits to get what they want, weather it's theirs or not, weather they deserve it or not. These type people do not care, they want it. Period. If they treat the truth like this when we can see, what can't we see them do at us? Anything they want.
Nancy should have been #MeToo but she was not, nor Joe.
In weeks, when it's Cuomo, she declares no one of them is more important. She lies again, no honor. She wanted her bff to get off. These are the broken windows, we need to rid ourselves of.
Nope, she cried "I don't need a lecture", yes she does. I bet a dozen women or more got beat over that, "see that world famous guy running for president?" SMACK! "They dont believe nothing" SMACK! "Do I gotta tell you what happens if I see one more MeToo smile in my house?" SMACK!
Each beating is foreseeable from her believing Joe, she should have known, that's called negligence. If a woman died form a beating she caused, that would be negligent homicide. No one cares, they can do what they want at us.
Sorry guys, #MeToo is dead, Nancy, Joe and Andy. If you reading this get accused, I'll try and get Nancy to let you off too, I bet she wont.
Dear Nancy,
For hundreds of thousands of years some men have been brutalizing some women. Beating on them, penetrating them, scarring them for life, physically, mentally, spiritually. After this, if they are not dead, when we dont know, we believed the man. Each time we do this, like you did for Joe, we rip the last shred of dignity, from every woman who ever has, or will ever live. You had another idea, different and opposite from #MeToo. Nancy and Joe are not #MeToo.
Well, the man is never brutalized and over 90% of the claims are accurate, so we decided to #MeToo this thing. It would take a million years to catch up and make this even for women (yeah I did a little math). Longer now because of you. It was just women's bad luck you were in charge the very first time we were going to bust out the new rule. You, one single individual person, decided, for millions of other people, you needed personally what you wanted and so no #MeToo for America. Since you did it, Andy now feels like he can do it too. Welp there goes the #MeToo movement. See, she even lied about needing a lecture. These are bad humans.
Nancy and Joe and Andrew killed #MeToo before it even started, we keep hiring people with no honor, who do not like us, and dont care about us. I wish we would stop doing that.
Every white lie they tell, they tell because they do not represent us and the truth would let us know that.
As for republicans calling for Cuomo's resignation, yes he should but what he did is not a fraction of what those cowards have done. Lying about stolen elections? Not having real impeachment trials. Imagine life if they had convicted Trump the first time. Imagine, if they did not violate their oaths (which is the crime of perjury btw) and they looked at the facts and properly and legally sent him packing.
Well, if someone who knew how to count were in charge what would have been different?
China Ban is racist, see the word "China", we did not have do not have a "China" problem, that's racist. We had a virus problem and if we had person in charge who understood the virus was real, we would have had a virus ban. That would have been different. Your uncle would still be alive most likely.
Imagine a government using our stuff for us, air fields with red cross tents, on US soil somewhere, all those Americans flown to safe quarantine sites, with doctors and facetime for the dying. Then flown home. Remember those Americans in those airports last year? They looked terrified. That's how our government governed us.
Imagine in November and December the govt getting prepared. Testing and tracing apparatus in place, etc. In the end math will let us know how many millions were governed into illness and how many hundreds of thousands were governed to death and how much money this cost.
If we looked we could count if the 535 of them have more wealth now or not and math could tell us if they are trying to help us or help themselves to our stuff. Imagine we took the data form the last 4,000 occupants of those 535 seats in the capitol building and counted, used math at their lives and watched the numbers move. Would their groups data move as ours? That what's equality should look like, becoming a representative is not a lottery ticket. Their data will move for those they govern for, so do they govern for us or not? Who's data would move better? It ought to be the same, this is the land of equality, our lives ought to be equal in direction.
Not just money, how about school? List them, their kids and grand kids, high school grades and sat scores, college grades and lsat scores. Do their entrance exams scores match ours, or do they get cheated into schools? This is such a huge cheat, those schools get you to Wall Street and other places and they cheat. We hire cheaters, cheaters cheat. Imagine how many got cheated into schools, they are not even college graduates if they cheated into school.
How about if Mitch and Nancy's wealth move in the same direction, or inverted, how their entourage and their money moves. That would indicate they are working together and it's all an act.
What if their money goes up, when ours goes down? Let's be clear, when they raise taxes and start wars, when they do things to transfer money form us to the super-wealthy, if they get some, that is stealing our stuff. Literally and directly by publishing words at us for them. So, who got more money now, after Trump? No one accidentally governs themselves millions of dollars. That's stupid. This is not poetry class. The polynomial coefficient of 330,000,000 and 535, and the money by accident ended up in the wrong place AND it was. Oooops some of the 535. That is a number, that a smart person can count. It is not possible.
If their money goes up, when ours goes down we have been getting robbed. We need to see how their money moves. We need to see their data and find some way to control these liars.
We can count all these things and know if they are helping or stealing. What we can't do is continue like this. I looked the other day, there 80,000 super-wealthy left, each with 30 million and up. about 15 years ago we had 300,000 super-wealthy with 50 million and up. The super-wealthy class is eating itself. The derivatives were not enough, they are now taking from each other. The dollar will crash. How few super-wealthy can we support? 20,000? 10,000? Imagine 5,000 humans have at least half of America's wealth, you think we are getting payed now. Pretext will be gone. No one is counting anything. It is time to put down the stupid lawyer words and count everything. These people are robbing us blind, from the capitol building or they are trying to help us. I wish we would just count and find out.
It's all about the lying, which comes down to the conflict between the singular and the plural. There are 535 of them, fuck them and fuck their individual rights. There are 330,000,000 of us, we ought come first. The plural comes first. Not one person.
We, each of us, have no way to hide behind the group. There is nothing you can do with your individual rights to hurt the group, they can and do. That is unequal an unnecessary, if only our rights come first. That does not change your second amendment or any. It protects the nation, us people and this land is the nation they are the apparatus, not the nation. We come first.
Our government does not like us. Would you treat someone you liked this way. Please remember, we are loaded! Where is all our stuff at? We have more health and safety stuff to steal than any other nation and we keep hiring liars and cheats. Liars steal. We needed that stuff, it was gone. Where is it? Let's look, start with Mitch and Nancy, did they get any, do they have more wealth now?
Nancy, Joe and Andrew are not #MeToo, they are liars. Liars steal. Every white lie they tell, they tell because if you knew the truth, you would not vote for them, they do not represent you, they ultimately represent themself. Liars and cheats steal stuff. Look at the liars.
Monday, March 1, 2021
Joe, Hunter Biden, trying to find the words
There was a Senator once. He took a lot of perks. Mostly things senators do when they have out of control kids. Kids who can't make it on their own. So they cheat. That makes them cheaters. I am not talking about conspiracies or espionage here. Just petty selfishness and taking from us.
Cheating a kid into college and law school
Cheating a drug arrest away
Cheating a kid into and out of the military
Cheating a kid into jobs they are not qualified for and no-show jobs
His dead brothers widow and other immoral things (Yes it's as gross as it sounds)
All perks, no lap tops, no 007, no nonsense, just stupid perks. Liars and immoral cheaters again in our white house,we got played.
The more I looked the more I found. If anyone is interested in our new honorable leader and his immoral son here is what we were spared from knowing by our media. Here is what we needed to know before the primary. These cheaters.
The kid is arrested for coke in 88 in Stone Harbor NJ, seems Joe made it go away, felonies. He is given special treatment to get into the military at 43, because of his age and illegal drug past. He did drugs in the Navy anyway and they cheated him out. So technically, even though he dishonored us all, he was administratively discharged, like he entered the Navy and did not know he was pregnant at the time. False documents etc, Felonies. For the record, drugs are big deal in the military, he brought dishonor on us. Speaking of which, he "participated" with his dead brothers widow, bringing more dishonor to his family. This is one great kid. He has five kids some with strippers, coke-head stripper freak.
Burisma "we addressed it already" Holdings, ltd. No we have not. It was a no-show job. Big deal, no conspiracies, just a getting paid for no work product and giving no advice. Just going to "Board Meetings" at the the Ukrainian Natural Gas Money Laundering Firm. These board meetings are going to make lunchtime at Solomon brother's in the 80's look like church. These are Russian gangsters having coke-stripper-hooker weekends. For $83,000.00 a month, and they have balls big enough to use it as an excuse for $83,000.00 a month.
Now Jow knew Hunter was not in Ukriane, he was here "working" for a law firm in 2014, Boies, Flexner, Schiller
Cheating a Kid into and out of the Military
Naval career
The real question is why would a crack head wake up at 43 with Sudden Adult Onset Patriotism Syndrome? They wouldn't They used our military as therapy or to run from whoever the kid just killed or robbed or fathered. No crack head want to wear green and be forced to wake up Oh eight hundred am thirty. That's stupid.
So, how did every single reporter in the country miss that? Not possible, someone wanted to know what the kid had just damaged on earth to make him enter the military. we never heard about this stuff. What did he just do in the months leading up to joining? Thanks press?
A year after Hunter’s arrest, Joe said in a speech attacking the then president George H W Bush that the federal government required to “hold every drug user accountable” for he felt “if there were no drug users, there would be no appetite for drugs, there would be no market for them”.
Joe, who was the senator from Delaware then, was also one of the leading advocates of the federal government’s war on drugs.
These people have no honor. No ability to resist their instincts.
Biden's application for a position in the U.S. Navy Reserve was approved in May 2013.[85] At age 43, Biden was accepted as part of a program that allows a limited number of applicants with desirable skills to receive commissions and serve in staff positions.[86] Biden received an age-related waiver and a waiver due to a past drug-related incident; he was sworn in as a direct commission officer.[85] Joe Biden administered his commissioning oath in a White House ceremony.[3]
The following month, Biden tested positive for cocaine during a urinalysis test and was subsequently discharged administratively.[87][88]
Biden attributed the result to smoking cigarettes he had accepted from
other smokers, claiming the cigarettes were laced with cocaine.[3] He chose not to appeal the matter as it was unlikely that the panel would believe his explanation given his history with drugs[89][90] and also due to the likelihood of news leaking to the press; it was ultimately revealed to The Wall Street Journal by a Navy official who provided the information.[3][85]
But administrative discharge are not for illegal drugs or crimes, that is cheating, Joe did it, media hid it.
Administrative discharges
Entry level separation (ELS): uncharacterized
Entry level separations, or uncharacterized discharge, are given to individuals who separate prior to completing 180 days of military service, or when discharge action was initiated prior to 180 days of service. This type of discharge does not attempt to characterize service as good or bad. However, this type of discharge often attaches a "reason" such as pregnancy, performance in training or medical issues. An individual with an ELS may, under certain conditions, be allowed to re-enlist in the military.
Drug Use in Military Academies
Unfortunately, drug use also exists in military academies. Recently, the Air Force Academy’s leading rusher, Kevin Cole Fagan, was charged with drug use. In a recent admission, Fagan admitted to using cocaine while in Breckenridge in 2017. He was sentenced to 15 days in prison and forced to forfeit $500 a month for two months.
Fagan pled guilty to Article 112(a) of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Not only does he face punishment as a member of the military, but he
will also now have a federal drug conviction on his record. His military
career may be ruined, and he will carry a federal drug conviction on
his permanent record, which can possibly affect his future employment
and life.
So Fagan goes to jail and is dishonorably discharged, because he dishonored his flag and his nation and the military. But Joe's kid did not dishonor anything? yes he did. Cheaters.
Cheating into college and Law School
Tom Carper U Senator from Delaware, in official records you can find on this .gov site here, in the third paragraph of text.
"When Hunter was unable to get into the University of Delaware, he instead went on to Georgetown and then to Yale
Law School and managed to get through those OK?"
Is this true? Felicity Huffman and Lori Laughlin went to prison for this?
At the time of the appointment, Hunter Biden said this:
"As a new member of the Board, I believe that my assistance in consulting the Company on matters of transparency, corporate governance and responsibility, international expansion and other priorities will contribute to the economy and benefit the people of Ukraine.”
Said transparency seems to be elusive on the American side of this deal. That means nothing.