Monday, March 1, 2021

Joe, Hunter Biden, trying to find the words

There was a Senator once.  He took a lot of perks.   Mostly things senators do when they have out of control kids.  Kids who can't make it on their own.  So they cheat.  That makes them cheaters.   I am not talking about conspiracies or espionage here.  Just petty selfishness and taking from us.

Cheating a kid into college and law school
Cheating a drug arrest away
Cheating a kid into and out of the military
Cheating a kid into jobs they are not qualified for and no-show jobs
His dead brothers widow and other immoral things (Yes it's as gross as it sounds)

All perks, no lap tops, no 007, no nonsense, just stupid perks.  Liars and immoral cheaters again in our white house,we got played.

The more I looked the more I found.  If anyone is interested in our new honorable leader and his immoral son here is what we were spared from knowing by our media.  Here is what we needed to know before the primary. These cheaters.

The kid is arrested for coke in 88 in Stone Harbor NJ, seems Joe made it go away, felonies.  He is given special treatment to get into the military at 43, because of his age and illegal drug past.  He did drugs in the Navy anyway and they cheated him out.  So technically, even though he dishonored us all, he was administratively discharged, like he entered the Navy and did not know he was pregnant at the time.  False documents etc, Felonies.  For the record, drugs are big deal in the military, he brought dishonor on us.  Speaking of which, he "participated" with his dead brothers widow, bringing more dishonor to his family.  This is one great kid.  He has five kids some with strippers, coke-head stripper freak.

Burisma "we addressed it already" Holdings, ltd.  No we have not.  It was a no-show job.  Big deal, no conspiracies, just a getting paid for no work product and giving no advice.  Just going to "Board Meetings" at the the Ukrainian Natural Gas Money Laundering Firm.  These board meetings are going to make lunchtime at Solomon brother's in the 80's look like church.  These are Russian gangsters having coke-stripper-hooker weekends.  For $83,000.00 a month, and they have balls big enough to use it as an excuse for $83,000.00 a month.

Now Jow knew Hunter was not in Ukriane, he was here "working" for a law firm in 2014, Boies, Flexner, Schiller

Cheating a Kid into and out of the Military

Naval career

He starts too old and gets waivers for age and illegal drug use, then is unable to resist his instincts and does drugs in the military and gets caught.  He is previously arrested for cocaine in Stone Harbor NJ and Joe made it go away.  He did no jail time and was let go.

The real question is why would a crack head wake up at 43 with Sudden Adult Onset Patriotism Syndrome?  They wouldn't  They used our military as therapy or to run from whoever the kid just killed or robbed or fathered.  No crack head want to wear green and be forced to wake up Oh eight hundred am thirty.  That's stupid. 

So, how did every single reporter in the country miss that? Not possible, someone wanted to know what the kid had just damaged on earth to make him enter the military.  we never heard about this stuff.  What did he just do in the months leading up to joining? Thanks press?

A year after Hunter’s arrest, Joe said in a speech attacking the then president George H W Bush that the federal government required to “hold every drug user accountable” for he felt “if there were no drug users, there would be no appetite for drugs, there would be no market for them”. 

Joe, who was the senator from Delaware then, was also one of the leading advocates of the federal government’s war on drugs.

These people have no honor.  No ability to resist their instincts.

Biden's application for a position in the U.S. Navy Reserve was approved in May 2013.[85] At age 43, Biden was accepted as part of a program that allows a limited number of applicants with desirable skills to receive commissions and serve in staff positions.[86] Biden received an age-related waiver and a waiver due to a past drug-related incident; he was sworn in as a direct commission officer.[85] Joe Biden administered his commissioning oath in a White House ceremony.[3]

The following month, Biden tested positive for cocaine during a urinalysis test and was subsequently discharged administratively.[87][88] Biden attributed the result to smoking cigarettes he had accepted from other smokers, claiming the cigarettes were laced with cocaine.[3] He chose not to appeal the matter as it was unlikely that the panel would believe his explanation given his history with drugs[89][90] and also due to the likelihood of news leaking to the press; it was ultimately revealed to The Wall Street Journal by a Navy official who provided the information.[3][85]

But administrative discharge are not for illegal drugs or crimes, that is cheating, Joe did it, media hid it.

Administrative discharges

Entry level separation (ELS): uncharacterized

Entry level separations, or uncharacterized discharge, are given to individuals who separate prior to completing 180 days of military service, or when discharge action was initiated prior to 180 days of service. This type of discharge does not attempt to characterize service as good or bad. However, this type of discharge often attaches a "reason" such as pregnancy, performance in training or medical issues. An individual with an ELS may, under certain conditions, be allowed to re-enlist in the military.

Drug Use in Military Academies

Unfortunately, drug use also exists in military academies. Recently, the Air Force Academy’s leading rusher, Kevin Cole Fagan, was charged with drug use. In a recent admission, Fagan admitted to using cocaine while in Breckenridge in 2017. He was sentenced to 15 days in prison and forced to forfeit $500 a month for two months.

Fagan pled guilty to Article 112(a) of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Not only does he face punishment as a member of the military, but he will also now have a federal drug conviction on his record. His military career may be ruined, and he will carry a federal drug conviction on his permanent record, which can possibly affect his future employment and life.

So Fagan goes to jail and is dishonorably discharged, because he dishonored his flag and his nation and the military.  But Joe's kid did not dishonor anything? yes he did.  Cheaters.

Cheating into college and Law School

Tom Carper U Senator from Delaware, in official records you can find on this .gov site here, in the third paragraph of text.

"When Hunter was unable to get into the University of Delaware, he instead went on to Georgetown and then to Yale 
Law School and managed to get through those OK?"

 Is this true? Felicity Huffman and Lori Laughlin went to prison for this? 

At the time of the appointment, Hunter Biden said this:

"As a new member of the Board, I believe that my assistance in consulting the Company on matters of transparency, corporate governance and responsibility, international expansion and other priorities will contribute to the economy and benefit the people of Ukraine.”

Said transparency seems to be elusive on the American side of this deal.  That means nothing.




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