So, this is a coincidence I just noticed.
Ok lets tie Russia to both democrats and republicans.
Republicans are easy, TRUMP-FELIX SATER. Ok forget that. Lev Parnas. That's Rudy and Congressperson Devon Nunes caught red handed with a Ukrainian Russian gangster and a verified, measly, but verified, million Russian dollars floating around. That is bank records and phone records and sdny dox and court dox, fbi dox and phone records. So Putin to billionaire cutout to fraud grantee here in the U.S. via Rossiya bank.
Burisma "we addressed it already" Holdings limited. John Kerry, Joe Biden, both democrats. In 2014 Kerry's son-in-law's business partner, someone named "Archer", is on the same board as Hunter Biden at Burisma. I don't know if it was an $83,000 a month no-show job for Archer, but we do know Hunter himself said it was for him. We don't know if Archer got the all the money or if the business John Kerry's daughter shared with Archer got any. Each Hunter and Archer got $83,000 a month, starting 2014, for being on the board, where Hunter did nothing.
Burisma "we addressed it already" Holdings, ltd. ties to it's owner Mykola Zlochevsky. Him and Burisma were under investigation starting 2012 for dealings with Deutche Bank and Cypress Bank (Both tied to each other by their president, same guy), ties to Rossiya bank (Putin's bank). These are money launderers for Putin's natural gas money, they have paid many billions on fines for that crime.
All roads seem to lead to Russia's money, democrats and republicans. It could be something else, I would have no idea. But as an American I sure would feel better if it were Barclay's Bank and that's almost the worst bank ever. Why Russia?
It could all be kosher, but it all could be we're getting robbed. Maybe if we made a gofundme page, we could pay the 535 of them more, to help us? Who in the capitol building has more when when Trump leaves office than when he got there. That would tell a very compelling explainable story. Who got more money now? What groups and sub groups in the capitol building has money that moves in predictable ways, when people are working together. Too bad we are not free to know who governs us.
Check this story out 3/19/2021
Devin Nunes is caught with Lev Parnas, and Rudy, caught with phone records, bank records, SDNY dox, fbi dox and court dox. Rudy was defacto executive branch, Nunes is the legislature, what was the definition of the word republic again? Now Nunes and Durkach? WTF is up with out intelligence they can't find Russian agents in the capitol building. Putin is the enemy.
Then we have John Kerry and Joe Biden via Devon Archer and Hunter Biden to Mykola Vladislavovich Zlochevsky founder of Burisma "We addressed it already" Holdings ltd, to Deutche Bank with ties to Rusoyia Bank and that is Putin's bank, and Trump.
So, why do both republicans and democrats at the highest levels of our government have side gigs getting paid by Putin, what are they selling? If we arrest a black kid for stealing a big mac in 15 mins why are these people allowed to be running around free and why are they still making choices about our stuff.
Since Congresstraitor Devin Nunes voted "No" and made "arguments" in the impeachment hearings, you know where the prez was in trouble for corruption, while Nunes is a partner in the criminal enterprise, adjudicating his own crime partner? Then Mitch too in the senate, they are one? France can see us, we look like morons. I don't think the impeachments are valid, you know since co-conspirators were allowed to vote on it and all.
I asked Nancy Pelosi about this, well her daughter, Nancy Prowda (both mom and daughter go by Nancy) in emails back and forth last March, she seemed to think this was ok. I do not. I have those text messages and emails back and forth from the Pelosi clan. If the media wanted to know about it, that is.
Did they sell the virus to Putin? How they ran it I mean? Trump looked like he was following instructions. Consistent in his choices. Choices that caused the most harm for us, like the enemy was running our virus, ask the epidemiologists. Make a list of his choices and ask them. I suggested that very thing to Nancy March 2020 she had other things to do, none of them helped. We have a lot of dead for no known reason yet. This might be that reason. Perhaps they "sold" the handling of the virus. Maybe access for that big hack also. I have no idea, maybe not, maybe so. The public facts work wither way. That should scare the shit out of of everyone.
I do know I asked Nancy Pelosi this in March 2020, so if it turns out they paid off debt or sold the virus in any way, and Nancy was asked about this back in March 2020, that brings her into question again. She had other things to do? Why not ask this very obvious question? Who pays Nancy? I am tired of getting robbed.
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