Thursday, March 25, 2021

How to make Somalia: Special Report: Arizona Governor Deucy, decided he would gess when to lift covid restrictions.

Seems to me, if we split up by region. The "me" people over there, and the "we" people over here, we could get something done. Like, I think we would live exactly as everyone wants. Not just covid, but all of it right? Guns, healthcare, abortion, education  All of it.

Like if you want to be part of the group when it's time to enjoy and use the newest phone or plane, but not be part of a group when it's time to mask up or contribute in some way, go on one side and make a place like that.
Us others, go over there. Next virus comes, you do it your way, we'll do it our way. After a few viruses, as your numbers dwindle, eventually, we'll have all the land to ourselves. That's what we should do.

Man oh man, would I vote for splitting up and living exactly how we want in 2 seconds. Imagine filling your pool with bullets and swimming in them if you want. And us? Most days nobody got shot? That would be awesome! No god in our lives unless we wanted. You guys can have only illegal abortions, no legal ones. Each system as we wanted, not forced upon, making us subject to them, like now. We are truly "subjects". Instead, if we imagine for a second, that we split, what would it look like?

Every system you live under matches what you say you want! We get what we want, plus bonus, watching how you, and handled the same issue we did on the news each night. It'll be art...comedy, tragedy, missteps after lie after death. Like some discovery channel docuseries instead of "How to make a chopper", it's "How to make Somalia". Step one, guns and militia, check. Two, might makes right, aka the biggest and the strongest is more equal: check! on and on.

Everything would be as we wanted.

This post, about individual mask choice, is literally incorrect. From someone who studied the math, before you ask. Individuals do not get the virus, an individual cab get a sinus infection, not a virus. No one is patient zero today. Groups get virus, each of us is just a cell. This is not a medical issue, doctors play just a role, a role usually we don;t need, if we do the math. A virus is a math problem. The virologist and the epidemiologist, have language, that when mixed with the mathematics for group behavior, are how to solve a virus. It is literally just a math problem.

In English, the group is a discrete object. The group is one thing, you are billions of cells but just one thing. "me'" vs "we", the constant struggle, hint the answer is usually "we" obviously.

Using the math for discrete objects, called discrete mathematics, we can know what will happen at the group regards to this virus if we follow the science to x% and so on.

We can not, I repeat, in the universe, there is no mathematics for the individual in the group. This lady is literally wrong. She can not tell us what will happen at us regards to this virus as she goes off on her mask individualism . Period. It simply is not possible.

From someone who studied the mathematics, she is simply guessing from the singular or "ME"! Here's why.

When the math comes out: new phone, app, car, medicine, both groups, the singular or "me" group, and the plural or "we" group, take. As they should. But there is another pattern.

Every time the math comes out that we each need to contribute calories to the group, the "ME" group goes all "ME" and don't want to. Instead they grow magic math skills and rights. Nope they are just takers. Take take take. I do not know about you, but I am tired of paying for their mistakes and blindness.

Make them go over there and make their own stupid country. "Me the people", "We hold this truth to be self evident", the singular suits them just fine. They are just selfish, and are unable to resist their instincts. that's all this is. Let the confederacy rise again with no slavery (if they can resist their urges), and go over there and leave us alone.

The best definition of "Intelligence" I ever read is: The ability to rise against instinct. Look at all our dead. Nothing has ever killed so many, in all human history, than the inability to rise against instinct. Shame on them, Shame on us.

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