Saturday, December 18, 2021

Did Mitch&Nancy Sell our Republic for Money?

Nobody is ever going to read this.  Too bad.

So, this is our apparatus. These people are in charge?  I debugged our system during covid. Using 30 years of system design, a long ago PolySci degree and lots of extra time on my hands. Here is what I found: The count is short.

There are 535 people who publish the words at us. Mitch&Nancy lets call them. Those words made each system produce the results they do.  The words also describes how all our stuff moves. They have one job "The allocation of resources, to govern for the public health, safety and morals".  On the test, that is the purpose of government.

Ooooops! They missed. On the wealthiest land ever?  How?   We got more health and safety stuff, under our feet, than any people ever had, in the history of health, safety, stuff or feet.

They are p-hacking that money into their accounts.  It's a system design issue.  The same for systemic racism, it's called "probability-hacking" or p-hacking.  You count at it.

Yet, Mitch&Nancy published words at us, where we came in near dead last in covid. On the wealthiest land ever? How? Mitch&Nancy got more wealth now. How? The count is off.

What? We got too much wood Mitch&Nancy can't house us all?  We got too much food they can't nourish us all?  That's stupid.  On a democratic republic practicing capitalism?

These systems were designed by geniuses to work where Moldova is.

Either Plato's a moron, or we're getting robbed.  Mitch&Nancy did it.  Article 1, Section 1.  Mitch&Nancy did it.  Where is all our stuff at?

1. Are we voting? Could 100 million "individuals", select the one with the most money, 90% of the time? That is a math question. The answer is no. Groups could.  I think we are going to the polls in discrete objects, or groups, individuals could not do that. 

In mathematics you count groups different than individuals, a lot different.

So, if we are going to the polls in discrete objects, then we are not individual franchising and all of a sudden, the one with most money wins the 'who is a better candidate' contest at a 90% clip.

Look, if it were a "Who got more money" contest, and all it had on each ballot was:

Who Got More Money
Republican        Democrat
Betty Smith       Wilbur Jones
$899,000.00     $1,2000,000.00
Who Got More Money

100 million people as "individuals" could not select the one with the most money at a 90% clip. That's stupid, these are numbers. That is a polynomial that would take trillions of years, as individuals. 
In groups they can.

In groups it would happen anytime you did the math and science right. We know how to move pots and pans at a group of humans. No guessing needed.

The one with the most money is winning, but not because of the money.

Remember we could not select the one with most money if it were a money contest and the money was on the ballot. The money is buying the math and science, as if the better math were winning.

So, this is our ballot casting system, they already know who won. Except for the 10% of the time.  The 53 and half Katie Porters in the "Nothing to Hide" group. That's all the government we have left.  Us, the 330 million of us. We get 53.5, industry gets the Mitch&Nancy group.

2. Is Mitch&Nancy robbing us? Ok, 535 people publish the words, like during the Trump years. so Mitch&Nancy publish words that move like $15 trillion of our health and safety stuff away from us. We come in near last. We do not get the health and safety. Also, the money that leaks, "accidentally," while trying to help us, ends up in their very own Mitch&Nancy, hundreds of millions of dollars already "accidentally" governed into them, by them, public servant bank accounts.

France can see us, we look like morons. These people are stealing our stuff.

There are 330,000,000 possible accidental humans here alone that money could accidentally end up in. So whatever 330,000,000 choose 535 is that's how many trillions of years it would take a sub-set of 535 people to accidental one penny into their own accounts.

It's called "probability hacking".  It's a system design issue you count at, not lawyer at.  Mitch&Nancy are p-hacking our stuff into their accounts.  ask a discrete math professor at MIT.  Also "systemic" racism is "p-hacking" also.  Tell them at MIT that PolyTech night school beat them to the punch.

1. How likely is it that we are going to the polls in groups?
2. How likely is it that we can rule out accidental wealth accumulation from within the capitol building?

If MIT says almost .9 groups and .96 robbery, we have to keep their mitts of our stuff. That's the fix.

Assuming the math.

They sold each system. Look at a nation as a set of systems. Because it is a bunch of systems, requiring systems designers not lawyers.  (We could count our way out of this mess, easy.) 

We have political and economic systems. Gun system, bank system, education, energy, health etc. Mitch&Nancy sold them, The words.

The food system was sold to the food industry. For money. Money you can find in their very own Mitch&Nancy, hundreds of millions of dollars already "accidentally" governed into them, by them, public servant bank accounts.

Now in America one scientist said one third of us are overweight and malnourished, and 80% of the food is made of "rearranged corn".  Ok, let's assume the reason no one came running our of Auschwitz overweight and malnourished is because that's stupid. 

Helloooo-ah?  Malnourished means you didn't eat enough food.  Overweight means you ate too much, ya know, food!  You can't do both at the same time because physics,math and that's stupid.  You simply can not eat too much food while you are not eating enough food, that is literally stupid. 100 million people certainly couldn't.

it's why we don't find people lost at sea for six moths who are overweight, ever.  It's why North Korea has 1 fat guy and 22 million malnourished people.  None of whom are overweight.  Because, mathematically that's fucking stupid.  There are not 6.6 million overweight and malnourished North Korean people.

This is not a food conversation.  This is a "What the fuck did Mitch&Nancy do with our food' conversation?  Where is all our stuff at?

We are not eating too much food, while we are not eating enough food.  Clearly.

So, we are not eating enough food, while eating too much not-food, aka re-arranged corn.

Let's assume there are no corn fairies in corn fields flying kernels cob to cob.  Re-arranged, in a lab.  Molecular-ly.  Similar to a nicotine product.

Re-arranged corn, in a lab, like nicotine.  Makes you buy more of it.  Plus, you could gullet it, digest it, it wont nourish you, it makes you fat, and when you were done eating it, you would think you weren't hungry anymore.  But your cells did not get what they need.  so your body eats more. 

The result: Overweight and malnourished.  A food system, words written by industry, published at us, by Mitch&Nancy, for money.  Money you can find in their
in their very own Mitch&Nancy, hundreds of millions of dollars already "accidentally" governed into them, by them, public servant bank accounts.  Money from the food industry.  Their boss.

A re-arranged corn system written by the re-arranged corn industry. Industry-governed.

Mitch&Nancy sold the food system, now we eat rearranged corn instead of food.  Tobacco was not the product, nicotine was, remember?  The tobacco was a nicotine delivery device.  Well, if 80% of the food is made of re-arranged corn, the hamburger is a re-arranged corn delivery device.  We eat corn products on the wealthiest land ever, so they can profit. 

Would you govern this food system at your kids?  Neither would Mitch&Nancy.  They know their kids don't have to eat it.  $200 pint of ice cream was it?  Not self-governed if you wouldn't govern this at yourself is it?

Groups; we are overweight and malnourished because of the choices we have, not the choices we make. This is math.  Mitch&Nancy sold the words.

They sold the gun-system to the gun industry, the education system to them, oil to oil. That is not using our health and safety stuff for us. It's the opposite. If we make it so there is nothing to steal, then we can use our stuff at us.

When Mitch&Nancy sell to industry, they need all the branches. It became a rogue government. It makes us industry-governed, not self-governed and Mitch&Nancy a very profitable publishing house.

Wait, there's more. It gets worse. A lot worse. 

The Word Republic Broke

A "Republic" requires the legislative branch to not be responsible at the executive branch.  In a republic a house leader would never declare the senate responsible to executive with not bringing bills to floor.  Ours did, and we lived that way for four years, and Harvard didn't say one word.  Tell Harvard Cal State PolySci beat them to the punch.  (Dr Eugene Price, props!)

When Mitch&Nancy sell the words to industry it's one thing.  However, when they sell to prisons or sell the words to any military or police interest, they just sold to the executive branch.

Mitch&Nancy's side gig, in part, they get paid to publish words written by the executive branch, at us.  Consolidating both branches under the executive branch, resolving this republic as a matter of political science.  That is the broken thing,  That's why this isn't working.  They keep selling our stuff. 

The "Republic" is not a republic, checks and balances failed because Mitch&Nancy sold our republic.  For money. 
Money you can find in their very own Mitch&Nancy, hundreds of millions of dollars already "accidentally" governed into them, by them, public servant bank accounts.

Mitch&Nancy promised to protect our republic.  Instead, they never bothered to learn what the word meant.  Instead of protecting our Republic, they sold it, for money.  Money you can find in
their very own Mitch&Nancy, hundreds of millions of dollars already "accidentally" governed into them, by them, public servant bank accounts.

Have they even tried? Ever? Is there one system, that makes the 330 million of us self-governed? No. Because, well, math. Half are non-linear, from the singular. The other group is discrete, they need systems starting from the plural. Non-linear math and discrete math, literally exclude each other. The lack of one can describe the other. Sorry America, there is not one system to make.

When trying to fix our systems, like Mitch&Nancy were supposed to do, see wealth instead. The first thing you see are the two groups, singular/plural, and we need at least two systems to be self-governed. Well, we only have one, and sure enough we are not self-governed, we are industry-governed.

The Solution:

The rights are miscounted.  The 330 million of us have individual rights.  We are very proud of them.  In reality they don't do shit.  Maybe you can remain silent, buy a gun or cast a ballot.  But you cant sell our stuff for money.  How would I sell the Galss-Steagall act?  How would my neighbor make two fake wars in one day?  How would we get our kid out of arrests, no-show jobs on and on.

We can't. You need group rights to do those things.  Groups are not individuals.  So, there are 535 seats in our building.  If you feel you might, some day, need the right to remain silent, or the right to an attorney or the right to a fair trial, stay the fuck out of our capitol building.

Probable cause, from within the capitol building, should be five years.  No individual rights to remain silent or to any of it until after you're locked up for probable cause.  Then you get your rights back for the crimes you did.

It is not a life skill, to not look like, you just didn't, not commit, stock fraud!  These people are stealing our stuff and that's a long way how.

Let's remember, if there is not one system to make, Mitch&Nancy never told us that.  Either:

1. They don't know, so they never tried to fix anything, for money. 

2. They do know, are hiding this fact, for money.

3. There is one system and tomorrow we'll wake up with one system in a new super-secret batman plan Mitch&Nancy have been preparing all these decades while getting wealthier, and not for any money at all.  Just as public servants who's, larger than ours, salaries alone, are more than enough to add to the joy of serving your fellow humans. 

It ain't #3!

Probable cause being five years would keep their mitts off our stuff.

Also, an auto-kill switch.  That six years bullshit got to go.  Every four years we need to be able to do all 535 in one day if we want.   Auto-kill, someone smarter than I to sort out.

But something like if use "High" from "High Crimes".  If anyone in High office participates in these felonies or immoral acts blah blah, it's an immediate resolution of all 535 and the bull pen steps in.  We elect a bull pen, 535 on stand by.  They get no say, it's automatic. 


That is cheap and easy.  The losers maybe, lots of ways?

The first rule, probable cause, keeps their mitts of our stuff

The second rule keeps each looking at the other 534 to make sure they are not lying and robbing and stealing.  They're robbing and stealing and not even rhyming.  That alone is a crime on the Island of Manhattan!

If our rights came before their rights, that might work.  If the math doesn't help, think of it this way.  There are 330,000,000 of us, and only 535 of them.  Fuck Mitch&Nancy and fuck their individual rights. 
Where is all our stuff at? 

Generally, we each do not need the right to remain silent to not die in prison today, Mitch&Nancy do.  Imagine how terrified these criminals would be at the idea of probable cause being 5 years?  That's who is charge of our words.

Point the broken windows policy at the window, before it breaks.  Not the shards of glass on 110th street three cities away.  That's a "Broken shards of glass" policy.  Notice how bloody those kids got on 110th street?  Mitch&Nancy did those crimes too.

The count is short.  There are only 535 people in charge of the count.  Mitch&Nancy did it. They sold our republic.

I smoke weed, plus my friends call me "idiot" a lot.  So I could be wrong about all that.  That's just how it looks to me.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

I think CRT and systemic racism is just p-hacking

Probability Hacking, aka p-hacking.  When designing any system, the designer brings themself with them.   The designer gets into the system they design, p-hacking.

It is supposed to happen incidentally and counted at and handled.  The founding fathers were our system designers.  They got into the words they wrote too,

"All men are created equal".  In 1787 America, the "ALL" group, was a discrete object in mathematics.  With an entity-type, with a definition close to; male, land owning, non-land owning, over the majority age and white.  Plus two, sub-groups of white women and white children.

If you are in the [ALL] group in 1787, you are in luck.  Every syllable that describes every system we live under, it's foundation, structure and how all our stuff moves, was written exclusively by male white members of the "All" group.  Intentionally p-hacked in their favor. 

Equality and fairness were excluded from the beginning. 

(Just imagine we suggest a new team to rewrite the words.  The current "ALL" group, "All Lives Matter", have to agree to live under them.  More varied group, less farmers, more math and science, same process.  But all black male members of the BLM movement.  That's how black people live. The ALL group would see systemic racism in a zeptosecond.  Hypocrisy is the lowest form of knowledge.)

------------------------Side Note-----------------------------------------------------------------

Today, Mitch&Nancy do the same.  They are intentionally p-hacking hundreds of millions of our dollars in their accounts in public. 

It would take trillions of years for nature to "accidental" 2 pennies into a group of 535 people's accounts, out of 330,000,000 choose 535 possible "accidental" landing places.  Ruling out, "accidental" wealth accumulation, from within the capitol building, mathematically.  (What is MIT doing?)  Not possible.

That is why, unlike most us, Mitch&Nancy need their right to remain silent, their right to an attorney and their right to a fair trial, in order to not die in prison today.  To hide their books.  Only they publish the words, that move the stuff, into their own bank accounts. 

Remove those individual rights, from within the capitol building, and we get our nation back. 

Nancy did it last week, asked about her wealth, she replied, "Capitalism".  Nope.  As in we all had the same chance at that money?  No we did not.  Math decides that not any one person.   We know how to count.  Not possible. 

What happened to reporters "Ms Pelosi we will have to report you refuse to answer the question"?

No one has ever asserted the right to remain silent from Nancy's position and not just robbed us.  Did she assert her rights at us last week?  I think so.  The "press" are now Entertainers.  Covering the train wreck from inside the train.

The individual rights of 535 people, some are of the biggest criminals in history mind you, are destroying the planet and the lives of 330,000,000 people.  F Mitch and F Nancy and f their individual rights.  535 people? 

They are not individuals, they are discrete objects each representing groups, they should have group rights until after probable cause then individual rights.  Fixed!  We look like idiots.  

It is not a life skill not look like, you didn't not, just commit stock fraud.  They don't need those rights in our building.  If they do, how did they get in our building?

Less than 1% of us are caught criminals locked up.  They get vetted, CIA, NSA, FBI FU PDQ. Who thinks only 5.35 congresspeople and senators are criminals?  They have to get vetted, I wonder who of the 535 of them do not need their rights to an attorney or a fair trial to show us their books, maybe 20.

No one has ever needed an individual right from inside that building and not just robbed all of us.  The odds are so small you could be qualified for the job and also be a criminal, we should exclude individual rights..

See this:


Good Will Hunting ought to be doing this.  I went to PolyTech night school, I'm the good humor man.

Anyway, the ALL group wrote all the words, totally unfettered for that group.  Also, the system was written, not ignoring the others, but at their expense, whenever the ALL group wanted.   The founding fathers pointed all the structure, it's foundation and the way the stuff moves at their group. 

They took the stuff under the feet of black and native peoples, then the stuff around their feet, then they took their feet everything stuff connected to their feet, their bodily integrity, dignity, humanity, labor, freedom and lives.  All with no systemic racism.

But there is no "systemic" racism"?  Imagine having video of yourself saying that in public, if someone decides to count one day?  That will not age well.  Every system is p-hacked.

If we can find the "ALL" group today, we can see how far we have come as a nation. 

 "ALL" lives matter.  There is the 2021 "ALL" group.  "All Lives Matter". 

Let's see:
Male, check. 
Land-owning, check. 
Non-land-owning, check.
Over the majority age, check. 
White, check. 
White women, check. 
White children, check. 
Plus a few tokens.

Add a few tokens, it's the same group.  We have come two inches in our racism journey since day one.  It's the same group. 

We have come a few tokens, in 250 years?

The "ALL" Group in 1787: "ALL" Men are created equal:
Male, Land Owning, Non Land Owning, Over the Majority Age White, White Women, White Children

The "ALL" Group in 2021: "ALL" Lives Matter:
Male, Land Owning, Non Land Owning, Over the Majority Age White, White Women, White Children plus a few tokens.

So, in reality, racism wise, in 250 years, the "ALL" group is same group with a few tokens.  We have gone two inches since day one.  It's all been noise.  What has Mitch & Nancy been doing all these years?  Nothing works on the wealthiest land ever?  Giving someone a hoodie, when it's -40 degrees outside is not helpful.

Yet half the country will look you in your face, and dead-ass go "racism is over, we freed them and had civil rights, we are even!"

Yeah, those people are in the "ALL" group!  Heloooo-ah, to them these systems are dope.

So, if you are in the [ALL] group today, the system was p-hacked for you all those years ago!  So, you think this is swell.  Plus, you will deny there is any p-hacking, or math, or logic, and defend this lopsided system by gaslighting or violence. 

If you're not in the [ALL] group, you think this sucks.  Which, it does, and always has, mostly for those not in the [ALL] group.

So, if we keep these words, we get this result.  It's baked in.  Not going anywhere. 

Look at their faces as they argue so violently against the idea that we are p-hacked to shit.  All their fear and hate, desperate to force the false thing, as true.  At all of earth.  aka Gaslighting.  They are in fact completely wrong.  America isn't racist, they are, the Confederates. 

Every system we live under was designed by humans, and p-hacked.  I'd go to MIT or CalTech and ask them pick up a pencil and count for their country.  FIT can't do it.  If they wont count who will?

Now imagine the face of those white politicians yelling into cameras, with hate twinkling in their eyes, certainty in their voice, no math anywhere, no idea what they are talking about, screaming, not a system designer among them: "There is no systemic racism!".  They went to law school, just take out the word "systemic", it's math, how would they know?  What have you got?

A bunch of racists yelling "There is no racism!  There is no racism!  There is no racism!".  And getting the votes.  They yell it from within the "ALL" group, at the "ALL" group, and win. 

That's disgusting. 

We are not one people, we need more than one system.  I think they will find life different, using these old words with no "others" to deploy them at.  We do not need them, they need us.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

States are deciding on the constitution now apparently.

Sounds like we need two gun systems and two abortion systems. Oh, and two education systems, two health systems, two war systems, two energy systems, two environments systems, two money systems. Two peoples, needing two lands. What to do, when in the course of human events, political ties don't bind anymore?

The founding father's didn't write down what to do, when in th course of human events? Too bad. Ok what choices have we got?

1. Stay like this, Mitch&Nancy get wealthier
2. They civil war at you, force you to live their way
3. You force them
4. Separate and pursue happiness

Man, shame they did not write down what to do, "WHEN IN THE COURSE OF HUMAN EVENTS...". Tough one. No one knows how to read?

Let's imagine for a minute.

No war, just the 330 million people realized 535 people in the capitol building sold every system they live under for money.

Until no one wanted any of the systems, as they were designed by industry. Who wants to be "industry-governed" on a land meant to be "self-governed".
**See notes

Imagine they all realized self-governed is required, and that at least two systems would be required to be self governed.

Imagine Mitch&Nancy's are in prison, for throwing out our real virus plan and bad 'math-ing and science-ing' us to death.  Which they did, instead of protecting us. Each count prosecuted, it will never happen again.

Also, they pay for the hundreds of millions they "accidentally" governed from us.  Accidentally, while trying to help us, into their own public servant bank accounts. 

"Accidentally"!   Out of 330,000,000 possible "accidental" landing places here alone. Every cycle, Mitch&Nancy's, "accidental" money, after they, the 535 of them, publish the words that move the stuff, into their own actual accounts "accidentally". (France can see us, we look like idiots).

So, we took the south and the border. Imagine it goes: Mexico, The United States, then the Confederate States, then Canada.

They would have half the people, virtually the same number of guns. That solves BOTH groups gun problem, over night. The brown people at the border have nothing to do with them anymore, also solved for BOTH groups.

Forgetting the fiction of HOW we split up in this fiction.  Are there any flaws here? No. We need to separate and pursue happiness, right. This is stupid, there is not one system that makes us "self-governed", can you describe one? No. Well, we only have one system, we are not self -governed. Disproving the opposite is a valid form or proof.

Look how they would live:

They could fill their pools with bullets and swim in them, who cares? Mask freedoms, vaccine freedoms, who cares? Freedom to religion, go ahead. Have Jesus Christ your lord and savior in school, in the market, in government, wherever you want. Cow-store horse medicine #AppleFlavored, seems reasonable to all around you, not our problem. Police all the citizens all the time, everyone must be policed to be free, go ahead. Have 165 million different Jesus prayed for, individual virus systems, or even individual economic systems, who cares?

1. Don't invade Poland
2. Don't genocide nobody
3. Don't do no slave making

Other than that, make any stupid-ass kind of government you want, using any stupid-ass non-counting, guess based, system design methodology you want. So, instead of 23 countries in N America there are 24 or even 25 countries, big deal. Wow what a movie this would be.

In the south, in the United States, our guns are mostly gone, hardly any shot people, like the rest of the first world. No arguing about systemic racism, just fixing it. On the wealthiest land ever, in a democratic, republic, practicing capitalism, everyone eats has an education and health and sick-care. The food is made of, well, food.

We counted and designed capitalism, on purpose. We selected what wealthy means, not them. We decide what poor means, not them.

Our wealthy are not super wealthy, they are our wealthy class, we decided on it's size, not them. In America, under a proper system you can reach real goals, from any starting place.

We decide the poor too.  No one lives like our poor today because it's the wealthiest land ever, and that's stupid.  Where is all our food at Mitch&Nancy?  Look, either Plato's a moron or we're getting robbed.  This is food on the wealthiest land ever?  My ass.

Racism! Finally, the p-hacking of America can be properly counted at, by mathematicians, and the words museum'd, and better words published, to carry the torch.

The FIX: No one in our capitol building is allowed to assert individual rights at us ever. The 165 million Americans in the US, decided, if you think you might need the right to remain silent, to an attorney or a fair trial, stay the fuck out of our capitol building.

Because probable cause from inside it, or after it, is five years. Keep your mitts, off our stuff. It is not a life skill, to not look like, you just didn't, not commit, stock fraud. That's stupid.

Of the 535 of them in our building right now, how many require those rights to not die in prison? That's disgusting. We really are stupid.

So in Free America, our lot can't lie at us, or not answer questions, or hide their age, or get age changing surgery, or hide bad health or money or grades or cognitive ability, reading or math abilities. 

There are 165,000,000 of us and 267.5 of them. Fuck them and fuck their individual rights.

Yo! Mitch and Nancy where is all our stuff at?

That's what we did in the south. This is a good movie.  Aside from the whole separating part, no political-science flaws, the Greeks are good.  No math ones, nice. It's time to live as we want, pay for ourselves and our own ideas and best "thinking".

It's time to separate and pursue happiness. Unless you want to live my way, cause I will never live that way. Ever. No wars needed, Mitch&Nancy did it. 

We are mad at them, not each other. No war needed. we require more than one system. Unless you can describe just one? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ **Ok, Mitch&Nancy selling the food system to the food industry, or the gun system to the gun industry is gross.

Letting industry write the words makes us industry-governed, it's and a rogue government, blah blah blah.

HOWEVER, selling to the military and police lobbies, well, that is a bigger issue.

Mitch&Nancy promised to protect the republic. Instead, they sold the legislative branch to the executive branch for them to write the words, consolidating both branches under the executive, resolving this republic.

Definitionally, as a matter of political science. Go to Harvard and ask.

Mitch&Nancy don't care what the words mean and do not know. They did not protect our republic, they sold it. For money, you can find, in their hundreds of millions of our dollars in them, "accidentally" governed into them by them, public servant bank accounts. We gotta be the dumbest generation of all of time, ever. Mitch&Nancy did it.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Trump lied about his covid, that is not the problem

The problem is not that he lied about his covid. The problem is, he lied about all of ours. So did Roberts, Mitch&Nancy and Joe.

Checks and Balances: A system designed so if one branch is about to govern 100,000 to 2.5 million of us to death, and we know about it before hand, the other two branches stop it from happening.

Ooooops, they missed.

They, the checks&balances team had one job: "The allocation of resources, to govern for the public health safety and morals."

Ooooops, they missed again.

On the wealthiest land ever,? How? We got more health and safety stuff under our feet, than any government ever had to work with ever before ever, in the history of health, safety, stuff or feet. Where is all our stuff at?

The count is short, and there only 535 people in charge of the count. They got more now.

"Accidentally" While trying to help us.
We came in near dead last, in covid response. That's our checks&balances team at work. Did I mention they got more now.

Mitch&Nancy publish the words, that move the stuff. But, they sold the words first. That's the hundreds of millions of dollars they "accidentally" governed into their own accounts over the years.

So, this seems to be the checks&balances team's story: On the wealthiest land ever, they publish words at 330 million people. Those words make all the systems and move all the stuff.

The stuff is our health and safety stuff.
They tried but just couldn't. 

Yo! Mitch&Nancy, Where is all our health and safety stuff at?

The story is what? 
During the 4 Trump years, Mitch&Nancy publish words, transferring $15 Trillion dollars of our health & safety stuff away from us. We don't get the health and safety, come in near dead last.

And also, "accidentally", out of 330,000,000 possible "accidental" landing place, the excess money, leaks, "accidentally" into their very own Mitch&Nancy, public servant, hundreds of millions of our dollars in them, bank accounts?

A subset of the 535 people, out of 330 million people, who published the words that moved the stuff in the first place?

Again and again again we go. "Accidentally".
This is their story?

Holy Good Will Hunting Batman. Maybe someone in Boston can pick up a pencil and tell us many trillions of years it would actually take for Mitch&Nancy's to, as a matter of probability, accidentally govern even one penny of our stuff into their accounts?

Given, we didn't get our stuff, and they claim they tried to help us?

They can count that stuff ya know.

What is happening at us regarding covid is a group effort.

Checks and Balances failed, because the word "Republic" broke, that's how they are able to lie about their covid and ours. Also, no one on tv seems to know what the words means.

France can see us, we look like idiots.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

How do animals know what group of animlas they belong to?

Dog's do not see themself and recognize themself, or see what they look like.  So, how would a dog know, when it encounters another animal, which animals are the same as them and which are not dogs?

Plus, there are so many breeds of dogs, that look nothing like the same species, a chihuahua and Saint Bernard?  But they are the same species, in they can mate and produce offspring.

How do they know not to pack with deer and cats and rats?

So, do dogs know when another animal is dog vs a cat or deer?  Or, just the difference between, "dog" and "not dog".  How would a dog know who "we" is? If they don't more significantly know who "me" is?  

Well, look at that.  "Me" comes first.  It's like "Park", in order to move, you have allow and effect a change in gears.  Change from "me" to "we".

Saturday, September 18, 2021

How to find out what's important

Elimination.  Think of all the lies and mis-truths we tell ourselves, and each other every day.  Capers, everything is a caper.  It's not "You're pretty would you go on a date with me?"  It's 'i'll b @ bar if u wanna'.  That's a caper? I just happen to be here?  Yeah right? Nothing to do with this text or wanting to spend time with you?  Just random?  See a caper.  That's one tiny thing.

That is a caper at our-self and her (or him or they).  Capers all day, every day.  Well not all day.  So, make list, each item is likely a caper or not, eliminate the capers in context, and what's left, that's what's important.

samakjo, how do we get rid of the capers?

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

How about this? Does this explain it right?

I have a question. Doesn't this disprove our entire government? I know, just read it. Look at all that corn? In America, we are overweight and malnourished because of the choices that we have (re-arranged corn).

There are only 535 people in charge of that.
Overweight and also malnourished? Eating too much food, while not eating enough food? Is that possible? What could a human eat that makes them both overweight and also malnourished? Chicken-Salad? Blueberries? Cucumbers maybe?

How about, re-arranged corn? You can gullet it, digest it, it wont nourish you, it makes you fat, and when you're done eating it, you wouldn't think you were hungry anymore. Is that right?

In N Korea there's 1 fat guy and 22 million malnourished people. Any of them overweight and also malnourished? We find a lot fat people lost at sea for a year, do we? How about Auschwitz, lots fat people come running out of there? They skipped them in Schindler's list, I didn't see one. What is "overweight and also malnourished"?

I'm guessing it's re-arranged corn. Why?

Tobacco was a nicotine delivery device, the nicotine is the product not the cigarette

Maybe our hamburgers are really re-arranged corn delivery devices, the corn is the product not the meat part.

Because that's where their more money comes from? In both cases, bye bye health for 330,000,000 people, hello wealth for 535 and 80,000 buddies.

That is the opposite of their job.
Which is: "The allocation of resources to govern for the public health, safety and morals." Oooops, they missed. Intentional or not, isn't that how it worked out? It's a question, what makes more sense? What? We have too much food the 535 of them cant nourish us, that's stupid.

An 8 year old could design a proper food system, again we are loaded it would be easy. It's not the 330 million of us we can't afford. If they are stealing it all, it's the 535 of them and their 80,000 buddies we cant afford. I'm tired of getting robbed.

Overweight and also malnourished, Eating too much food, while also eating a bunch of not-food, aka re-arranged corn? That makes sense right?

This is how they allocated our food resources for our health and safety. Literally. On the wealthiest land ever. They did this, at us. Right? Would you? What? We have too much food they can't feed us all. Apparently we have too much wood thy can't house us all either.

A democratic, republic practicing capitalism, on the wealthiest land ever? Either Plato's a moron, or we're getting robbed. Right? That's my question, Where is all the food at? Where is all of it at? What did Mitch and Nancy do with our food?

Imagine the variety and health we got robbed of? Look at all that corn. Their scientists made science and "this will keep them alive enough to dig it up for us"? Right? Why else wouldn't we have real food?

It's as if they "sold" the food system to the food industry, and the industry designed our food system!  That was ours. Would you design our food system this way?  Me neither, not self-governed, industry-governed, right?

The 535 of them sold it all? Right?

Japan has real food, we got literally 26 times more food per person, and they are more nourished than we are? HOW? These are numbers, the count is short. Only 535 people are in charge of the count, right?

So, where is all our food at Mitch and Nancy?
Most of 535 people, they did this at us.

France can see us, we look like idiots. All this food and we are fat dumb and slow. For the benefit 535 people.

Seems the 535 of them sold our food system to the food industry, and they made a killing. If they did, they sold all our systems.   I'd rather be self governed than industry governed, this sucks.

Soon corporations will be making our space policy or vaccinations policy, not Mitch and Nancy. Industry-governed.

The Police Unions!  Mitch & Nancy sold to them too.  That's the executive branch purchasing the rights to write the words from the legislative branch.  Consolidating both branches under the one, disproving the republic.  The didn't protect it, they sold it, for money you can find in their accounts.

My question is, are the bulk of the 535 of them literally stealing our stuff?  Would we know? Where is all our stuff? How do other nations with less have more? What am I not seeing here? Why does it look all backwards. Where is all our stuff at? Our government is the Jeff Bezos of countries and always broke?  Well we are? Not them, us. HOW?

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Our Systems, Both sides. Nancy is just as bad as Lindsey or Mitch.

I got way high this morning, and typed this.  We got robbed.

Both sides.  Nancy is just as bad as Lindsey or Mitch.  Why do we elect super-wealthy, immoral people?  This is our fault.  How would you design these systems?  Would you make our voting system this way?  Our gun system or food systems?  Would you make our war system or health system or money system this way?

No, mostly, none of us would.  If your systems were broken would you hire a lawyer to fix it?  Um, or someone who, ya know, designs systems?   What if none of our systems are broken?  What if they work exactly as designed?

Did we design them?  Are we self governed if we did not design the systems underneath which we live?

What if 535 people force these systems on us.  Weren't we supposed to live under systems we wanted to live under?  Isn't that the nature of a free society?  Designed by us, not industry?  If we fixed this part, and became self-governed instead of industry governed, wouldn't that fix it it?

I mean if you want to fill your pool with bullets and swim in them, I know how to read.  But, on the other hand, if you want a gun system where most days no one got shot, I also know how to count.  So, we could do that here.  Places for people who want one or the other.  Right?  

I mean we can't have one place with two systems for each thing.  We'd have to have two places, one with one set of systems for each.  Can this way even work?  Ever?  If so, could someone explain how to have one health system for both sets of people?  Any system, how can there be just one and we get to live under systems we want?  we can't do that.  They know this in DC.  We are on a treadmill.

So, all this mess over 535 chairs in the capitol building.  These 535 sold our systems to industry.  The gun system was designed by the gun industry.  Each industry, gets a print shop.  Some industries share a cabinet department, some get their own.  We have no Humanities Department, looking out for the humans.  .

Nothing designed to work together, just to work for that industry.  Millions and millions of thrown away lives by doing it this way, for them.  In millions of ways, literally.  No one is looking out for us.  The count is short.

The industry then pays the publishing house of a government to publish their systems at us.  For them.  Making us people, this land, and the stuff in it, theirs.  That makes more sense than we got too much food we can't figure how to feed everyone?  That's stupid.  The wealthiest land ever?  France can see us, we look like morons.  535 people?

So, remove the 535 of them, plug the *hole.  Make new building in Kansas, fill it with correct number and type of people.  Or, I'm a complete moron (true), and the 535 are trying to help us, but we have too much wood they can't house us.  we have too much food they can't nourish us?  Either Plato's a moron, or we are getting robbed.  Where is all our stuff at?  Look up, at the 535 of them.  They are in charge of publishing the words, the stuff and where it's at is on them.  They did it, good or bad.  They did it.  The 535 of them.  Who is wealthier the day Trump left of the 535 of them?  Start there.

Now imagine looking straight ahead, even steven, not up.  Look ahead, and see yourself in the person of those representing you.  We know who they are, they did assert individual rights about their money or grades or cognitive defects, nor crimes or anything.  Our rights came first.  535 of them, 330,000,000 of us.  We come first.  Then we would know who they are.  We know nothing about these people in 2021.  The count is short, there only 535 people in charge of the count.

So, I think, and someone should ask a political scientist, but I think if we do not fix the capitol building, we can not fix the country's systems.  

*Hole, bottom line I think it's the 535 of them assert individual rights, but they haven't got individual rights.  They have all of our rights.  Each.  To hide behind, we can't do that.  So, instead, if you want to assert an individual right, put it on the table.  The we look in the quiver, if there other people's rights still in your bag, if the bag of rights you carry is not empty, slow down.  You promised to avoid the appearance of impropriety, you have the right to explain why you are here, with no lawyer, no individual rights.  So, instead, the 535 of them, would get their individual right AFTER we get protected, not before.

There are maybe a coupe dozen of them with nothing hide, they belong to us.  Ask them how different our laws would be.  we could make them take a 12th grade reading test.  It's dangerous to be a "LAW WRITER" if you can't read really well, not just average.  That is dangerous at earth.  If we tried that now, all but a couple dozen would assert their individual right and not take it.  That is our fault.  Screw them and screw their individual rights.  535 of them, 330,000,000 of us.  Anyway, that's the bug.  Our rights come first, replace all 535, fair to everyone.  Make probable cause from within the apparatus 5, long, do every day of it, years instead of letting them pinky swear.  Us first.  Not them.

Basically, point the broken windows policy at the window, before it breaks.  Not the shards of glass on 110th Street, three cities away.  That will work, for all of us.  The you can start to fix things, even look at the amendments, or climate or whatever your tak wants, how it wants., Ya know, freedom.  Not paying for things you think are wasteful or against your beliefs.

None of those actual fixes can happen the way the system is deployed now.  The 535 of them are way more equal than any pf us mortals. Fix that in the land of equality, and it fixes.  Can some ask someone, I'm asking for a friend, all of them.

We are getting robbed, from the capitol building.  If we would just stop and count.  Anyway, I'm an idiot, don't listen to me, I'm sure everything is fine.  This the best we can do.  Travis Barker and a Kardashian?  Really?  Why?

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Critical Race Theory? P-Hacking? Seems so.

Probability Hacking, aka p-hacking.  When designing any system, the designer brings themself with them.  If you hire me, I bring central park.  If you hire a kid from Idaho they bring cows or whatever.

We are professionals, we learned how to count, and we count that stuff out.  Yet even still, the designer gets into the system.  For example, facial recognition software made in Asia sees Asian men easiest, here white men easiest.  That's who make the systems.  p-hacking just happens, even when you're counting.  Quantum machines will minimize this, it's a temporary problem. 

The founding fathers did not know they were designing systems, they did not know how to count.  They spent nine years designing our system.  They dropped the constitution in 1787?

In 1787 human beings were still getting used to negative numbers.  So, aside from Hamilton and Franklin, Jefferson and few others, none are counting backwards.  The farmer types are not even counting forwards. 

Plus, you could not even explain what a negative number was to them.  It would be outside of their index of suspicion.  The sentence "I'm minus 4 cows" wouldn't signify any idea.  They would understand each word, but not what they meant put together like that.  Once you haven't any cows, you haven't any cows.

That is the brain power of the designers of the systems, we live under today.  Worse our designers intentionally, with no hesitation or remorse, designed everything at themselves and their sub-groups (white women, white children), they were not neutral.

Worse, as for the "others", non-whites, the designers of the systems on this land, did not ignore them.  They intentionally designed our systems at them, at their expense.  Whenever they felt like it. 

Incidental p-hacking is bad enough, but this was an intentional shaping of structure and direction of resources, out from under the feet of the humans here.  Including native peoples and those humans we stole.

Half the universe was excluded in our system design.  The waste is destructive.  We live under these systems today.  This is stupid.  No one would design a democratic republic practicing capitalism on this land like this today.  Literally no one.  This is stupid.  We should hire systems designers and design the systems. We're loaded, it would be easy. We are getting robbed.  But, back to "systemic racism", aka "How P-Hacked is America?"

So every instinct they had is in those pages, unfettered by concerns of "others".

Ok, an expert at p-hacking (try MIT or CalTech, this is a math question, like all questions), would count at the words the founding fathers wrote down over those nine years.  I am an idiot so I'll stick to basics.


All men are created equal.  In 1787 America, the "ALL" group, was a discrete object in mathematics.  With an entity-type, with a definition close to; Land Owning, Non-Land Owning, Male, Over the Majority Age and White.  Plus two, sub-groups of White Women and White Children.

If you are in the [ALL] group in 1787, you know it and you are in luck.  Every syllable that designs every system, and designs how all the stuff moves, was written exclusively by members of your group.  Written totally unfettered for your group.  Also, the system was written, not ignoring the others, but at their expense, whenever the ALL group wanted. 

But there is no "systemic" racism"?  Imagine having video of yourself saying that in public, if someone decides to count one day?  That will not age well.  Every system is p-hacked.

If we can find the "ALL" group today, we can see how far we have come as a nation. 

Look at the "ALL" group today "Black lives matter".  "ALL" lives matter.  There is the 2021 "ALL" group.  "All Lives Matter". 

Let's see:
Male, check. 
Land-owning, check. 
Non-land-owning, check.
Over the majority age, check. 
White, check. 
White women, check. 
White children, check. 
Plus a few tokens.

Add a few tokens, it's the same group.  We have come two inches in our racism journey since day one.  It's the same group. 

We have come a few tokens, in 250 years?

The "ALL" Group in 1787: "ALL" Men are created equal:
Male, Land Owning, Non Land Owning, Over the Majority Age White, White Women, White Children

The "ALL" Group in 2021: "ALL" Lives Matter:
Male, Land Owning, Non Land Owning, Over the Majority Age White, White Women, White Children plus a few tokens.

The people, in the "ALL"  group win.  The words that make the country are p-hacked and that will never change.  The words are the words.  All we can do is museum these words for half of us, and separate and pursue happiness, for all of us.  Under two different systems. 

Half living under the words from 1787.  The "others" half counting from the plural.  Taking the ideas behind the 1787 words, and make them suitable for tomorrow, today.  We should at least make the movie.

So, in reality, racism wise, in 250 years, the "ALL" group is same group with a few tokens.  We have gone two inches since day one.  It's all been noise.  What has Mitch & Nancy been doing all these years?  Nothing works on the wealthiest land ever?  Giving someone a hoodie, when it's -40 degrees outside is not helpful.

Yet half the country will look you in your face, and dead-ass go "racism is over, we freed them and had civil rights, we are even!"

Yeah, those people are in the "ALL" group!  Heloooo-ah, to them these systems are dope.

So, if you are in the [ALL] group today, the system was p-hacked for you all those years ago!  So, you think this is swell.  Plus, you will deny there is any p-hacking, or math, or logic, and defend this lopsided system by gaslighting or violence. 

If you're not in the [ALL] group, you think this sucks.  Which, it does, and always has, mostly for those not in the [ALL] group.

So, if we keep these words, we get this result.  It's baked in.  Not going anywhere. 

Look at their faces as they argue so violently against the idea that we are p-hacked to shit.  All their fear and hate, desperate to force the false thing, as true.  At all of earth.  aka Gaslighting.  They are in fact completely wrong.  America isn't racist, they are, the Confederates. 

Every system we live under was designed by humans, and p-hacked.  I'd go to MIT or CalTech and ask them pick up a pencil and count for their country.  FIT can't do it.  If they wont count who will?

Now imagine the face of those white politicians yelling into cameras, with hate twinkling in their eyes, certainty in their voice, no math anywhere, no idea what they are talking about, screaming: "There is no systemic racism!".  They went to law school, just take out the word "systemic", it's math, how would they know?  What have you got?

A bunch of racists yelling "There is no racism!  There is no racism!  There is no racism!".  And getting the votes.  They yell it from within the "ALL" group, at the "ALL" group, and win. 

That's disgusting. 

We are not one people, we need more than one system.  I think they will find life different, using these old words with no "others" to deploy them at.  We do not need them, they need us.

Friday, June 11, 2021

All Roads

All Roads Lead to Putin, and racism.

1) In 2012 Burisma "we addressed it already", Holdings ltd, was under investigation for serious money laundering and tax evasion and other stuff, with Deutche Bank.  Yup, same Trump - Deutche Bank.  It's just a fact.

2)  In 2014 Hunter had an $83,000.00 per month no-show job, on the board of Burisma "we addressed it already", Holdings ltd.  He can't have a no-show job, that is simply money his father doesn't need to shell out for his lifestyle expenses, which are substantial. 

3) Deutche Bank to Cypress Bank to Putins Bank, just facts.

So, if you couple Joe's life long " if blah blah, you ain't black" attitude, with his son's fondness of the "N" word.  Seems, the beacon for planet earth for things like: Democracy, freedom, human rights, fair trade, fair opportunities, financial options, a place to dream and most of all we stand for equality:  

Yet our last two presidents are racists getting paid by Putin.  France can see us!  We look like morons.  Don't Denmark got banks?  Don't Botswana got banks?  Why do all roads lead to Putin and no one cares? 

Hey CIA, NSA, FBI, FU PDQ!  Thanks 4 nothing! 

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

We are going way too fast.

What if we just think we know what the worst government in American history is?  The people coming next are our descendants.  Our flesh and blood.  We owe it to them to stop, right now and make sure that the Trump, Mitch and Nancy show is the worst government this land ever sees.  If we don't, their suffering is on us.

"The allocation of resources to govern for the public health, safety and morals".  That is their job.  Ooooops!  The most amount of illness and death in American history.  Like 90% avoidable.  After all, we got more health and safety stuff per person, than any people in the history of health, safety, stuff or persons.  We even dug it up.  They took it.  We did not get the health and safety, the count is short.

So, since they voted Nancy a second term, she must have done great for their constituency.  which could NOT be the 330 million of us.  Had they been thinking of us, as they voted "YES", they would have wondered about the dead.  400,000 already, more coming.  ow many more?  I was thinking about us, as I watched them re-elect the worst speaker in history.  I counted.  I counted, on that day, as the good team is voting yes on Nancy. 

On that day, up to 100,000 of us are then dead, but have not croaked yet.  They are voting yes because she did well, not for us, but for their constituency.  Again could not be us. We are dead and dying, they could not have considered us for a zeptosecond.  So, who were they voting?  worst speaker, as they were all wort, and they decided she did swell. Industry, is their constituency.

Nancy got a second term, as industry did well.  That is the good team.  Imagine their replies "So, congressperson, since you voted "yes" for the worst speaker ever for the people, who was she good for? What scale did you use to vote yes? Please name industry and specific companies".  They are stealing our stuff.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

The Math to describe our political groups - in English

We are in groups.  Sets of people.  Natural unordered system sets.  Discrete mathematics.  The group is one discrete object.  The study of discrete objects.  Groups.

This is the math we can use to prove things, to get better at knowing "how" to know things. Using discrete mathematics at the group, we may know what will in fact, happen at the group.  But not at an individual in the group, there's no way to do that as far as I know.

It involves all the maths, except, non-linear varying quantities.  The individual.  These maths are the other maths, excluding discrete mathematics.

So, the individual or the group.  The singular or the plural.  One or many.  See the word "or", we can't have both on one processor.  Like running windows at the same time it's running MacOs, cant be done.  You would need to split the processor to make that work.

Half of us make choices from the singular, half form the plural.  These, as we just saw are two different maths.  They are not compatible, and we will never unify on anything other than agreeing we do not want this.  We should work together to focus only on what each group does not want.

This struggle between one and some defines and shapes our politics, health, money, lives in almost every way, every day.  There is no chance to vote our way out from here, the way the system is deployed.  If we want someone to sort out our systems, maybe we ought to hire someone who, you know, designs systems.  Might that be a way to make sense of this all?

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

The World Trade Center and the War? Are They Connected or not?

As the years after 9/11 passed, reports came out about the reasons we were given for the current war.  At some point, on the news, in public, I think all but one reason "they" (Cheney, Bush, Rice, Powell, Rumsfeld etc.) gave, was dismissed, as not mistake, but intentional lies by "they".  That's my question.  Were we lied to, conned into war? What specifically was true, what was not, should we have been at war?

The Taliban was hiding in Afghanistan, but the enemy was the Taliban right? Or did the nation ,the people of Afghanistan do something more?  We got the Taliban out by Dec 2001.  We are still at war.

In second grade they took our class to watch them build those towers.  Some kid, Silverstein, who went to my high school, owned the lease.  As an adult, I'd work there for a couple of years.  I remember after 9/11 having meetings again, the fire still burning, walking on white stuff, seeing photos everywhere.  So, I have been there, it is my home town.  I am not Mr WTC, but I've wondered how I'd feel, if it were not true and the news or whoever used my death to promote a fake war, if it's fake?

13 Saudi's and some other dudes came to Manhattan, knocked three of our building down, and we let them.  If this had nothing to do with why we are at war, I think it's a super big mistake to link the two.  Accidentally disrespectful to the dead that day.  Saudi's took down our buildings, not Iraqi's or Afghans.

Either, 9/11 is why we went into Afghanistan and Iraq, or 9/11 had nothing to do with it.  So, why do I need to hear on my news, on either side, the magical connection between 9/11 and this war?  Which is it?

If not the reasons they gave us, then why?  Why would Powell lie at earth, from the UN with fake photos and all? For Cheney money and power?  Bush, idk, maybe it was father's day.  Instead if a tie rack, we'll attack Iraq.  That seems to be how they treat us. 

America does not need to cheat, to win at anything.  Not science, not business, not policy, not war, not anything.  This is always the bug in our system, most of the the 535 of them cheat.  Each tiny lie they tell, they tell, because if they didn't tell it, and told the truth, you would know they don't represent you.  Why else lie?

The Chaney Bush experience: Ok here is the list I remember from 2002/2003 when they were selling us this vital war. 

***Lindsey Graham went on tv the other day, with Printed out Slides and all. He explained why we can't sop the war.  Now I don't know if this is the right way, probably there are better ways to end it.  But not one person in the press told the story of Graham and his slides.  Those slides were designed to do one thing, keep the war going.  Not one letter or char wasted on making less war.  Not a calorie spent on how to leave.  Just nope, money for war.  They don't even hide it.  That is the story, it doesn't even occur to them, that we might need reasons.  Apparently we don't. 

In Graham's best judgement, a good use of his time was those, 'make more war' slides.  He got paid by us for those stupid slides.

Like why the slides now?  If he knew we can't leave this war, then why not stop this war 18 years ago?  How about 10 years ago? 7? 5?  Grahams solution?  WAR WAR AND MORE WAR.  And Why are we at war again? 

Ok finally, here are the reasons and the outcome from years later.  Simple question: are we at war for zero reasons?  Can anybody answer why I heard one thing 02/03 and another after?

1) Thousand of emails they knew and later proved were forged, reading that Saddam was looking to purchase yellow cake uranium.

2) Non-existing Yellowcake Uranium.

3) 60,000 aluminum tubes they knew were not for nukes but communicated that they were.

4) Photos of Mohammad Attah (one of the hijackers) was not him and they knew that but told us it was him anyway.  Our photo analyst said Attah was small, like 5'6 145lbs, the guy in the photo in Europe with Saddam's guy was huge, and it was not Attah.  (If this was a lie, there goes the Iraq war lie, so why were we really in Iraq?.

5) Photos of places: Powell on tv at the UN at planet earth with a fake photo, he knew was fake.  He told a colleague: Powell- "I wonder what will happen when we comb that country (Iraq), end to end and find no WMD", he knew.  Half remorseful or not he lied at planet earth in our name. 

6) Two witnesses they knew were fabricators, and relied on that.

7) Lied about WMD

8) Lied about ties to 911

Am I missing anything?  If all the reasons for war were lies, then we are at war for zero reasons.  Why cant we send the "they" to the World Court, with the instructions "Don't cheat"?  I am an American, if they cheated the earth, they should be held accountable.  They shame us, if they lied right?

All I am asking, please do not tie this withdrawal to 9/11 if it is not true.  There are thousand of 9/11 dead, if those buildings had nothing to do with the war, please stop linking the two.  You disrespect each of the 9/11 dead, every time you do that. 

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Knee/Neck Ratios, Evidence and the Confedrates amoung us, in America!

Watching how carefully some seem to want this evidence to be detailed and examined, to the tiniest fragment, seems bizarre. Look how fascinated and interested in the knee/neck pressure ratios, some see to be. Was not always this way. Remember Rodney King, all that evidence, they pretended was not? In Will Brown case of 1919, we can really see how much these humans value evidence, in their long storied history of evidence analysis.

Photo, outside a court 1919 I think, regarding evidence, and knee/neck ratios:

"Mayor Edward P. Smith arrived on the scene and attempted to persuade the rioters to leave. He was struck on the head from behind, a rope was placed around his neck, and his unconscious body was strung up to a lamppost. He was cut down before he succumbed, but the mob then broke into the courthouse, tore off Brown’s clothing as he was being dragged out, hanged him from a lamppost, and riddled his already dead body with bullets. His body was then tied to a police car, dragged to a major downtown intersection, and then burned. Fragments of the rope used to lynch him were sold as souvenirs for 10 cents apiece. Numerous photographs were taken, including one which shows some of the lynchers proudly posing behind Brown’s charred body. That photo became known around the world as the iconic image of Red Summer violence."

This photo is outside a courtroom. Outside, not inside. Outside. There is no evidence outside a courtroom is there? No evidence required. But when the races are reversed, we got knee/neck pressure ratio formulas. This trial is disgusting. I am not fooled this easily.

Today we get knee/neck ratios, they have rededicated themselves to evidence preservation and evidence significance training since 1919. Today we get Tucker:

"“[There] was no physical evidence that George Floyd was murdered,” Carlson said, adding that “the autopsy showed that George Floyd almost certainly died of a drug overdose, fentanyl.”

I had thought the video of the 4 cops murdering him is evidence, the witness testimony is evidence, the dead body is evidence. I would have thought there was evidence. But no, thankfully, Tucker learned me.

Also, thankfully, the descendants of these fine Confederates (in the photo), are here, alive and well and thriving today. They even recently had their first president to lead us all. If their next one can read, write and count we will be in real trouble, thankfully they are here to inform me, that no, the violence did not cause the violent death.

I looked for a video of a black guy killing someone where Tucker makes this type assertion on their behalf? If you find one let me know. Wow, black people must be really guilty all of the time huh?

So, do we believe today's confederates care about evidence any more than their grandparents? That was Will Brown, an innocent man, the evidence against him? Someone said it he did it. He hadn't.

I keep asking, if the civil war were still going on, and wars have lasted longer, what team is everyone one? Are republicans United States Citizens, who believe all people are created equal (see photos attached, and the ridiculousness of today's evidentiary testimony.)? Or are they Confederates (minus slavery)?

Would confederates care about about knee/neck pressure ratios? Or just that the white guys get off.

Do we have to live in a hybrid United states/Confederate States system? This sucks. Oh, in the photo, that was an innocent black man btw, that our Confederate's forefathers murdered in the name of equality and justice for all. Lets see that stupid formula again.

I wish the founding father had written down what to down in the course of human events one people become politically different form another. What was that? Stay together, one team forcing the other to abandon all hope of happiness perusing, and they are to be forced to live in ways they dont want? Or to separate? What was it again? I can't remember?

How can Confederates and United States humans, make one system? Can anyone answer why we are trying to do that?

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Hunter Biden Was Administratively Discharged Not Dishonorably. No He Was Not Pregnant, He Was Caugth with Cocaine

Why do we let them do us like this. Trump is a moron, but except for the tens of millions of dollars line Trump said, all the rest is true. It's all documented. Joe is publicly sponsoring legislation to put your kid in jail for drugs, while he is getting Hunter off scott free. Over and over.  Perk after felony after perk.
Most of what Trump is saying, minus the conspiracy nonsense.

First Hunter coke bust is at 18 in NJ that we know about. 25 years later, he joins the military, not pregnant at the time. He does have 5 kids. Some with strippers, some with one woman while participating with his dead bothers widow (gross). Life long coke freak, crack head (crack!?!? like wtf?) and stripper addict. Joins the military at 43? The free money, drugs and hot stripper sex is no good, he wants to wear green and be told when to wake yup? What? Adult Onset Patriotism Syndrome?  MY ASS!

Who did this kid just kill, wtf just happened they used our military for family therapy? Did not work. This degenerate, who can't resist his wallet, his dick or his nose, was coke caught in a few weeks. This cheater, who just published a book profiting off his crimes, btw. This is an insult and not a sympathetic figure. He was not pregnant when he joined our military nor apparently a college grad (how would we know, one senator says yes one says no, both democrats, how are we supposed to know???, great press). Yet got an Administrative Discharge, for the felony of coke? These people use our stuff like therapy?

Cheaters, no honor, lousy perk taking cheaters are in charge. In the last two elections we had one indictable felon vs another indictable felon, and we can't sort out we're gtting robbed? France can see us, we look like idiots. Yay Bidens. The press? I am a moron, this was a six minute google search. Six minutes, by me a total idiot. And the press don't know all this? My ass. We keep getting played.

And what kind of a moron can not get into University Delaware , (Ask Senator Tom Carper of Delaware, on the record under oath) yet has their back up school be Georgetown and Yale? Cheaters and felons.

So, if he is not a college grad joining the military as an officer is a felony. He was NOT dishonorably discharged. That's more felonies. That is disgusting, it was drugs, coke, that is serious, what is this post about again? These assholes. A famous running back was publicly flogged, arrested, dishonorably discharged, charged, court-martialed and did 15 days and has a record. Unless the name is Biden?

And what kind of a moron can't get into Delaware State University? His back-up school is Georgetown then Yale? How hard is it to ask Senator Tom Carper, of Delaware, why he is under oath lying about Hunter not getting in?

If Sen. Carper lied then charge him with perjury, if the President of the United States of America is lying, quit your job as "news", for hiding it. 
We can not have a US Senator or a The President of the United States of America be a proven liar can we? Which is it, did they cheat him a fake education or not? How are we supposed to know? Press sucks too.

Hypocrisy is the lowest form of knowledge, this seems to be our president now, "better than the last guy", can be you're bar it is not mine, this is America:
I'm #MetToo, unless the Name is Biden
Drug users are to blame, unless the Name is Biden
Huffman & Laughlin, LOCK THEM UP!, unless the Name is Biden
Coke in the Navy, dishonorable, lock them up, unless the Name is Biden
No-show jobs are corruption, unless the Name is Biden
Cheating into school, unless the Name is Biden
Taking enemy money is selling the US, unless the Name is Biden
The press and his pals hiding all this? Priceless!

We wont know how much this will cost us for a while yet. Cheaters and con men and criminals. Yay press! Both sides, cheaters and liars. Cheaters and liars, steal stuff. No one is coming to help us.

More Serious Stuff, Putin and shit maybe.

Senaca Fund team: Heinz, Deovn Arhcer, Hunter Biden, who stole 60 mil from native Americans, all documented, the Heinz kid is clean as I read it, the other two are douche bags. That was an 83,000.00 a month no-show job on the board of Burisma "we addressed it already", with Hunter and Devon Archer, from Seneca Fund, he same board same 83k same time at Burisma "we addressed it already". Both tied to the Hienz family tied to John Kerry!

Burisma "we addressed it already" is under investigation for dealings with Deutche Bank (starting 2012), so is Trump? What? Democrats and Republicans with ties to Deutche Bank to Cypress Bank to Rossoyia Bank? Isn't that Putin's personal bank that he owns or something?. Why is it so easy to tie these people to Putin's money? Why not Denmark or Botswana? Can anyone count in this country? what is going on? Did they just run our virus the way someone else wanted them to?

I am not interested in feelings or stupid lawyer words, can anyone count? Is there an epidemiologist who could count what we would we look like if a friend lead the virus, what would we look like in an enemy ran it. What do we actually, technically, look like now?  Which was it? I don't think this is close, not emotionally. The enemy ran this, were they foreign or domestic? Can someone look, who ran this?